They literally wrap themselves in flags (at least flag pins) but if you were to make a checklist of all of America's founding and ongoing principles, as a democracy and society, you'd find a substantial Republican checklist of things they despise.
The "world's greatest deliberative body" chose to deliberately deny the will of the people in a vote that kept a vote from happening. Cowardice. Craven cowardice.
President Obama has indeed brought bipartisanship to Washington a chorus against change.
Taken as written, this mandatory gun ownership law would technically apply to children, including toddlers and even infants. Backers of the bill have said it is not an oversight, it was intentional and meant to enforce respect for the 2nd Amendment and gun education from cradle to grave.
It might be ironic if Fundamentalist Christians made the decision to divorce from Republicans over the issue of protecting marriage.
Republicans claim they only have a problem with the way they communicate their message. Perhaps this more severe, lost Ryan Budget could be presented in a more appetizing way, perhaps as the wrapper on a Big Mac, so it would get the respect and lengthy consideration it deserves.
He gave everything he had to win the election...except tax returns, principled stands, the truth, compassion and the same answer to the same questions.
When we last left Bob Woodward in The Perils of Bobline, he was tied up and left on the railroad tracks by the evil Snidely Obama who threatened him that if he didn't pay the mortgage, he would take away his publishing house and let the train run of media opinion over him.
Has American politics jumped the shark? Should it be cancelled and replaced with another reality show? Perhaps a spinoff about the Republican-controlled House that is committed to doing nothing to help Americans, maybe titled, "American Idle"?
The outraged shouting of Ed Schultz, Sean Hannity, Al Sharpton, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh has been measured to be greater than 10,000 cows burping out a rendition of, "Camptown Races" every minute for an entire year.


The MyPillow Guy To Be The MyBankruptcy Guy

“The perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.”—Federalist 1.