The uniqueness of the GOP being the first American political party to transform into a cult may undercut acceptance but that hurdle needs to be jumped or the existential threat this nation faces from this cult may come to pass.
Relying on tv for his decision-making on personnel has gone so well, Trump will now use it to select military leaders. Trump stated, "I need a new general and I've watched this Gomer Pyle guy all of my life, I like the cut of his jib!"
"It's not like people think," the boxer knows, "it ain't about knocking guys through the ropes, or fighting dirty. It's about getting hit; taking a hard hit that jars your senses a little, and standing back up again. It's about throwing a punch he'd never expect when you don't have the strength to raise your arm. It's about you maybe getting hit three times for every one that you land, but making him pay."
PlanetPOV will be hosting a live chat tonight simultaneously with the VP debate and everyone is welcome to join us. Our live chat and the debate start at 6:00 pm PDT/9:00 pm PDT.
If Donald Trump’s “Churchill moment” came down to a single instance when he was asked, “What do you say to Americans who are watching you right now who are scared?" So what did he say? “I say that you are a terrible reporter, that’s what I say. It’s a very nasty question."
Republicans have so far ignored what Americans want, time will tell if they've grown so desperate, they may consider representing the wishes of their constituents.
When a party with bad intentions, like Cambridge Analytica or Vladimir Putin, uses Facebook's highly manipulative machinery for their own malicious purposes, they're just using it as it's designed to be used...turning people's personal information against them.
In the President's speech during the White House coronavirus response meeting yesterday, and especially in the prepared statement, I saw something that I had never seen before in a human being. And I came to realize that every monster I've ever known was just a story in a book, no matter how real-seeming or frightening.
Trump said that he knew, and didn't know, on the very same day. But, you see, that's not a contradiction to the President. You must be saying to yourself: "Of course it's a lie. Both stories can't be true." Right? Wrong! Not to Donald Trump!
Looking at the record-breaking early voting and the higher turnout of younger and minority voters, it seems much more likely that Biden over-performs than Trump, winning more than the necessary 270 electoral votes he seems likely to win at this point.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."