Jeffrey Epstein had a little black book filled with the names and personal phone numbers of some of the world’s wealthiest and most influential people, from Bill Clinton and Donald Trump to actors, actresses, scientists and business tycoons.

A money manager for the super-rich, Epstein had two private jets, the largest single residence in Manhattan, an island in the Caribbean, a ranch in New Mexico and a waterfront estate in Florida.

But Epstein also had an obsession.

Here’s What We Know:

They called it the: “Lolita Express:” Everyone knew. Yes, I know that that means that if Bill Clinton wasn’t a regular part of the crew, he at least “knew!” So did Hillary, or her eyes were “glued wide shut.” And, a lot of other people either played, watched, or covered up corruption, and its twin, “sexual perversion.” But, and this is the killer: they all accepted, without question, that sexual harassment, domination, assault, and sex with minors is the prerogative of the Privileged.

Maybe they can’t be punished now. But, why would would we want to soil ourselves. They should be disgraced – and they are.

With what is already known about Trump’s history with Epstien, Trump should resign. Why? Because he knew, and he knows. By protecting men like Jeffrey Epstein, he is protecting and promoting the international sex trade and the subjugation of children, and child slavery.

Trump knows! Trump should be “expert witness” to the world in the matter of sex trafficking. “He likes them young!” (And, presumably knew where to get them).”Just grab them there, you can do that.”

Trump should have known better in the first place – he violated his own rules: he got involved in something that wasn’t strictly about business, and money; and he’s going to swing for it. In a manner of speaking.

Congress should look at Trump’s “peccadilloes” over time. Maybe they reveal much more than one creep’s history of perversion; but rather a blueprint for how sex trafficking works.

Everyone knew. Everyone knows. Hell, you and I know. It’s slavery, plain and simple. Come down on them so hard, that they will think they were run over by a cement truck. And, that’s a bipartisan issue!

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Air Force brat. My dad was shepherd to a bunch of B-52's; the GI's called that place "20 Minutes From Armageddon;" because a missile launched in East Germany would pop over our heads twenty minutes later. That put me in some of the best schools anywhere. I wrote in the Press Office of a powerful, charismatic Midwestern Governor. I dabble in graphic arts. My 50+ entertainment sites get a few million visits, and I have stopped counting the fans, likes, and shares, per year. I've rambled the world, hitched around the continent (counter-clockwise). Climbed a couple of teeners, been to a couple of thousand rock, blues, and jazz concerts. I was at a free concert on Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, CA with about 350,000 freaks and hippies; and other festivals. I won a writing contest when I was six. It was a Poe-like horror story taken from an account of a mining disaster. I had already been reading Edgar Allan Poe (which may explain a lot). I could read before I could talk. I implemented some of the first client/server, TCP-IP networks (the Internet) at many of the world's largest corporations. I know a half-dozen programming languages, and have implemented and administered many network operating systems. Right now I build ebikes, and lithium batteries from scratch. I was taught that race and ethnicity don't set us apart. I think that the best thing that could happen in this country would be if a woman were to be elected President of the United States. I admire President Obama more than any man in history, save one.

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Is it the 1% who are intentionally dividing and paralyzing a decent American to maintain their own power and position?


What continues to disturb me the most about this and other scandals that are dancing around the Oval Office is how willing the GOP’s Elected Officials are to whistle on past the graveyard…..and of course, there is the rank and file Trumpsters who join in a chorus of “presidential persecution”, “fake newsery” and “the Prez has made it clearisms”…….


What’s hard to accept, for me too, is that the GOP is now essentially a fascist organization. There is one Grand Dragon to whom all in the GOP bow and swear loyalty to. There is no conscience or principles influencing any decisions anymore in the GOP, it is a cult where all that matters is allegiance to Dear Leader and paying off the wealthy and religious extremists who will get the votes out for them to continue in power.

It isn’t a party anymore, it is a personality cult that requires absolute fealty.


I’ve no doubt Donnie enjoyed having Epstein as a bud in those days. Saved him big money not having to use call girls. A leopards spots do not change and trumps M.O. clearly shows that was his preferred option. Just examine the comments by Miss McDougal on the first morning as Donnie was getting ready to leave. His normal habits came out as he laid $$$ on the side table.


It is the crowd he ran with and continues to run with.


