Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib6 hours ago
I may be a few minutes late tonight depending on the Softball Gods. Don’t go anywhere if I am, I will be here soon after 7pm, sunburn and all.
AdLib2 hours ago
Still at the ballfield in a tie game so will Vox from here.
AdLib2 hours ago
I am early. Check back in.a bit.
2 hours ago
AdLib2 hours ago

Hello everyone
2 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib2 hours ago

Glenn how are you.
2 hours ago
My top question is, will SCOTUS rule that Trump’s kill list of Democrats is constitutional?
AdLib2 hours ago

Well there is a lot to talk about.
2 hours ago

Ad you know they will.
2 hours ago
Hi Glenn!
AdLib2 hours ago
After Inhad time to think about that SCOTUS hearing, I felt very queasy.
AdLib2 hours ago

The Frump trail in NY isn’t going well for him but you know me it’s not over until the jury declares him guilty which he is.
2 hours ago
Hi Murph and TW and Ad. AD that’s my question to. I don’t understand why there’s even a discussion about presidential immunity. How can you say that a president can commit crimes? If you have to commit a crime to rule the country then something is wrong. I just don’t understand why the Supreme Court just didn’t say there is no such thing as presidential immunity.
2 hours ago

Ad I know how you feel.
2 hours ago
I mean I do know why they have slow walked it. But I don’t understand why it would take until June to make a decision. And could you just imagine the uproar if presidential immunity is granted and Biden said he was going to kill off Trump?
2 hours ago
I think Trump will be convicted in the NY trial as long as there isn’t a MAGA on the jury.
AdLib2 hours ago

Glenn that indeed is the question t ask.
2 hours ago
I have returned…..
2 hours ago

Glenn is the Court rules in favor of Trump on the immunity it will not bode well for the country.
2 hours ago

Murph is back in the house break out the beer and peanuts and chips.
2 hours ago
AD what do you think the odds are of there being a Maga on the jury
2 hours ago
More like the Pepsi and the Aspirin.
2 hours ago
TW I agree completely. It does not bode well for the country. That’s why I just don’t understand what the question is about it. Murph maybe you can help me figure it out since you are a great historical scholar.
2 hours ago

Murph what the MAGA hats getting to you again?
2 hours ago
Glenn – As hard as it is to accept it, we have at least 4 SCOTUS judges who are corrupt fascists. They want a Trump dictatorship that crushes freedom.
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph let’s break out the Gingerale. It helps to settle my stomach after dialysis.
2 hours ago
And, I have had ample oppotunity to hop onto my soap box and point to what regard as the many fundamental flaws in our constitution…..
2 hours ago
AD how can you say you love this country and yet you want to destroy its democracy? I know what you’re saying but I just can’t wrap my mind around it.
2 hours ago
Glenn….here’s to you, champ!
2 hours ago
If SCOTUS approves immunity for presidents, Biden should strip Trump of his citizenship and make him ineligible to become president.
AdLib2 hours ago
Cheers Murph
2 hours ago
Ad…I’d prefer to have Biden send in a Seal Team and take him someplace that is nice and quiet and then…..
2 hours ago
AD I like that idea. Do you think they’ll rule on it before the election?
2 hours ago
Glenn- I think the odds are low of there being a MAGA on the NY jury. What do you think?
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph I would prefer your way also but I like ads just a little bit better because it doesn’t make him so much of a martyr.
2 hours ago
Glenn – I really don’t think these Supreme Court justices love or democracy. I think they are dominion-ists who simply want to dominate this country and getting rid of democracy is necessary to do that.
AdLib2 hours ago

