Documented liar and probable federal criminal Michael Flynn, one of Donald Trump’s “best people” who was his National Security Adviser, resigned yesterday after his deceit over violating The Logan Act was exposed in the press.
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799 ) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.
Flynn made five calls to Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak on December 29, 2016, the day that President Obama announced new sanctions against Russia in response to their hacking the DNC and Democrats to manipulate the 2016 election.
On that day, Trump was still just another citizen of the U.S. as was Flynn, they were not authorized by law to contact any foreign government to negotiate anything. Doing so would violate The Logan Act.
So Flynn, who led a call at the RNC this year of “Lock Her Up!” against Hillary Clinton for using a mail server because he claimed it could have (but it didn’t) compromised national security, has provably compromised national security. Hypocrisy should always be expected among Republican politicians.
Proving he shouldn’t be considered to be anywhere near the word “intelligence”, Flynn talked to Kislyak on an unsecured line with someone that our intelligence agencies would naturally be spying on. He discussed removing the new sanctions Obama had announced that day then, as the current version of the story now goes, lied to Mike Pence and others in the Trump administration, saying all he discussed with Kislyak was regarding Christmas wishes and setting up calls for the future.
Sally Yates, the acting Attorney General who Trump fired after she refused to defend his Muslim-banning Executive Order, had notified Trump and his team that Flynn was compromised because of these calls (she knew the content of them and it wasn’t “Jingle Bells”) and could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.
And what did Trump do? He still nominated him for National Security Adviser and had Flynn confirmed in that position.
Much bigger questions are arising out of this situation and especially because Trump and his team have been so deferential towards Vladimir Putin and Russia.
Would Flynn have contacted the Russian ambassador without Trump or anyone on his team knowing about it? And after making those calls, would Flynn have just gone to sleep in his Stalin print pajamas? Or might he have instead contacted Trump to say, “Mission accomplished!”
It’s so early in this coverup but it is a coverup. The first provable one begins with Flynn but it would be hard to swallow that it will end there. For that matter, wouldn’t Trump’s nomination of Flynn, knowing through the acting Attorney General beforehand that Flynn had criminally violated The Logan Act but never informing The Senate, be a de facto coverup?
And going back to the actual crime, are we to believe that Trump’s “employee” didn’t act on instructions from his boss or at the very least, didn’t inform him of red-hot information that his boss needed to know?
Mindful of the curse of fake news, please regard the following as solely a subjective opinion (even though it is also common sense): Trump knew. He knew about the calls, he knew about what was discussed and perhaps because Trump himself is compromised by Putin and Russia in one way or another (maybe now we will get to see his tax returns…as evidence in a critical investigation?), he nominated a candidate for National Security Adviser that he knew to be a liar and betrayed the laws of the United States.
It is very interesting to consider why Trump wouldn’t have been shocked to hear from the Attorney General that Flynn had discussed U.S. sanctions with the Russian ambassador in a violation of U.S. law. What would such a brilliant boss like Trump do if he found out a potential employee lied to him about going behind his back and negotiating on his own with Russia? Say, “You’re hired!”? Does that make any sense?
Add to this, another interesting tidbit:
After the Nov. 8 election, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told the Interfax news agency that the Russian government was in touch with members of Trump’s political team during the U.S. election campaign and knew most of his entourage.
At a news conference on Wednesday, Trump declined to answer whether anyone connected to him or the campaign had contact with Moscow during the campaign and said he had no loans or business deals with or in Russia.
There have been some stories recently questioning the silence that’s followed the Russians interfering with our election. Such an outrageous and unprecedented invasion of our democracy by a dictatorial country that sees us as an enemy and yet after the inauguration, the story of this attack on our country seemed to dissolve away in the press.
