Jeffrey Epstein had a little black book filled with the names and personal phone numbers of some of the world’s wealthiest and most influential people, from Bill Clinton and Donald Trump to actors, actresses, scientists and business tycoons.
Captain Trump explained, "Yes, we hit an iceberg that had illegally immigrated into this part of the ocean to endanger our lives but because a ship captained by Trump is so powerful, it's the iceberg that's now sinking, not us."
"It sure beats having Hillary as President," said Senator Jeff Sessions while wading knee deep through the bloody carnage of tens of thousands of dismembered Alabama citizens. "Can you imagine what her liberal policies would do to the people of this country?!"
Are the Moderate Democrats unaware that by being focused on praising and pandering to the "white working class"/"good people on both sides" crowd, they are insulting, taking for granted and alienating the very Democratic voters who are younger and African American that they need to actually win?
Those who voted for Trump might recall that Hillary promised people in Kentucky that she would put coal miners out of business, AND replace it with green jobs. Kentuckians were offended by Hillary’s vision of a new economy for Kentucky. I wonder how that is working out for Mitch McConnell’s and Donald Trump’s supporters in Kentucky?
So, here we are coming to the end of a pretty unbelievable year. A reality show host is on the verge of becoming a major party's nominee for President, racist police forces from the 1950's keep coming through wormholes...
Today, a citizen concerned about an issue can't get a word in sideways because "Citizens United" made it legal for those with great wealth and corporations to literally buy a politician.
As the cliche goes, the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. It's also been the practice of Democratic Party establishment, on and off for many years.
"I'm not a witch! There are reasons why I can't float or be seen in a mirror, believe me! I just don't want to, If I wanted to, I could. But I want to tell all those witch hunters at the FBI something, you like not being a toad? Ask yourselves that, that's all I'm gonna say," Trump smirked before transforming into a weasel then becoming irritated because no one noticed.
America has to wake up from this nightmare where evil people are praised as "good people" and the real victim of a sexual attack is the male perpetrator. It's time to dispel this cloud of lies we're living in with an overpowering blast of reality...and the 2018 election results can do that.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."