Glenn if total immunity is granted to any president, it’s no longer a democracy, its a dictatorship. The kings and queens of England had total immunity because they were the ultimate authority. But the founders developed a separation of responsibilities so what Trump is advocation wouldn’t happen. They made the assumption the people would be more involved in the country but what we have now are people who have no understanding of how the government actually works and are more interested in doing dump crap on tic toc.
2 hours ago
AD I really want to believe the Odds are low but there’s still that little Niggeling thought in the back of my mind that the son of a bitch will get off again.
2 hours ago
Murph – I agree with you of course that the ideal thing would be to remove Trump from existence, but realistically, I think Biden could respond to a Supreme Court ruling of immunity by using it in a less lethal way. I think it’s actually possible to do this. Make them and Trump pay for such a decision.
AdLib2 hours ago
One of my associates is a judge with 35 years on the bench…even so he finds these open ended judicial terms to be breeding grounds for incompetence, and corruption…with the highest court particularly vulnerable.
2 hours ago
AD I guess you’re right. They want to dominate the country. It just blows my mind that people like Thomas who would be where he is now if it wasn’t for our wonderful democracy want to pull that ladder up after them. As I said it just blows my mind
2 hours ago
Glenn – yes, I do believe the Supreme Court will release a decision by late June when their term is over that specifies their ruling on immunity. The great thing that I’ve heard some people say like Andrew Weissman is that Chutkin could hold a hearing to explore the supreme courts request that she investigate what is official on what is private and what can be criminal and have something equivalent to a trial even though there won’t be a verdict.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW that’s when I’m having a hard time understanding what Scotus doesn’t understand about presidential immunity. The founders made the separation of church and state and also checks and balances of power. Do they realize that if they grant presidential immunity that the treasonous lying bully will be able to get rid of them?
2 hours ago

Ad when is a coup a official act in democratic country as Drumpf’s lawyer was arguing?
2 hours ago
to be clear, though I do not believe any of the justices, even the worst ones, said anything to support complete immunity. They flirted the idea that article 2 duties could be immune from prosecution. But that is a very small category which excludes everything Trump is charged with.
AdLib2 hours ago
Glenn – I do worry, too, that Trump may get away with the crimes in the New York trial but realistically, I don’t believe the prosecution would have allowed anyone on that they truly suspected was a MAGA.
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph I agree if we ever get a Democratic Congress and president I think one of the first things they should do is add more justices to the Supreme Court and limit Supreme Court terms.
2 hours ago
AD could you explain what article 2 duties are please?
an hour ago
AD that’s what I’m hoping to. From what I’ve seen the prosecutors are very smart and hopefully they would’ve spotted a Maga.
an hour ago
I feel like I’m talking to myself here. What happened?
an hour ago
an hour ago

Glenn, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh Corner Barrett seem to feel the country should be ruled by a dictator, Roberts is wishy-washy and the rest sotomayor, kagan, jackson are the only ones who see the real issue here.
an hour ago

Harliegh is in the house.
an hour ago
I can see it from here in floriduh
an hour ago
Glenn – Here’s a link. They do not cover anything Trump would be prosecuted for, all of which are private actions, not official.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLiban hour ago
hi guys!
an hour ago
Barrett did get Trump’s lawyer to admit that the charges in the January 6 case are all private actions. So strangely, I don’t think she’s on board with the four other crazies.
AdLiban hour ago
TW there you are!
an hour ago
I’ll be in and out for a little bit as I get to the hotel. My daughter’s team won the game in the eighth inning and I’m just leaving now. I will not be typing as I drive, don’t worry, just using the voice to text function. Keeping legal! And safe!
AdLiban hour ago
keep on rollin
an hour ago

Hey Ad be saf
an hour ago

I’m still here, don’t know what happened to Murph
an hour ago
why is glenn bouncing in and out??
an hour ago

Harleigh I see your gov is at it again.
an hour ago
it’s a race to the bottom, floriduh, texass and Arizona
an hour ago

Well we see the plot in AZ has it set of indicted individuals.
an hour ago
How about the new indictments in Arizona? Doesn’t it look like many more? Trumper’s will be going to prison?
AdLiban hour ago
Hi Harleigh
an hour ago
hey murph and glemm
an hour ago
I am here…call…..
an hour ago

Ad I have a copy of the indictment it should make for good reading.
an hour ago
AD Congratulations to your daughter’s team. Drive safely
an hour ago

Murph you’re back. How are the Redhats feeling about SC ramblings of yesterday?
an hour ago
Hey Harleigh. Long time no see.
an hour ago
the az illegal voting slate could be in really deep shit
an hour ago
TW – I agree. That indictment should be incredibly interesting.
AdLiban hour ago
TW have you read any of indictment yet? Anything that stands out to you?
an hour ago
im old glenn…. fall asleep easy!!! lol
an hour ago

Harleigh you said a race to the bottom that says a lot.
an hour ago
Harleigh oh I get it. I usually can’t stay here much more than a half an hour 45 minutes. So my time is just about up.
an hour ago

Glenn no I haven’t read it yet just printed it out today.
an hour ago
oh it’s true tw
an hour ago
TW OK hopefully you’ll have read it by next Friday.
an hour ago