Looking back, there have been a plethora of warning signs about Trump’s odd-sounding enthusiasm about Russia:
- Trump’s man-love towards Putin during the campaign and touting him as a better leader than President Obama
- Trump attacking Senator John McCain for being a POW, A Gold Star family, even The Pope but never had anything but praise for Putin
- Bringing on Paul Manafort as his campaign manager who worked for Putin’s regime and convinced the RNC to insert a plank in its platform supporting Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
- Trump’s normalizing of the charge that Putin is a killer (trying to absolve him by claiming America had done bad things too and responding to Putin’s killing of journalists by saying, “At least he’s a leader unlike what we have in our country.” )
- Putin announcing publicly that he supported Trump’s presidential bid
- Russia admitting being in contact with Trump during the campaign
- Trump nominated Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State, ex CEO of Exxon who built his career working with Russia for Exxon and has deep ties to Putin and Russia as well as having had Exxon lobby to remove sanctions against Russia.
- Michael Flynn, who had dinner at a table with Putin at RT’s (Russia Today, the Russian state-owned propaganda channel) 10th anniversary, who happily appeared multiple times on RT and didn’t fully disclose the hundreds of thousands he’d been paid in Russia for “speaking fees”…being Trump’s top intelligence advisor and pick for National Security Adviser
One would have to be blind not to see an obvious pattern here.
And isn’t it interesting that Trump nominated a candidate for what may be the most important intelligence position in government, who he knows has betrayed U.S. law and was ripe for being blackmailed by Russia for doing so, while angrily making the case to the country that his Muslim ban is critical to protect the country? Trump insists that he has to do harsh things because the country’s safety comes first…yet he nominates to one of the highest intelligence positions, someone who he’s been warned could become a Russian puppet?
Instead of just assuming Trump is also compromised by Russia, as I think the facts seem to argue, how about considering a scenario of how someone who wasn’t under Russia’s thumb, would behave?
Okay, let’s say you had a radical, outsider President who claims that the U.S. needs draconian measures to keep out enemies of the U.S.. How would someone who was not compromised respond when they found out that someone they wanted for a top intelligence position was compromised by a historical enemy of the U.S. and who had just meddled in U.S. elections to control the outcome? Would they just go ahead and nominate him anyway? If they really were independently minded and wanted to protect the U.S. from external threats?
Trump’s behavior is incompatible with someone who opposes the potential of Russian influence over our government. And the only reason Flynn is out now? It’s only because the press exposed this story. Trump and friends already knew all of this before Flynn was nominated and it didn’t deter them.
This changes everything. Trump will no doubt try to obliterate the focus on Russia’s influence over him and his administration with some new outrageous Executive Orders, Twitter attacks, etc.
But it sure seems that these now-familiar tactics may not be strong enough to accomplish their goals due to the severity of this issue. And might not every outrageous action he takes now be seen through the lens of his apparent complicity with Putin’s goals?
If you’re in a pool on how long it might take until Trump is impeached, you may be more optimistic today if you’ve got picks that are a matter of months instead of years.
As for Flynn…dasvidania!
Make America great again and impeach and convict trump and pence et al!
Nirek, in 2018, if we can take back The House and Senate, we may indeed be able to do all the above!
It’s Time for a Proper Investigation of Trump’s Russia Ties
Donald Trump is suddenly looking like a very weak autocrat
Kalima, Trump tried to bury this Russian subversion with his batshit crazy press conference today and instead, it looks to have been properly regarded as a sideshow to distract from the main Trump Circus stage.
Looks like the Intelligence community wanted to make sure when they leaked after it that Flynn lied to the FBI.
Trump thinks he can beat the Intelligence agencies? They will bury him.
One of his biggest mistakes after the Russian connection, was his dishonest claims of “fake news” coming from the Intel agencies, the press, and his dissing of a respected federal judge, the appeals court judges and their rulings. The Intel agencies will be leaking like sieves soon. There won’t be time to even try to lie their way out of what is to happen. Most of the loudest voices from the trump cult have lost their credibility anyway. Lies have a way of catching up with the liars, especially when they can’t keep their stories straight. Blaming the press for printing the truth won’t save them anymore.
