Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Huffington Post: The Not-So-Sweet Smell of Success Ah, we knew she was a snake when we picked her up. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/03/14/956402/-Andrew-Breitbart-Comes-Home-to-HuffPo » Posted By moongal6 On April 23, 2011 @ 10:52 am Love, Marriage and Sex – Separate But Equal? Wow! After reading all these comments, I am sort of speechless, but I feel compelled to respond. » Posted By moongal6 On March 9, 2011 @ 6:18 pm Sarah Palin Watch: The Death of Death Panels I Thank you for your insightful comments. I went on a rant about the citizen from Alaska and her own death panels. In fact, I thought it was the reason she QUIT. » Posted By moongal6 On February 19, 2011 @ 9:46 pm I Thank you and PocketWatch for sharing your stories, I hope the sting is softened by time. » Posted By moongal6 On February 19, 2011 @ 9:35 pm What an absolutely wonderful article. I am so fortunate to live in Oregon, a Death with Dignity state. Years ago, when I first moved here, I found it somewhat alarming that there would be, listed on the obituary page, deaths of people my own age (I am now 60). http://www.redmondhospice.org/pdfs/OregonAdvanceDirective.pdf » Posted By moongal6 On February 19, 2011 @ 9:23 pm I remember when RR closed down state hospitals and released thousands criminally insane and mentally ill and retarded people out on the streets. I was CA state employee at one of the hospitals NOT shut down. Most of them eventually ended up in one of the institutions not closed. Double shifts, no overtime pay, working 6 days straight. RR actions started a truly visible early homelessness in CA. What a guy. » Posted By moongal6 On February 18, 2011 @ 11:53 pm Well, the final straw landed today. There was a story at H’s place that just did it for me. » Posted By moongal6 On February 15, 2011 @ 11:27 pm You know, like Mary Richards, with the giant M. Miss Huff wants a giant H. » Posted By moongal6 On February 15, 2011 @ 11:21 pm It is so good to see new/old faces here at POV. I will no doubt be spending more time here, as lately, I have felt like an unwanted guest at HP after spending years and two “lives” there. » Posted By moongal6 On February 13, 2011 @ 5:41 pm So funny. I don’t know how B-Ville reacted. I’m a vegetarian and I live in South coast. But, if I truly wanted a burger, I would go to Burgerville. Yummmm. And I’m sure Nike ain’t going anywhere. I didn’t hear them complaining. No, the most noise came from the Republican’s. » Posted By moongal6 On January 27, 2010 @ 2:13 am SOMETHING AMAZING HAPPENED IN OREGON TONIGHT. We passed Measures 66 & 67. We voted to TAX THE RICH! Measure 66 was a minimal tax on single people making over $150,000 a year and joint filers over $250,000. That is only 3% of the population here. I don’t think they will feel too much sting. » Posted By moongal6 On January 27, 2010 @ 1:04 am Retarded; To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede. » Posted By moongal6 On February 2, 2010 @ 10:12 pm Did you like the A’s when BillyBall was there? Oh, what a sight to see. I still have my BillyBall shirt. » Posted By moongal6 On February 1, 2010 @ 11:02 pm I supplied a link, should have done it first, but, it has been one of those days. There are other links showing the progress the Natives are making to try and overturn this mess. The only thing Mr. McCain has truly done for the Natives in his state is to campaign for their right to have casinos. I believe that is because the senator from Arizona is known to have a major gambling problem. » Posted By moongal6 On January 29, 2010 @ 12:07 am John McCain and Peabody coal transplanted Native Americans off their tribal lands so Peabody coal could work on a new mine. Unfortunately, the senate bill John McCain introduced to do this, moved the Natives to land that was previously used for toxic dumping. » Posted By moongal6 On January 28, 2010 @ 11:43 pm You Can Run Scientific Experiments in Your Own Home This is so great. Thank you. I had SETI on my iMac about 10 years ago. I bought a new Mac and forgot all about SET » Posted By moongal6 On January 25, 2010 @ 12:22 am Kev, Thank you for your post. I am only getting my feet wet these last few years. I am a delegate to the 4th Congressional District here in Oregon. I have been doing voter registration for years. In November, I was invited to have dinner with my Secretary of State. She was more than happy to let me bend her ear, it was wonderful. But, I must say the last few days have been rather deflating. I was reading an editorial at Truthout today and I was shocked as I read the comments. The site has been infested with teabaggers, birthers, afterbirthers, neocons, and just plain hatred. It is discouraging, to say the least, but, collectively we can get our second wind. I am recently retired, so I will dedicate all I can toward the ultimate goal of helping to save our America. I will not let greed and negative powers take hold any longer. » Posted By moongal6 On January 21, 2010 @ 11:13 pm Kev, you are correct. I was asking my Sec. of State which mode of correspondence got the most attention from politicians, and of course, she said a printed letter. She said those are the ones that get placed on their desks, not the office staff’s. » Posted By moongal6 On January 22, 2010 @ 1:11 am Round One of the New President Obama: The Populist I agree! I am always impressed with the Daily Show and their