I will have it done by then.
an hour ago
Glenn thank you so much my daughter pitched the first game gave up only one run and knocked in the winning run. She had a great game. But the second game, we were ahead 70 in the sixth inning, my daughter was not pitching that game and they gave up seven runs between the sixth and seventh inning so we had to play into the eighth inning and finally won. the day for the two games went so long. 6 1/2 hours.
AdLiban hour ago

Glenn, it’s part of my homework assignment I’ve given myself.
an hour ago
TW….it is hard to fully comprehend how ignorant the Red Hats are…..the doings in the court elude them….all they know is that they are being told by their hero has the fix in.
an hour ago
Glenn – my daughters college team is ranked fourth in the western region for NCAA division two.
AdLiban hour ago
AD they should’ve put your daughter back in that second game. Well I’m glad they finally want it. Persistence pays off. And of course good playing
an hour ago
I have calls coming in left and right …..sorry for the distraction.
an hour ago

Murph you’re in the thick of it.
an hour ago
Thick as mud.
an hour ago
Wow AD, Sounds like a great team.
an hour ago
Well gents. As I told Harleigh, I’m fading fast so I’m going to call it a night. Enjoyed our discussion as usual. Hopefully I’ll be able to get here next week. Y’all take care
an hour ago
by the way, all the Polse I’ve been seeing recently show Biden moving ahead and Trump falling back. The recent elections in Pennsylvania had Trump still not able to reach 90% because anti-Trump voters totaled over 15% I believe. Joe Biden got somewhere around 92 to 94%. Trump cannot win with over 10% of Republicans not wanting to vote for him. Meanwhile, Democrats are unified behind Biden.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad so you’re on your way now correct?
an hour ago
night glenn
an hour ago

Glenn take care
an hour ago

Tenn passed bill to allow teachers to carry guns what a stupid move.
an hour ago
I know I have said this often but I am flabbergasted at the level of ignorance in re. to the basic functioning of government. I have come to believe that one of the things that really attracts the Magas is how simple an autocracy would make things.
an hour ago
OK, I am checking into the hotel, so give me about 10 minutes and I’ll be right back.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph how do magats justify their support of Putin?? WTF???
an hour ago

Murph I agree with you whole heartly.
an hour ago

Murph they seem to have forgotten why we are the country we are and why we rebelled.\
an hour ago
Ad. the polling you mention is encouraging but I worry how easily so many walk away from the obvious.
an hour ago
Biden has a huge campaign cashbox! lol
an hour ago
Harleigh the only justification they need is that Putin has Trump’s back…..or so they are being told.
an hour ago
TW….we have a mythology at the root of our understanding of the Am Rev. It is misleading. The structure we deify has, in fact, made us very vulnerable and innately unstable.
an hour ago

Murph did you see my article here on the site: If You Can Keep It! The Siege on Civil Rights Part 1?
an hour ago
Spanky is not reliable or even very smart but he is usable for putin
an hour ago
TW…I did not…. too much happening but I will make a point to look it up.
an hour ago
tw, on this site?
an hour ago

Murph to think an autocratic rule would be better is just play folly.
an hour ago

Harleigh yes it is.
an hour ago
TW…they believe that he is their salvation and that what he says is truth….you trust in your messiah…..
an hour ago

Murph from a religions standpoint and you know my feelings on religion, I only believe in one Messiah, and it ain’t Frump.
an hour ago
I’m back!
AdLiban hour ago
cool. many times when a country goes autocratic, it never becomes a democracy and the autos become dictators for life.
an hour ago
an hour ago
There is a tone religious zealotry in what they say and do.
an hour ago

Murph as to the MAGA lovers in your state if they are religious then they are in contrary to the religion they claim to believe in and in violation of the commandment of not having any other Gods before Me.
an hour ago
Murph – It is not in the interest of the corporate MSM to give the country an accurate idea of where the race really is because if the public knew that Biden is very likely to win and Trump is bleeding support each day and that the trials only harm him further, they will lose viewers and readers who aren’t worrying each day that Trump will be re-elected.
AdLiban hour ago
It is a curious thing…..in man ways the energy in their movement has faded- the rallies, the flags, the spontaneous demonstrations are all mere shadows of their former selves….but their roots are so deeply embedded in that man’s fortune and well being that they will act when he says they must.
an hour ago
Ad…..I do hope your insights are spot on…..if things do not go as you seem to be thinking they will go there will be no way back without wide spread insurrection.
an hour ago

