Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
First in the door tonight!
an hour ago
Hey Ad!
an hour ago
You get topick the music!
AdLiban hour ago
Bosa Nova
an hour ago
Or Mozart
an hour ago
Nice picks!
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago
Just put a quarter in the jukebox.
AdLiban hour ago
Did you see my man Kunce take on Hawley at the state fair today.
an hour ago
Yes! He went right at him on why he doesn’t support working people. Perfect!
AdLiban hour ago

Hey everyone
an hour ago
It is interesting. Hawley is on top by 9 percentage points per the external polls. Why would Hawley do this? There is rumor that the internal polls are neck in neck.
an hour ago
Hello TW.
an hour ago
I saw that Frank Luntz noted that he was trying to run a focus group for young voters but couldn’t find undecided women, they’ve made up their minds already! Blue Tsunami is a real possibility and who knows which tough races we could win?
AdLiban hour ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago

Murph just reading about Kunce and Hawley, Man Hawley is a class a jerk
an hour ago

Murph if Hawely’s internals are saying they are neck-neck doesn’t that mean has problems?
an hour ago
Hawley is obnoxious to the nth degree and he is bold as brass. He DOES NOT have a residence in Mo. He uses his sisters home in the Ozark as his mailing address and registration address. He actually lives in Virginia. The thing is this is perfectly legal.
an hour ago
TW….indeed, if they are neck and neck Hawley would be in serious trouble….but how does one accurately gauge this.
an hour ago

Murph it may be legal but in my book totally unethical. How do the people feel about it?
an hour ago
TW…..most push back with it is not true, more lib lies.
an hour ago
Murph – It would be incredible if the combo of Hawley being such a disliked weasel and Kamala whipping up new voters and enthused Dems, especially women, could push Kunce over the top.
AdLiban hour ago
Hawley uses sister’s Ozark house as Missouri voting address Kansas City Star
› news › article247260219 Nov 18, 2020 — Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley, an outspoken critic of coastal elites, is using his sister’s house in Missouri as his voter … Hawley scoffs at Missouri residency requirements | Editorials hannibal.net
› opinion › hawley-scoffs-at-m… Nov 25, 2020 — From The Kansas City Star. IT’S IN possible violation of voter registration law that Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley is registered to
an hour ago

Murph how often does Running man Hawely hold meeting with the his constits.
an hour ago
Murph – I think there will be a national reckoning for the ignorance, delusions, and hatred in the Party of Trump in Nov but they will still have their Red States to destroy their own lives and unfortunately, good people in their states.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – they are few and far between and and picked crowds.
an hour ago
Murph – What’s the thinking in Kunce’s campaign about his prospects?
AdLiban hour ago

an hour ago
Hawley challenged Kunce to debate him AT THE STATE FAIR in a tent with no moderator. Kunce offered to debate him up to five times but with moderating. He even agreed to a debate hosted by Fox. Hawley said Nope.
an hour ago

Ad these pols don’t care about the rules at all
an hour ago
A side note, there was a report that George Santos is going to take a plea deal on Monday and plead guilty. They have him dead to rights, he really has to. But the sentence better be strong enough.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad….we have known from the start how uphill the battle was. So, we are fighting the good fight but it is a long shot.
an hour ago

Ad does he have choice??? I hope they throw the book at him make a damn good example.
an hour ago
Murph – Doesn’t everyone know by now that Hawley runs away from everything?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad….”know”….in Mo. “knowing” is a source of suspicion
an hour ago

Murph does Hawley have office in MO?
an hour ago
Murph – Yes, I saw Hawley make his cowardly debate offer, which wasn’t real anyway, there would be no moderator and of course, no one but the people there watching. Hawley would just run away and declare victory anyway.
AdLiban hour ago
TW- he has several…..
an hour ago

Murph is he ever at them?
an hour ago
TW…I would not know…..I have not heard of him holding an open house as some senators do.
an hour ago
Murph – As I mentioned, there will be a national reckoning for all these nutjob MAGAs in Nov but locally, they will continue their ignorant ways. Wait until there’s a recession, I think many Repub states will collapse to one degree or another because they’re slaves to these ignorant know-nothings.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph what does that say about a senator who won’t even live in the state he is suppose to represent. To me it says he doesn’t give a damn about the people I hope your guy is saying thal loud and clear.
an hour ago
Murph – Hawley probably has held an open house in VA and couldn’t understand why no one from MO came.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…..I agree…..
an hour ago
TW….Hawley is a bold faced liar who wallows in hypocrisy.
an hour ago
So on a scale of 1-10, how panicked do you think Trump is right now?
AdLiban hour ago