Trump’s only concern when confronted with Flynn’s lie to the FBI was that it was leaked? It’s a felony. Talking to Russia in December as a civilian was against the law, and yet he praised him. How unfit does someone have to be before they are removed from office? Who are these so-called WH lawyers who don’t know how to do their jobs well enough to advise on the legality of what trump and these trump nitwits are doing, and that even as the president there are things you can’t do, especially changing the existing laws only in your own head to continue an unlawful and unconstitutional rampage on the nation and its citizens. Without laws, it’s anarchy. The controlling system in the U.S. Is your Constitution and democracy. Both equally worth fighting for.
With this “insane” press conference, the leaks that Flynn lied to the FBI on the 24th of January, and the ever changing stories from the WH, no one with an ounce of common sense will believe anything he and his cult members say. The game is up.
It’s unraveling, and they know it.
Donald Trump’s anti-press conference would be funny – if it weren’t so scary
Richard Wolffe
I haven’t watched the whole 77 minutes yet. Don’t think I would last that long without breaking something or spitting, but who can forget this load of drivel?
“I am a mess.” CLIPS: Donald Trump Press Conference (C-SPAN)
The Questionable Account of What Michael Flynn Told the White House
Questions about Judgment: Trump appointed Flynn in the First Place
Kalima, I know I’m repeating this but I think it bears repeating. Trump knew Flynn was potentially a Russian spy and yet, because he didn’t want the humiliation of having to fire him so quickly, tried to just let it slide that a potential Putin operative was continuing to receive the most top secret info the U.S. had.
It’s only because the Washington Post broke this story that he fired Flynn. Trump is a traitor, he would have been fine with Flynn being a spy for Russia and learning our most critical secrets if it meant he didn’t have to look bad by firing him.
I think the FBI may have Trump oover a barrel now, they may have the proof on tape (digital recording) that Trump betrayed the U.S. and damaged our democracy as a partner with Putin to have a better chance to win the election.
I keep hearing pundits say, “It makes no sense” why Trump has been so cozy with Putin. Isn’t it obvious? Doesn’t it make perfect sense? Putin was Trump’s ally, even if he’s b blackmailing Trump so why the surprise that he is completely capitulating to whatever Putin wants?
Republicans are such hollow, unprincipled people. How can they keep protecting and supporting a Russian stooge like Trump and call themselves “patriots”? They’re only loyal to their own interests.
It was a very dangerous move to diss the intell agencies, and accuse them of basically putting out “fake news”. The only fake news was coming from their campaign, the Russian helpers, and then from the WH.
It was equally stupid to insult a federal judge and therefore the American judicial system because the way information is unfolding, he will have to face them soon enough at his own trial in court.
I can almost hear the synchronised cheers of approval as the people he insulted and damaged by unconstitutional EO, lies, and raids to deport them, realise that he and his cult will be held responsible.
Make it soon America! Make it soon.
Btw, I read that the far right in Eutope are a bit jittery now after what is happening in the U.S. Good, so they should be. Here’s hoping that Farage has literally shit his white KKK bloomers as his dream of far right world dominance collapses right before his froggy eyes.
This is what we have been waiting for. This won’t go away.
Damning reports emerge of Trump campaign’s frequent talks with Russian intelligence
Campaign aides said to have been in regular contact, despite repeated insistence there had been no pre-election talks between Trump team and Russia
Russia is in mourning because Flynn is gone. What does that tell you after the acting, fired AG had warned the WH that Flynn was ripe for blackmail from the Kremlin?
Everything else that points to collusion is so eloquently laid out in your article pointing to the inevitable conclusion that trump and his team knew what was going on, then created a smokescreen to deflect the thing they feared the most. Being exposed as the corrupt players that they are. I think it’s too late to put the genie back into the bottle.
In reality trump knows nothing about his real job, but everything about the dirty tricks planned by his cronies.
The thorough investigations should have started before he was sworn in, but now they are critical for the nation and national security.