Murph yes it is. It is so funny on his Truth Social he claims that his supporters aren’t not being allowed to come down and protest. But it’s just the opposite they have seem to have better things to do.
an hour ago
And another thing to consider is that people are exhausted when it comes to Trump and MAGA, it’s just stressing them out to think of them. Look what’s happened in The House, the Ukraine aid passed despite Trump standing against it to help Putin. Now Ukraine will be well armed, not taken obver and MTG has been de-fanged, she can’t even try to remove Johnson because Dems have said they won’t go along with it. MAGAs and Trump are losing daily and screw the SCOTUS 5 crooks, they won’t stop a Biden re-election and if Dems win unified control, they can toss the filibuster, add 4 more SCOTUS judges to nulify these corrupt ones and pass laws to undo the damage they’ve done. Like my daughter’s team, let’s just win and take down the losers.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad….boy, when you lay it out , you lay it out. A lot of clarity.
an hour ago
magats are morons. well i’m gone folks…. until next time
an hour ago
So one Harleigh
an hour ago

Murph it seems the Mags in Congress have overplayed their hand. Now all we need in my opinion is just one conviction on Trump and that will further weaken the MAGA’s
an hour ago

Take care Harleigh
an hour ago
The efforts in Mo. to secure info sources that will make it possible to track anyone who is pregnant are so ham fisted, so gross, so wicked that they speak volumes about the baseness of the GOP base.
44 minutes ago

Murph the fools who’ve come up with such stupid legislation, fail to consider they will catch up members of their family in that nonsense.
43 minutes ago
Murph- It’s hard to see what’s really going on right now after nearly 9 years of MAGA/Trump onslaught but I think the hidden truth right now, as proven by the 12%-22% of Republicans who refuse to vote for Trump, MAGA and Trump have become toomuch for many Repubs to stomach anymore and his growing dementia and insane rants are turning more and more people off in the GOP and indie voters too. MAGAs keep losing elections they shouldn’t lose as they did recently in a very red district in AL. And the abortion issue, with women being harmed all around the country, is energizing the majority to come out and vote for their rights to be restored by voting for Dems. I think, after Trump falls apart even more when he will likely be found guilty to be a convicted criminal, it will be over…though the MSM won’t say it.
AdLib42 minutes ago
Tw…..I think that what is happening in the House if mostly the result of the work of the Democratic Leader who, I dearly. hope is the next Speaker…..he had made an alliance with the pliable on the right with the current speaker buying into the alliance. Not a lot of talk out loud but the whispers seem accurate.
42 minutes ago

Murph the Dem Leader is clearly far more capable than Johnson he had a great teacher in Nancy
40 minutes ago
Again, Ad, you speak with stunning resoluteness…..and again I hope that your perspective is clear eyed and on the money.
40 minutes ago
Murph – I think the desperation of Repubs in MO, TN, etc. with such outrageous and overreaching attacks on people who count on their civil rights is backfiring spectacularly. And it seems that the more a majority grows against them, the more they try to take away voting and civil rights which only fires up more people against them. I think there will be a big blue wave in Nov because of how horrible the Repubs have become. Did you see the story today with Kristi Noem writing in her new book, bragging about hos she had an 18 month old puppy who wasn’t learning how to herd or hunt well enough…so she shot it in the head and killed it! She said that proudly! These MAGAs are so deranged, so without morals and principles, they have no idea that what they say and do is so explosively disgusting.
AdLib38 minutes ago

Murph I have to believe some of Biden’s policies have to be reaching the folks in you state and town. The economy is and has improved.
38 minutes ago
I continue to be amazed that the Supremes have sunk to the their current place as part of an infrastructure dedicated to supporting Trumpism.
37 minutes ago
Murph – It had to be much easier for Jeffries to work with Johnson after MTG and other MAGAs threatened throwing The House into chaos by trying to remove him out of a selfish tantrum. Sure seems most Repubs in The House are also sick of MAGAs and the Freedom Caucus. There is a visiblle split now in the GOP but full unity in the Dems.
AdLib36 minutes ago

Ad MTG will soon see a sudden rash of STFU coming from her fellow Repugs, as you said many of them have had enough of her stupidity.
34 minutes ago
TW……the ability of the many to ignore what their eyes are making clear is the key to keeping them in ignorance and in acting ignorantly.
33 minutes ago
Murph – I’m not always correct, I did not believe Trump would win in 2016 but I think we know now that Russia, Repubs who were Russian agents in the SDNY and Comey likely cheated the American people and stole the election for Trump and Putin. Otherwise, as I’ve said before, all elections since 2016, so the entire past 8 years, Dems have overperfomred and Repubs have underperformed. And so my proposition is based on real world results, not wishful thinking so I have confidence in our prevailing in most of the country in Nov.
AdLib33 minutes ago

