Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments If Trump and His Team Were Characters From Horror Films Can it start in the morning? :> » Posted By fjb On January 12, 2017 @ 7:27 pm As much as I would like to ‘humoroize’ the drumph transition I can only see one of those deep woods cannibal flicks consuming America. » Posted By fjb On January 12, 2017 @ 6:58 pm Top 5 Craziest Things (So Far) About Trump in The Presidential Election When there are a bunch of insane bigots running around they do elect one of their own. » Posted By fjb On October 18, 2016 @ 12:24 pm Paul Ryan Declares He Won’t Defend Satan But Still Endorses Him The best disclosure of right wing thinking is where so many of them disagree with the conman’s racism, misogyny, lies, and general disgusting mistreatment of people but endorse him anyway. » Posted By fjb On October 12, 2016 @ 12:53 pm CHAT LIVE TONIGHT: The 2016 Vice Presidential Debate – 6:00pm PDT All I saw were two policies being repeated over and over with Kaine being more to the point; a bit anxious but precise. When Kaine presented Trumps words all Pence could do was shake his head, no, and refuse to answer or say those words were never spoken, even his own words. The pundits tried to say that Pence wasn’t taking the bait. It wasn’t bait it was words that had been spoken. Either you have an answer or you lie. At the end they both were questioned on their faith and Kaine voiced the opinion of many; you practice your religion and let others practice theirs and not use it as a hammer in politics. In my opinion Kaine made a fool of Pence. » Posted By fjb On October 4, 2016 @ 8:49 pm Alternate Reality News – Captain Trump on Titanic, “Trust Me, We’re Absolutely Not Sinking” Every time Don the con spits out something ignorant the trumpanzees have to come along to interpret what he meant. Is he too stupid to speak clearly or just not old enough? With that in mind I doubt he ever negotiated any deals; his lawyers and accountants do that. In a bustling real estate market he loses almost $1B and is graced with a possible 18 year exemption on his taxes, but we don’t know how that worked out because he will not release his tax returns. Don the con is conning his base and they are too stupid to challenge him. I wonder what is their alt-ternative. BTW: I am an indie but I will vote a straight blue ticket and weed out the blue dogs as I spot them. » Posted By fjb On October 4, 2016 @ 1:38 pm Trump has reached the point with me that just hearing him nauseates me. That feeling is obviously refreshing to trumpanzees as they keep regurgitating his BS. » Posted By fjb On October 3, 2016 @ 2:48 pm Trump Reveals Secret Plan to Destroy ISIS…Militarize Citizens’ Birthday Wishes That was painful. My sides are aching and my throat is raw from laughing. Be nice to your readers. » Posted By fjb On August 15, 2016 @ 3:53 pm For one, CU has got to go. Hillary has stated that as one of her priorities. The People need a way to petition congress with new laws hence, the lobby. Of course, corporations will try to flood the board(s) so some type of priority will have to be set so that all have their chance. » Posted By fjb On August 5, 2016 @ 12:18 pm Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech at the RNC Tonight – The Sh*t Hits The Fans I watched the circus clowns spewing their hate, fear, lies, and anything else to fire up what they called delegates. I can imagine those poorly informed followers at home were wetting themselves in joy. The republicans have been following their WASPy Nixonian ideals and cannot understand America. They think they are the only citizens entitled to enjoy the American dream. They’re in a state of panic as the demographics are changing, not in their favor. » Posted By fjb On July 21, 2016 @ 11:13 pm Donnie boy has a plan; he will declare war on any nation harboring ISIS members and “bomb the hell out of them”. » Posted By fjb On July 21, 2016 @ 10:52 pm Melania Trump to Announce Tonight That She Will Be Nominated to SCOTUS if Donald Wins AdLib, I was enjoying a very nice glass of wine. You ruined that for me. Now I have to go clean up. » Posted By fjb On July 19, 2016 @ 8:12 pm Putting Lipstick on a Pig Named Trump Excellent post AdLib. One thing that must be kept in mind is that Don the Con is born of one of NYC’s biggest slum lords and to be one takes a great deal of conning the city and the state.. So donnie learned well from daddy. BTW: Did you know that in the UK the word trump means a fart? » Posted By fjb On July 12, 2016 @ 11:20 pm Fox News Balances Pope Coverage, Hires Satan For Commentary We must always keep in mind that the klan does hate Catholics as well as their other standard hate objects, and Gosar reflects their views precisely. » Posted By fjb On September 24, 2015 @ 1:59 pm Donald Trump – A Performance of Cowardice in Three Acts You hammered the nail; Trump is a coward, and a liar. » Posted By fjb On September 18, 2015 @ 5:35 pm Mike Huckabee Afflicted By Post Trumpatic Stress Disorder Great photo! » Posted By fjb On July 27, 2015 @ 7:23 pm Watching “Selma” In A Nearly Empty Theater. Why? I gave up going to the movies decades ago mainly due to poor acting and poor representation of minorities in films, so missing what may be a great