My problem is, how can anyone believe a word coming out of the WH after the daily lying that began on the escalator of the trump gaudy tower with paid actors cheering for him, continued through his terrible campaign, and grew into daily falsehoods from twitler and his minions? You can’t, and pence not knowing about it until the 9th of February, is impossible to swallow too.
I implore the news sources I respect to stick with this, and if repubs still refuse to investigate, which shows guilt clearer than anything else, dig deeply until no rock is unturned and nail this group of domestic terrorists. Nail them to the walls of their jail cells.
The Cryptkeeper spinning like an out of control top.
In a brutal interview, Kellyanne Conway struggles to defend Trump and Flynn on Russia scandal
Planet Earth calling trumpdom!!
Right! So why did he resign again?
Sounds very much like trump saying that the law doesn’t apply to him and yet his “Muslim ban” is in limbo. I wonder who fed him that delusional obvious lie, or maybe as always, just made that up?
White House: Flynn Did ‘Nothing Wrong’
Flynn’s resignation likely the beginning of Trump’s Russia woes – not the end
National security adviser is the third Trump adviser forced to leave over reports of Kremlin contact, further raising suspicions of the Trump-Putin relationship
Kalima, we really dodged a bullet with maniacal Russian stooge Flynn being ousted. Whoever replaces him won’t be the Moscovian Candidate Flynn was.
With tonight’s NYT revelation that the FBI has a wide ranging investigation over several Trump campaign aides being in regular contact with Russian intelligence agents during the campaign…while Russia was hacking and leaking to help Trump, I think the dam is going to break against Trump.
I trust logic and common sense, Trump knew and was in cahoots what his NSA was doing with the Russian ambassador and he was collaborating with Russia’s hacks and campaign to help him win.
Trump attacked and insulted the intelligence community, they’re going to take him down.
Conway, Spicer, Bannon, his whole corrupt team can’t keep up the facade anymore. They’re all being exposed for the liars and crooked types that they are. Glad Conway is getting hammered, she is as evil as they come, no conscience about lying and spreading propaganda as long as it benefits her. She’s toast now, no credibility left at all.
Do you think we’ll see a smoking gun nailing Trump and his campaign as traitors in bed with Russian intelligence to overthrow our election?
We knew last year that the creep Manafort had visited Russia with others from trump’s campaign but it just remained a blip on the news that no one bothered to follow up. Then when the hacking charges against Russia came to light, it was obvious of the trump team’s involvement, and equally disappointing that no one had put the dots together. It made me hopping mad because it was staring us in the face.
If everyone does their job to protect the laws and the Constitution, I see no reason why people who have planned against their own country for power and financial gain, should not be charged for high crimes and misdemeanors to the fullest extent of the law. Anything less would be unacceptable after the damage already caused, and the damage they still planned to cause.
Sooner or later the call for impeachment and arrests will be ringing in the ears of enabling and cowardly repubs. The only reason they say no is because some of their long held wet dreams are being pushed through by installed and unfit trumpism cult members. I want to see them go down in flames.
Kalima, the untangling of all trump’s lies and those of his “people” is going to take a while. There are so many lies about so many subjects but the worst has to do with treason. Here is America, treason is a serious crime. So many of trump’s people and trump himself are flirting with treason. Actually I believe they are guilty. Time will tell.
AdLib, I have no doubt that trump new this and likely told Flynn to do it. The truth will come out in time!
In the mean time trump is still unregulating the oil, fracking, coal and other industries that harm our environment. He is doing more harm than any foreign country could!
America can’t get rid of trump soon enough!
Nirek, agreed, Trump knew and is throwing the insane Flynn to the wolves.
Yep, Trump is doing Putin’s work for him in trying to poisoon and bankrupt America.
But the latest news about Trump having several campaign members in regular contact with Russian intelligence officers is a game changer. The odds on Trump’s impeachment are getting better and better.
Repubbers refuse to investigate, CHAFFETZ says no. Are they working for America or Putin?
gyp46, they’re working for themselves and the plutocracy/Putocracy.
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Republican response to proof that Trump knowingly installed a Russian-compromised liar as National Security Adviser.