Tonight’s Recipe

Seeing as winter is coming on (even in Los Angeles, it's all relative) I have a hankering for my favorite soups. Cipollata is high on my list.   It is an Italian answer to French Onion Soup. From "Easy Italian Cookery", Grange...
This morning my partner's mom came to our room to ask me about something. She told me that my would-be brother-in-law just got an email that says the White House refused to let any ornaments on the tree that...
Here is an interesting letter I received from AARP this morning: If you and I don't act now – the future of Social Security and Medicare could be decided for us without a public debate. As soon as today your...
This morning I happened upon an article dated January 21st, 2010 from the East Valley Tribune about a meeting of religious leaders regarding immigration. The Arizona Interfaith Network is hosting the event, which will begin with a prayer service, followed...

Americans United

We need to start a movement, a splinter group from the Democratic Party. I am not talking about “media” or “profits” but am talking about starting a movement that somehow...
The Grateful Dead must be rolling in their joints. As described in the NYT: On Wednesday, the California secretary of state certified a November vote on a ballot measure that would legalize, tax and regulate marijuana, a plan...
Here are three New Year's lists to begin the New Year with (hopefully) a smile.


I watched Dances With Wolves again last night.  Has it really been 21 years?  Costner and McDonnell have aged a bit since then.  Boy, I'm glad that hasn't happened to me! What a fabulous movie!  Winner of 7 Academy Awards....
There's so much hostility in our society and media...doesn't it just piss you off?!
A late update from the 2011 Irish Presidential Elections.


The MyPillow Guy To Be The MyBankruptcy Guy

“The perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.”—Federalist 1.