What gets me is the constituency who voted MTG in willing see her collect $174,000 a year and do nothing to earn it, and yet complain about what Biden is doing for the country.
32 minutes ago
Ad…I have read that Pelosi is playing a quiet but major role in reshaping the House.
32 minutes ago
TW – I agree, polls have been showing Biden’s approval and approval of the economy have been rising…despite the incessant negative talk from the MSM about the economy. On Fox, they were whining that the economy is too good so interest rates can’t be lowered yet. Insane.
AdLib31 minutes ago

Murph the benefit of have a wise person acting as your mentor.
31 minutes ago
TW…..her people are faithful to the mythology….which has a power to fog facts.
31 minutes ago

Ad I don’t think we should call Fox News, News.
30 minutes ago

Murph like having space lasers as part of the arms package for Ukraine?
30 minutes ago
SO…speaking of Ukraine…predictions?
28 minutes ago
Murph – Perhaps the reason we have such disbelief that these SCOTUS con men could be such unprincipled creatures is because we just couldn’t believe people of such terribleness could be on the SCOTUS, we had a perception of SCOTUS judges as caring about the law and constitution. But always remember, it took perjury, lies, hiding sexual assaults and cheating Obama out of a nominee to end up with all of them. They are, as MSNBC pundits were saying, not really judicial in their mindsets, they are political operatives who are bought off and lied under oath to get where they are.
AdLib27 minutes ago

Murph it’s going to be a very tough slog for them even with the weapons relief. Putin sees himself as the next Peter the Great.
27 minutes ago

Ad agree with being bought off.
26 minutes ago
Their momentum was broken because of the GOP stonewalling….fortunate that the European allies stepped into the breach….a matter of survival for them it would seem.
26 minutes ago
TW – Indeed! Most Repubs in The House are either quitting or turning on the MAGAs for creating such insanity in The House. SO many of them have had enough they’re quitting during their term! That does not happen in these numbers and with so many high ranking Reps.
AdLib25 minutes ago
Murph – That makes a lot of sense that Pelosi is being a master strategist in concert with Jeffries. She is brilliant and stepping down from Minority Leader didn’t change any of that.
AdLib24 minutes ago
I am wondering if the new indictments in Az are going to smash what resolve is left by Trump allies who have chosen to stonewall up to now.
24 minutes ago

Murph yes it is I just hope they can handle what’s coming at them. Putin wants a victory by May 9th. Something about some victory that happen on that day during WWII I think.
24 minutes ago
TW – You’re right as usual. Shall we call it simply, Fox Nazi-esque Propaganda?
AdLib23 minutes ago
Ad…I think that Pelosi understands that her legacy will fade if Jeffries is not able to capitalize on her work and step into the speakership.
23 minutes ago

Murph the AZ indictment is part of my weekend reading. It should be interesting.
23 minutes ago

Ad I want to call it Stupid News Buy Stupid Reporters.
21 minutes ago
Murph – I think Ukraine starts reaching into Russia’s interior more to create a new front in the war that hits Putin hard and where he is the weakest. Turning Russians more and more against the war, despite hundreds of thousands already losing their sons, husbands and fathers, damaging infrastructure more and more in Russia will make things harder for Putin in big ways.
AdLib21 minutes ago

Ad I have a feeling Waters will be gone by September if not sooner. He is going to do something really dumb that will get him fired.
21 minutes ago
Murph – Very good point, I think the AZ indictments combined with the GA prosecutions, which should be ramping back up shortly, will put many Trumpers in a desperate position, over their heads in legal debts that can’t pay and lawyers they can’t afford to hire (yes, looking at you Rudy).
AdLib19 minutes ago
TW – Putin has screwed up repeatedly in trying to take over Ukraine. His puppet leader caused a revolt and was thrown out. Now, most of the world is aligned against him and Ukraine is going to receive new types of weapons including fighter jets they’ve been denied in the past. He has no idea the damage he is in for now that Ukraine will have the resources they need to hurt him.
AdLib18 minutes ago
Well….I have a busy day ahead…..the Kunce campaign……..hard to win over that that 3 or 4 percent outside of St. Louis and Kansas City needed to topple an incumbent GOP.
17 minutes ago