Murph that shows in everything he does.But it’s going to take the people to wake up and see that. My goodness the man who is suppose to represent them and their interest can’t even live in the state he represents what an a-hole.
an hour ago
We did get an abortion amendment on the ballot……lots of work but the right to choose is going to the people for their yea or nay.
an hour ago
TW…..all true.
an hour ago
How panicked is Trump……hard to say…..but I would think he should be very worried.
44 minutes ago

I think Trump is very scared. He’s trying to bring the old band back together to he brought Corey back
43 minutes ago
Surprisingly, the NYT had an article today showing the many paths Kamala has to winning the Electoral College and it was not slanted, it represented that she is leading in all the states she needs to win. All the blue states and the three Rust Belt states along with the Dem district in NE and she’s got 270. She’s ahead in all those states now and will only grow her lead after the DNC. AZ, NV, GA, and NC would all be icing on the cake though I really hope she wins NC because it’s an early death blow to Trump.
AdLib43 minutes ago
Murph – The abortion bill is another helpful thing for Kunce, could bring out people who don’t usually vote and will vote for him too.
AdLib42 minutes ago
Ad…I have seen articles on the electoral road that Harris has and it looks good..
41 minutes ago

Be right back need to step out for a min.
41 minutes ago
Ad…..I was only tangentially involved in the amendment drive…it was led, rightfully, by men but I do hope that it brings out folks who will associate the amendment with Kunce and vote for him.
40 minutes ago
I think Trump is freaked out big time. He knows all polls are showing Kamala ahead and gaining bigger leads, he knows the DNC will give her a bump and his sentencing on Sept 18 will hurt him more with undecided voters. Mary Trump said his biggest fear would be going to prison and he sees that train coming down the tracks. His desperation in bringing on the weirdos from his 2016 screams of his panic. As if their return will somehow make 2024 become 2016 again. Nope.
AdLib39 minutes ago
What do the latest MO polls show in Kunce’s race?
AdLib39 minutes ago
Ad….5 to 8 percent behind
38 minutes ago
Your assessment of Trump rings true to me.
38 minutes ago
That’s a serious margin but let’s keep in mond Dems have been overperforming polls for the past 8 years straight and right now no one knows for sure how big the new young voter surge and activated Dems, women, and young people who may not vote regularly and definitely wouldn’t show up in polling since polling this year is based on turnout in 2020.larly
AdLib36 minutes ago
Dem Stein in NC looks to knock off Magat Robinson
36 minutes ago
Ad….those are the groups we are going after hard right now.
35 minutes ago
Murph – Robinson is behind by like 10%! Another element is the discouragement factor for MAGAs. If they see Trump is bound to lose, Robinson is bound to lose, etc., many MAGAs may just not bother to vote and the margin for Dems could be even higher than their previous overperformance.
AdLib34 minutes ago
Do you think that if the polls showed Trump down by 8-10 points nationally, that MAGAs in MO may just skip voting for him and Hawley?
AdLib33 minutes ago
Ad……there are hardly any signs or flags supporting Trump. I know of three “rallies” organized by the GOP here that did not even get off the ground….canceled for lack of interest.
33 minutes ago
Just as Harris is animating Dems, I suspect that Trump might will bog them down.
32 minutes ago
Very encouraging news! I don’t think Kunce or any Dem in a tough race should see their races as out of reach. The lack of enthusiasm in MAGAs and the electric enthusiasm in Dems, women, actually, voters of all kind due to Kamala, could give Dems once-in-a-lifetime victories across the country.
AdLib31 minutes ago
Ad,,,,all of that would be grand….Did you see Biden’s appearance on stage with Kamala…..wonderful….”Thank You Joe” shouted by thousands. -Heart warming.
29 minutes ago
Tester is up 5% in MT and Brown in OH is up several points. We may not only keep all Dem seats in the Senate, we may very well win seats away from Repubs.
AdLib29 minutes ago
Victories in the House and Senate would put SCOTUS reform within reach.
28 minutes ago
Yes, loved that! He’s supposed to be the headline speaker at the DNC on Monday. Then I think Hillary, Obama, then Bill on each following night. I could do without Bill Clinton but the real headliners on the final night will be Kamala and Tim.
AdLib28 minutes ago
Having all the living presidents, and one who should have won speaking is bound to elevate the energy.
26 minutes ago
Did you see SCOTUS just struck down Title IX rules to protect transgender students? This SCOTUS has burned so many bridges with so many demographics of people, I think a majority of Americans will strongly support SCOTUS enlargement and reforms to save the court and our democracy if Dems run the table. And there’s no argument left to save the filibuster.
AdLib25 minutes ago

Ok I’m back
25 minutes ago
It will stand in stark contrast to NO Repub presidents speaking at the RNC to support Trump.
AdLib25 minutes ago
Welcome back, TW. Sorry but I ate all your fries while you were gone. They’d have been cold anyway.
AdLib24 minutes ago
Hey! I just got a text from one of our campaign workers….her father, a Marine, at supper tonight announced that no one who ever served in uniform should support Trump and he is going to work with fellow vets to be sure they understand what a weasel he really is. This is a huge change of position.
24 minutes ago