film is par for the course for me. I have to think real hard to remember the last film I watched in a theater. Selma, though, does bring out a phase of America that many whites do not wish to relive; it is much to embarrassing for them. They wish to hide in the corners and believe they are fine citizens while they allow other citizens to suffer. In short: America is now the opposite of its original intentions; there is only freedom for some. » Posted By fjb On January 23, 2015 @ 8:14 pm I’m Throwing Away My Vote Next Tuesday Yes, there are some similarities between the dems and cons but at this time we need to unseat the cons and throwing away your vote to ‘demonstrate’ is foolish. Vote DEM and weed out those that do not fit the bill. » Posted By fjb On October 28, 2014 @ 2:10 pm Ebola And The GOP Deregulation Deregulation is not a TX problem it is a US problem; which we all know. Perry, however, carries his deregulations to the extreme, disregarding public safety to do so. Is it reasonable to reduce spending in order to maintain fiscal responsibilities? Yes, but not by risking the Peoples health or lives. Obviously the Peoples health or lives is not important to Perry or many governors that cater to corporations across America, and again, as we all know, corporations care only for their bottom line; regulations be damned. As for the piece by Newsweek: http://theweek.com/article/index/232260/newsweeks-anti-obama-cover-story-has-the-magazine-lost-all-credibility , per EXFANOFARIAN; it is just another indication of the depths that morality has fallen to in America. But the GOtP, including the corporations and 1%, are delighted to see. When America did away with slavery it took a step forward and by the racism that exists today the step was small. The racists would not let their hatred go; oddly not for the country that they lost the war to but those they had been forced to free. The hatred of people they don’t know, the disenfranchisements, all of the normal necessities for Blacks to achieve to get their piece of the American pie were dashed due to racism, hence, the decline of America. Some will wonder how such a thing evolves into the decline of America because they are blind to everything but their hate. They can’t understand the religion they want America to become, not that it should; probably because many have never read the bible. It is one thing to have a belief but what good is it if one does not practice it? As if racism by people and corporations were not enough we had institutional government racism. One instance was during WWII during USO presentations Blacks were forced to the rear of the location behind captured Germans and Italians. Simply telling Blacks “you can die for your country but you cannot sit in front of those enemies we have captured”. And, of course, there were no jobs waiting for them when they returned home and just forget about GI benefits. Then there was the “Southern Strategy”; how nice that was for Blacks. Things have only worsened since Nixon; his hatred is working very well indeed. » Posted By fjb On October 19, 2014 @ 2:38 pm The GOtP credo is hate, lies, and deception. Thinking like that they are profoundly unable to care for those they have been elected to serve. » Posted By fjb On June 20, 2014 @ 12:23 pm Republicans Commit to Using New Language: Benghazian Is that horse Benghazi still kicking? I thought that after the inquisitions that it died a cupla years ago but the GOtP wants to beat it some more. Oh, I forget ObamaCare kinda threw them off so now we are into another slew of lies. » Posted By fjb On May 8, 2014 @ 12:23 am An Era of Repression – The Legacy of The Roberts Supreme Court Roberts is a paid flunky and/or racist; a shame to the court. » Posted By fjb On April 23, 2014 @ 11:32 pm GOP Attacks the Passage of Time as Obamacare Distraction AdLib, what a delightful bit of humor. » Posted By fjb On November 25, 2013 @ 3:33 pm One of the most irritating things the baggers do is to constantly harp that the Dems/Progs are backing socialist/Marxists/communists, and other degradable forms of governments in the same manner that Goebbels did in 1930s Germany while all the time pushing Nazism. And as I recall Nazism was Germany’s downfall. While all of this is going on the baggers align with some of the most destructible organizations in America such as the neo-Nazis, White Nat’l Socialists, and various pilot groups with the same ideologies. Then we have Cruz who desires the onset of Dominionism. In each case the baggers talk of support for the Constitution but their ideologies do not. » Posted By fjb On November 20, 2013 @ 1:08 pm God’s Blog – Jesus and Subway Sandwiches I was raised in a Christian family and began reading the bible at a very young age. As I read it questions kept arising that could not be explained in the book. I will not list them as there were so many, and that caused me to research many things about the bible later on in life. The one thing that struck me was that there were various versions of the bible millennia before Christianity’s arrival in various languages and lands all with their gods and devils. It brought to me that the books were written by man, some sensible, some outlandish. My final decision was that I was trying to