research team. They rarely disappoint. That’s why they win the awards. I’m also glad that younger people watch Stewart/Colbert. They are listening, and it’s great. » Posted By moongal6 On January 22, 2010 @ 1:06 am Bill Maher is an entertainer. It is when he spouts things like his support for the Iraq war that I have a problem. He was touting how the first Democratic elections in Iraq were such a success. I went a bit nuts. He was bragging about the huge turnout. But, he failed to mention, or was ignorant of the fact, that if each citizen did not show officials a purple finger after voting, they would not get their food allotment for their family next month. It is his “half stories” that seem to do more harm than good. He was helping to “catapult the propaganda” I also have little understanding of his relationship with M/ANN Coulter. No Thanks. » Posted By moongal6 On January 21, 2010 @ 11:55 pm Quark, I sure do agree with just about all you say, except the statement of Republicans giving us something for nothing. I would have to say that the partisan Republicans in 2003 gave us Nothing for Something in the form of the unfunded Medicare Part D. It is the something that cost 1.2 trillion dollars of unfunded money straight from the deficit. When the R’s passed this in the middle of night in November 2003, they lied about the cost, and did not reveal the true numbers until after Bush signed it in December. Medicare D spawned the Medicare budget draining vampire called Medicare Advantage. » Posted By moongal6 On January 21, 2010 @ 11:37 pm Let’s ALL THANK Huffington Post and Its Proprietor POS=Piece of Shit » Posted By moongal6 On January 20, 2010 @ 11:17 am I have not, nor will I ever give up on President Obama. I worked too hard at my Democratic HQ, to help get him where he is supposed to be. I still believe him to be the most brilliant of strategists. I had lost hope lately,(the Republicans can be so oppressive), and your post revived my spirit. I agree, that many things have been accomplished, in spite of the opposition, and I know that many great things are in store for America. » Posted By moongal6 On January 20, 2010 @ 1:50 am Adlib, I Thank you with all my respect for this most perfect post. You said everything I was ranting on about tonight, and you said it succinctly. I can only hope that all this comes to pass. The expression, “bully pulpit” comes to mind. I am so tired of President Obama reaching out to the R’s and the Blue dogs, only to be turned away. It is discouraging at best. Your post has inspired me tonight, and I again am feeling hopeful and looking forward to the SOTU address. » Posted By moongal6 On January 19, 2010 @ 11:41 pm What Martin Luther King Jr. Day means to me I have read all the enlightening comments on this post. I wasn’t going to comment myself, as I felt I had nothing to say. But, I just couldn’t leave, not just yet. My Father who is still with us, is Oglala Sioux. He was born at Pine Ridge Reservation in SD. He has never been comfortable admitting to his heritage. I look at pictures taken on the reservation by the missionaries, and my Dad is the only one trying to look “white”. He is wearing shoes, (of sorts), a watch, and a button up shirt. The name he was given was Standing Soldier, and my Grandma had to travel to the county clerk’s office after his birth to file for his citizenship. The clerk would not accept the name Standing Soldier, so, my Father’s name is Joe Smith. My Father likes his name because it does not reflect his heritage. Growing up, my Father was intolerant of other races and cultures. I will not say he was racist, but, he was, in a quiet way. My Mother, on the other hand, embraced all cultures, and it was wonderful. It wasn’t until my junior year in high school that I realized, I was racist. I was a quiet one, but one, nonetheless. I looked down on Hispanics and thought they were inferior. I had many African American friends, no problem, but no Hispanic people, never. I went to a multi-racial high school, and when I walked home I never went home on the side of the street where the hispanics hung out. My racism never set well with me, it gnawed at me that I couldn’t like “these” people. One day, I had an epiphany. I realized I didn’t like “them”, because they spoke another language, they would make comments and I didn’t know what they were saying. I knew nothing of their culture, language, etc. » Posted By moongal6 On January 20, 2010 @ 12:45 am I always thought Thatcher looked just like Reagan in drag. I don’t ever recall seeing them together in the same room. And yes, she was irritating. » Posted By moongal6 On January 3, 2010 @ 11:08 pm Happy New Year to everyone! It is a dark and stormy night here at the beach in Oregon. New ideas on the horizon. Always hopeful. » Posted By moongal6 On January 1, 2010 @ 12:51 am Perfect rant Emerald. There is definitely a severe disconnect when there are statistics like this; » Posted By moongal6 On December 6, 2009 @ 1:34 pm I have been on the J Street mailing list since it’s inception. I read as much as I could about this new entity, and I must say I am impressed. J Street’s message is strong, positive and a good, new wrinkle for the people. » Posted By moongal6 On December 6, 2009 @ 1:16 pm Couldn’t stop laughing. Far toooo much! » Posted By moongal6 On December 29, 2009 @ 11:37 pmComments Posted By moongal6
Our first clue should have been when we discovered who helped her start HP.
