Despite the baseless memes, President Obama has an astounding number of accomplishments in just two years in office. Here is just a partial list of them.
Dazed, I turned only to see said chorus approaching, grinning, with one of them rapping the words "Slam Slam Cinderella.” To add to the surreal quality of the event: I didn't feel humiliated.
Impeachment is a necessary tool to prevent a corrupt autocrat who wields power over the country, from taking even worse actions in the future, whether it's Trump or a future president. If there are no boundaries now, there may not be any left in the future when they're even more desperately needed.
In the cases where "Tea Party Republican" softball parents get what they want but their daughter's lack of skills lead to losses, they console their daughters that they did everything right and someone else is to blame (Obama?).
President T.T. Trump (Twitter Teleprompter Trump) visited El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, today but apparently could not make a big speech...
Wearing Ivanka's bra, Trump frantically ran through the White House screaming "Traitor!" at a painting of Abraham Lincoln and yelled "You stole my fries!" at a painting of William Howard Taft.
What you see in these RW Republican politicians on most issues is pretty consistent support for allowing the deaths of others to poverty, guns, wars, old age, etc.. Their "pro-life" position on abortion is an anomaly...and that's because to them, this issue isn't really about religious beliefs or compassion, It's about something else far more crass and cynical. It's about power.
When I went to find my sister's grave, I didn't expect tot get a lesson in my family's dysfunction.
"By mandating that all travelers fully expose themselves, we will be providing an atmosphere of humility and vulnerability that will naturally translate into a more civil and entertaining experience, especially for our management staff."
"It sure beats having Hillary as President," said Senator Jeff Sessions while wading knee deep through the bloody carnage of tens of thousands of dismembered Alabama citizens. "Can you imagine what her liberal policies would do to the people of this country?!"