adhere to the words of men and not some god. The gods they developed were to instill fear in those around them to keep control. Since I am of independent mind I find it impossible to accept any mans interpretation of what a religion should be or accept. Thus, I am an atheist. I can’t even name all of the various forms of Christianity there are today; which I find odd. Evidently some believe that their form of Christianity is the best because it fits their desire to practice as they wish. Sounds like all of the versions of Islam. As I watch the various religions being practiced today I am dismayed at their lack of care for each other, as each one has its own rules that man should live by and yet they are unable to understand one another but they all seem to practice peace as long as they rule their perspective areas; as if some defined area denotes ones religion Somehow they never reach the point that man is allowed to choose their religion and be at peace with all; which makes religion a farce. There is only one rule to live by: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. » Posted By fjb On November 13, 2013 @ 8:52 pm Our Wonderful Media, Spinning Wins as Losses and Delusions As Facts The old adage; believe half of what you see and none of what you read, seems to be the standard for accepting the Media. One has to have the desire to dig deeper into issues to get to the truth, and they may only find a hint. Some don’t have the wherewithal and just accept what they are told, i.e., the baggers and many of the left. » Posted By fjb On November 10, 2013 @ 7:12 pm The Declaration of Independence states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Hence, any laws we pass are designed for all. But some localities have decided to pass laws that do not adhere to the basic tenets of America for whatever reasons they deem fit such as slavery; which was a punishment for being black. So in order to avoid conflict with localities the 8th. amendment section 1: {Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction}, was ignored. Local elections hold a great deal of sway as some think they have the right to ignore laws that forbade them from infringing on human rights. » Posted By fjb On November 10, 2013 @ 6:48 pm Trick or Trick – Republican Halloween Theme Songs The Shutdown Crash; Superb! Plagiarism allowed? » Posted By fjb On November 10, 2013 @ 7:43 pm AdLib, I just had to save this pic to needle the GOtP, especially the baggers, I hope that’s OK with you. » Posted By fjb On November 10, 2013 @ 7:35 pmComments Posted By fjb
Hate can only bring more hate to terrorize The People, and it seems that hate is the soup de-jour with the conman. He must go.
Remember Hitler?
We await their next moralistic output.
Pence, on the other hand, showed that his religion is foremost in all matters.
It takes a lot of money to own a casino but very little awareness to profit from them; Donnie boy couldn’t even manage that.
I realize that is difficult with a clown like Trump around but we must survive to read more.
What we need to do is set up some sort of board to inspect the various petitions for validity and bearings on the laws. (Yes, another government agency.)
Congress will have to report back to the lobbyists on the progress or rejection of their petitions after the board has accepted the petition.
It would be kind to say I understand their plight, but I haven’t felt kind for quite a while.
So what if he takes out a few million nationalist.
I don’t get here very often, which is an error on my part. I will try to amend.
Bigotry is the hallmark of the coward and he fits right in with the bigoted base that follow him, and of course, they lie to themselves to hide their bigotry.
The huckster is a religious zealot and there is but one mindset for them; stupidity.
If you had a large enough base to make your vote count then your dissatisfaction might make sense. What you are doing is bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Yup, democracy is a lot of work.
I use the term ‘Blacks’ because that is how the racists sees these People; forget PC, it doesn’t work here.
Now don’t get me wrong I am an atheist because I have read the bible. Morality is not born of religion but by education and caring for your fellows.
And the GOtP base is as inane as possible by accepting the lies they are being fed.
Love it!
The GOtP doesn’t mind playing with Mother Nature so I guess they think Time will work the way they desire. They haven’t taken the Time to control the extremists among them thereby bringing on the nuclear vote in the Senate.
They haven’t taken the Time to consider the voting rights of all Americans. They only think of all of the Times the undocumented vote; which will not cause anyone the Time to rush to the bathroom over.
Somehow they think their Time has come; that may be true but only as their Time to go.
The baggers are so full of those that wish to tear down the American society that it’s difficult to determine exactly what direction they are coming from, and I think that is their desire; to distract the People and quietly insert their Nazism.
One must also remember that the Media is driven by the 1% and they only want what is good for them.
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