First of all, to AdLib, Happiest of Celebrations to you and your bride.
Secondly, wow, again. Reading these comments, I realize after a 40 year marriage of my own, I know little. I was with my husband since we were 14. We married at 18, and I divorced him at the age of 58. Never even kissed another man. My husband was one of the nicest alcoholic, drug addicts you would ever want to meet. I waited patiently almost 40 years for him to get tired of his lifestyle, but even after he survived a ruptured thoraco-abdomino aortic aneurysm, he still didn’t get the message the universe was so miraculously sending him. I literally stood over his bed in the hospital for 10 days, the physicians kept him in a drug induced coma because he was going through withdrawals so bad. I nursed him at my house for two weeks after the surgery. Within that recovery I realized that even with the drastic wake up call for him, he still barely noticed me. That’s when I got my wake up call. I get it. I take full responsibility for my choices in life, I blame no one, I owe no one. Life is so good. My former husband follows me where ever I move, and notices me now, for all the wrong reasons. Because he won’t take responsibility for his choices, he tells everyone “my wife divorced me after 40 years, and I don’t know why”. Now anyone who believes that, well, there’s this bridge in Brooklyn………..
I am a recently retired ICD-9 Medical coder and insurance biller. I billed Medicare and Private insurance for the State of CA. What happened during the citizen’s tenure, had NEVER before happened. For the first time in Medicare and Medicaid’s history, Federal Funding was actually WITHDRAWN from a state due to poor management and inadequate administration of the two programs. She would hire people she thought were friends, allies, whatever. Bottom line, she hired incompetent people into positions they were never qualified to administer.
I still do think that is why she quit, and when she got off the hook, remember Bush was still President, she knew she was the new teflon queen. Yes, she did have her own Death Panels.
No wonder she feels so empowered, nothing negative STICKS to her.
Here in Oregon, we get to choose what day to leave our mortal shell. We get to have our family, friends and all loved ones be with us. Or, we can chose our own private time. I don’t know which one I will choose, if faced with this decision, but I do take great comfort in knowing I decide.
I got over it. I wish each state would consider putting a measure on the ballot and make the will of the people be known.
Here is a link, I hope it works, to the pdf of AD plus HIPAA consent, etc,. There may be enough info to at least get things started.
I am now officially a non HP user. In the words of Roseanne…….I feel like singin’.
But, the other measure, 67, taxes corporations. Here in OR, corporations have been paying only…wait for it……$10 a year, that’s right $10.
After today, the most any corporation may have to pay is $100,000. And that is only IF they make more than ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS a year. We do have some prominent corporations here, Nike, Champion Sportswear, Columbia Sportswear, Amy’s Organics. But, the one that complained about this measure the most was Columbia Sports.
The Republicans fought so very hard to make sure these measures failed. They spent so much time and money. I am proud of my fellow Oregonians, in that even the Red areas here saw through the shit and voted smart. It is about time corporations paid their fair share.
Maybe we will start a trend.
I believe that Rahm used the word appropriately. He was commenting on those “fucking retarded” people who were trying to block his way.
The word retarded has little to do with the child of the citizen from Alaska, and much to do with the millions who believe in her. The citizen really does believe that everything is about her. Rahm used the word retarded, not retard.
I spend the better part of my career working with and caring for Developmentally Disabled people. I enjoyed every day of it. The definition of the word(s) retarded, retard have been corrupted yet again by our massacre of the English language. Rahm is not one of my favorite people in the WH, but today would not be a good day to axe him.
BTW, good score on having a partner who helps with the kids, especially when they’re sick.
I finally (after 40 years) extricated myself from one who forgot we even had kids. I still see my fourth, unruly “child” almost every day. Even with that, I have such a beautiful life. Truly, always, blessed.
Go Saints!
I. I will download it again to put on my iBook. Thanks again.
I am still hopeful that President Obama will announce that he will endorse HR676, single payer, and use the bully pulpit to get the message to Congress.
I know that this is a lofty dream, but I always did have a great imagination.
I realized then, that my racism was born out of IGNORANCE. My ignorance made me fearful, my fear made me racist. I made sure I did some research on their culture, language and their everyday way of life. So, when I see or hear racist these days, I can pretty much be assured that their comments are born out of fear and ignorance. Enlightenment is the only way to be unafraid.
In a serious vein, IMHO, doesn’t Yemen fall into the PNAC umbrella? I am basically ignorant about this, but I remember reading something a while back about this on Truthout. Kristol, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and all the usual suspects still have the Middle East in their sights.
The United States leads the WORLD in BILLIONAIRES, with 360. Canada and Germany are tied for second place with 54.
And of course, we all know that the United States places 37 in healthcare, according to WHO.
This is not acceptable.
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