PlanetPOV will be hosting a live chat simultaneously with the debate, to share reactions, insights and humor as the debate plays out. The Live Chat and debate both start at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm PDT.
Trump wants a war. Before taking the photos and claims we're being fed at face value, we might think about a couple of things, historical and factual, that make this whole incident appear to be very dubious.
Trump has a fundamental disrespect for the American government. The "phony" Constitution, he said. He reeks of it: a cheap gangster who hates everything that we stand for. It's the most obvious salient about Trump. He hates the United States of America.
To the tune of The Christmas Song, "Trump's nuts roasting while old Lindsey cries. Rand Paul curling 'round his toes. Tyrant Donald being hung by his lies, While Trump's mob falls like dominoes."
Trump reacted to being barred from re-entering the U.S. under his extreme vetting plan, "That Executive Order is only supposed to keep hateful extremists out of America! Okay, but I'm white so why is it being used against me?!"
"The Republican Party will run on a unifying theme to assure voters that we will continue down the Trump path we're on," McDaniel stated, standing beside a small cage with a 4 year old Latino boy in it.
The coming summer will be the second since the most severe, and near-complete breakdown ever, of the weather generating and regulating system; consisting of the polar icecap, the polar air mass, the sea, and the vortex - collectively known as the North Pole. It's going to be hot. Very hot!
"I'm proud to be a Democrat where at least I can fistbump. And I won't forget the Repubs who've tried, to elect a douche named Trump."
Coming on the heels of Mitt Romney's unintentionally ironic attack today on Trump, the knives will be out for Trump at the debate tonight from all directions. You're invited to join us right here for a live chat during the debate, the best way on The Planet to watch a debate!
I for one am anxious for the unavoidable presidency of Donald Trump to begin ASAP so it can be derailed and ended ASAP.