Trump is attracted to slime, whether traitors to the U.S., crooks or pedophiles. Judge a person by who they surround themselves with, it’s a reflection of who they are and that was never truer than with Trump.


You are correct, this is Modern Day Slavery at its worst. I hope the list of those who participated in and knowingly covered it up for self preservation with be outed. If they can no longer be prosecuted, they certainly can be shamed and labelled as child molesters.

The four women who groomed/pimped these girls for epstein should be held accountable too.

The woman who claimed she was raped at 13 by trump and epstein should come forward again now even though she and her family got death threats in 2016.

I don’t know if you’ve read this, but the shit will hit the fan soon. This time trump will have nowhere to hide.




The Feds have more than enough physical evidence, data and victims testifying to bury Epstein, there is no need to grant immunity to anyone involved in this disgusting operation just to get testimony against Epstein.

Everyone involved needs to be tried and imprisoned.


Apparently, he made his money from blackmail and money laundering so I imagine since he had security cameras in his homes, there could be video evidence he used for the blackmailing.

Yes, everyone must go down who was involved in this heinous crime that continued during his “work release” shameful jail sentence from Acosta who was actually cutting the money allocated for investigating sexual trafficking. What a swell guy.

The 2000 documents due to be released from the epstein case, should be very interesting. Absolutely no immunity for anyone involved.


Insights in your first paragraph are particularly noteworthy.


He’s a lowlife pervert so I imagine photos, videos and even audio played a big role as a blackmailer for all the sordid schmucks who participated in his criminal fantasy. According to something I read weeks ago, he really wasn’t that rich, sound familiar, borrowed from banks and no one was quite sure what kind of business he was in. Well now we know. Blackmail Inc, something that trump is doing to the repub party, and throughout his life as a world class jerk.


It is hard to imagine that he could have made blackmail such an lucrative enterprise. Of course, Donald Trump is President…something I still cannot believe… all sorts of nightmares are indeed possible. You make an interesting connection with the point that both are blackmailers – one dealing in sex and the other in power.


Yes, trump and power but remember that the Russians first hacked the RNC and emails of hundreds if not thousands of members, rich business men and politicians too. Nothing was released publicly and I think trump got a truckload of info on people who now lick his feet. I also believe that this is how he ran his businesses. He’s rotten to the core. A scheisster.


I had not made that connection….is he that sly? It does explain why he has not been betrayed by those he has screwed…I thought it was a bizarre form of misplaced loyalty but your theory carries real weight.


It’s simple to demand loyalty when you have compromising photos of someone with someone who is not his wife, another man, underage girls and boys or caught with their hand in the taxpayers cookie jar. Even that crackpot Hannity claimed trump had 5 buckets full of dirt on people. I for one believe that. That is who trump is. We know he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and donald wants it all.

Well, Mueller’s testimony starts tonight at 9:30 here. I will watch as much as I can and catch up on C-Span in the morning. Like always I don’t listen to negative outcomes before it has even started. The same thing with films. Watch them for myself and then have my own opinion.


I think you have his number…late here too…I am planning to watch live what I can and to record the rest…..


Clearly this is so but how constrained will the Feds be by their boss?
What continues to disturb me the most about this and other scandals that are dancing around the Oval Office is how willing the GOP’s Elected Officials are to whistle on past the graveyard…..and of course, there is the rank and file Trumpsters who join in a chorus of “presidential persecution”, “fake newsery” and “the Prez has made it clearisms”…….


True, it’s now clear that Barr has no ethics or morality so he could just as easily try to meddle in this case and protect the other unknown pedophiles, probably including Trump and Dershowitz.

But something tells me that when it comes to helping to protect pedophiles, the career people in the SDNY and DoJ will leak what they need to in order to make sure Barr and the pedophiles are nailed.


Given his letter of instruction to Mueller…your position is supported on several fronts. I hope the careerists are as strong of heart as you hope.


What continues to disturb me the most about this and other scandals that are dancing around the Oval Office is how willing the GOP’s Elected Officials are to whistle on past the graveyard…..and of course, there is the rank and file Trumpsters who join in a chorus of “presidential persecution”, “fake newsery” and “the Prez has made it clearisms”…….


Thinking long term, how and when will another use the Trump method and go even further down the rabbit hole and bring down our experiment in democracy.


Yes. The precedents be set by this admin on so many fronts are truly frightening.