Ad I know the Fighters are suppose to be coming later but I just wonder if there is any way the US could speed up the Jets.
16 minutes ago

Murph you’re doing a bang up job for Kunce you’re to be commended.
16 minutes ago
Murph – Actually, I think Pelosi enjoys being a principled tactician who has moved the country more and more to help the people and I think she gladly accepted the strategic challenge to regain power for undermining Trump and MAGA and pushing Congress to fulfill their moral responsibility to help the people of this country.
AdLib16 minutes ago
Ad…and with the weapons, basic supplies, and growing U.S. support Zelensky will rally the nation.
15 minutes ago
TW – That title for Fox works for me!
AdLib15 minutes ago

Ad more fun behind the throne than on it.
15 minutes ago
Murph – I know it’s a challenge but maybe, just maybe, a few percentages of women, younger voters and people of color will be motivated to join in on electing Kunce.
AdLib14 minutes ago
TW…thank you….the last time I worked for the Dems this hard in Mo. was when Obama was running for reelection……the fire has not caught yet…but we have hopes.
14 minutes ago
TW – I heard some European countries are moving quickly to train Ukrainians on their fighters and get them the fighters. As you say, it can’t be soon enough!
AdLib13 minutes ago
TW – The good think about being behind the throne is that you’re not the target they’re aiming for even if youu are a big factor in what the throne does. Jeffries WILL be Speaker after Nov, I am confident in that.
AdLib12 minutes ago

Murph you deserve it. Well as Obama said Keep Hope Alive!
12 minutes ago
Ad…..what you have heard is true…..I know a “young” man (son of a friend) who is a Nato Trainer and he has been training trainers to move at high speed into the breech when the weapons systems roll into Ukraine.
10 minutes ago
Murph – I joinm TW in giving you massive props for all you’re doing to help a great candidate and human being vie and hopefully squeeze by and win that important Senate seat. Big damn props to you!
AdLib10 minutes ago

Ad I seem to recall that, and aren’t some over here in the US training??
10 minutes ago
Ad and TW I am humbled…..thank you both…..
9 minutes ago
Murph – That is very reassuring to hear! The Russians have been making territorial gains but I think a bigger air force in Ukraine and the use of billions in new weapons to cause destruction inside Russia will have Putin and the Russians reeling down the line. They think they’re winning but I am supporting Ukrainians in crushing those beliefs and sending them running for their lives.
AdLib8 minutes ago
Well this has been enlightening and encouraging…thanks to you both.
7 minutes ago
Sometimes, the good guys come back and win the upper hand. I think that has been happening for years since Trump took the WH and I think the same will be happening for Ukraine as they are emowered by this new massive influx of fighter jets and weapons.
AdLib7 minutes ago
Murph – Thanks back to you too! Always look forward to being here and sharing smartness with our Vox friends.
AdLib6 minutes ago
Ad….if the Russians were not able to make really dramatic gains in the last six months when so much was working in their favor I doubt that they will be able to maintain their momentum and will be forced back.
5 minutes ago
BTW, after my daughter’s softball post-season is over, I will set up a Zoom live chat for Voxers on a Saturday or Sunday night (so it doesn’t interfere with regular Vox).
AdLib5 minutes ago
Well. with these encouraging words …..I am off to bed…goodnight guys!
4 minutes ago

Ad there is something that just hit me, if Putin was to win we both know he won’t stop with Ukraine. Those countries like Hungary and Poland who have elected autocrats will be prime targets for Putin’s quest to be Czar.
4 minutes ago
Murph – Nothing I like more than watching overconfident monsters get crushed! Like Trump and Putin.
AdLib4 minutes ago

Murph take care. Get some rest you deserve it.
4 minutes ago
TW – Very true but there are mass protests in Hungary that are growing, to throw out Orban and his party. So Orban isn’t on firm ground there either.
AdLib3 minutes ago
TW – Maybe we should send our “rest” to Murph so he can get more, since we don’t seem to use it as much as we should?
AdLib2 minutes ago

Ad did not know that about the protests in Hungary.
2 minutes ago

Yes we should.
2 minutes ago

Well I’m off also I have some writing I need to finish.
a minute ago
TW – Here’s an article to check out from earlier in the month:
AdLiba minute ago

Ok I will take care.
a minute ago
Sounds good, have a productive evening, my firend!
AdLiba minute ago
AdLiba few seconds ago
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