Would Flynn have contacted the Russian ambassador without Trump or anyone on his team knowing about it? And after making those calls, would Flynn have just gone to sleep in his Stalin print pajamas? Or might he have instead contacted Trump to say, "Mission accomplished!"
This issue isn't just about whether anyone can prosecute criminal behavior by a President while in office, it's about Trump using the Office of the President to help himself politically in what may constitute dereliction of duty and treason.
When asked if it would strange to him, to be on vacation, Satan explained, "I am accustomed to being in horrific surroundings...so I booked a Carnival Cruise."
Was such a horrendous act that could galvanize The West against Russia inevitable? Was it only a matter of time until a brutal, militaristic dictatorship such as Russia would go too far to get what it wants that it shocks the rest of the world into turning against it in unity?
What stood in Putin's way as the biggest threats to his moving forward with his plan to usurp Ukraine, Eastern Europe and more? The European Union, NATO and the United States. If he could weaken all three of these, if he could get them to become divided and hobbled, he could have far more confidence about marching forward with this conquest of half of Europe if not more. He would be unstoppable.
Republicans have been lobbying Trump to change his campaign persona into a "more presidential" one, to go by a script and stop saying incendiary things. In other words, they want Trump to pull a bigger con on the American public than he has been, deceiving voters into thinking he's not the sociopath he really is.
Hillary's debate skills may not be enough to defeat Trump in the debate, she may need one or more strategies, depending on how Trump conducts himself, to win the debate not only on substance but when it comes to perception.
"Reality poses a threat to Russia and its future so purely as a matter of self-defense, I have ordered Russian troops to move to the border of Reality and stand ready to use force to defend our country," Putin declared.
If Rudy Giuliani's criminal associates, and troops enlisted from the ranks of Russian and Ukrainian cyber-terrorists, were conspiring to fix the U.S. Presidential Election long before the 2016 election itself, then Giuliani has known all this time.
The 2020 election is an existential moment for the United States. Next November will decide whether this country recovers its sovereignty or is dragged deeper under Russian influence. 2020 will determine whether the Russian/Republican vision of remaking U.S. democracy into a dictatorship will be fulfilled or buried.