Murph after what he said about the Medal of Honor I’m not suprised
23 minutes ago

Ad that’s ok
23 minutes ago

Trump the Presidential Medal of Freedom is better the MOH. What total class-a dweb.
22 minutes ago
Murph – That’s fantastic news! Trump may lie about his calling the military “suckers and losers” but his speech dissing them for their medal of honors and instead celebrating that nasty old lady Adelson over them is really turning a lot of vets and soldiers angrily away from Trump. I’m telling you, this won’t be a conventional election, the possibility of a black swan election, a Blue Tsunami election due to all these factors, is possible.
AdLib21 minutes ago
“Black Swan election” Say more please
21 minutes ago
This could be a unique and massive coalition voting for Kamala and Dems across the country. Women, young people, moderate Repubs, vets and military, pro-choice people, pro gun safety people, pro hope and change people…it could be a one-sided election like we haven’t seen in a very long time.
AdLib19 minutes ago
Murph: “The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. The term is based on a Latin expression which presumed that black swans did not exist. “
AdLib18 minutes ago
Ad….you paint a magnificent portrait
18 minutes ago
Description from Wikipedia.
AdLib18 minutes ago
Ad…Black Swan….your explanation is eloquent
17 minutes ago
Thanks Wiki
17 minutes ago
TW….how is the election shaping up in your world?
16 minutes ago

Murph how often have you seen a Black Swan? Rare occurance, there is book The Black Swan about some unforseen occurances in the Stock Market were people who were paying attention made big bucks. because it was so rare it was dubbed a black swan event
16 minutes ago
TW…thanks for the additional illumination
15 minutes ago
Kamala will continue her rise over Trump with the DNC, Trump continues bumbling downward with each “press conference”, criminal sentencing, and decision on his half billion judgement. The more desperate Trump gets to fight against Kamala’s rise, the more he looks old, deranged, and a loser. I can think of nothing at this moment that could change the dynamics of this race to favor Trump. Can either of you?
AdLib15 minutes ago

Murph this is a dem state so things will be okay. Although our new gov seems to be having some issues, but I haven’t been paying attention to local events. But both our Sen I belive will be fine MA is pretty solid blue
14 minutes ago

Murph nailed it.
14 minutes ago
Ad….I agree with your view of the overall trend….Trump is developing a Losers Aura.
14 minutes ago
TW….thanks…always interested in the states we take for granted.
13 minutes ago
Different topic……Ukraine….on the move into Russia…what think you
13 minutes ago

Murph that caught Putin flat footed for sure
12 minutes ago
Trump exudes desperation right now. He’s only having one or two campaign events per week and his last venue held only 2,500 max and he didn’t fill it. The crowds are abandoning him, he knows it and his accusation that Kamala’s crowds are AI looked so desperate and like the words of a loser, he actually went back on that claim! Trump is nosediving and the public is recognizing that. He thought Biden was doomed, know the old shoe is on the other old foot.
AdLib11 minutes ago
TW…..I am astonished that Putin’s border was so weakly defended…..largely by young recruits, poorly prepared and badly armed.
11 minutes ago

Murph I think that is all he got. But Ukraine is feeling the strain as well I believe
10 minutes ago
Ad….Trump’s withdrawal has something Nixonian about it.
10 minutes ago
Murph – I am delighted to see Ukraine use a clever offensive strategy to undermine Russia’s aggression on them. SO happy about that and it is not impossible to imagine them taking back Crimea in the near future as they push their offensive into Russia.
AdLib10 minutes ago
TW….I agree that this is pushing the Uk. forces and I wonder if it can be sustained.
9 minutes ago
Ad -doesn’t Russia have a deep enough bench to put more and more into the war?
8 minutes ago
Murph – Putin’s army is decimated, they have been rounding up criminals, immigrants, poor people, and also all kinds of regular Russians to be fodder for the war. They’re poorly or untrained and I saw how many are surrendering to the Ukrainians now in their offensive. Russia’s military has been decimated, half of their military personnel have been killed. Their power only comes from rockets and Iranian drones. If this new push by Ukraine builds, Putin could have a revolt on his hands.
AdLib6 minutes ago

Hey guys I’m going to have to call it an early night been up for a bit and something I ate again is bothering me so I going to bug out. Have a good weekend.
5 minutes ago
Ad….excellent summary….so his manpower bench is very shallow even if his hardware bench is well provisioned it is “boots on the ground” are what takes territory and holds it.
5 minutes ago
Murph – I think Putin has lost half of his army. The “soldiers” he’s throwing into the war aren’t trained and don’t know what they’re doing. They have little or no supplies, they’re starving and desperate and now, they’re surrendering rather than be killed. This could really snowball and Russia’s military could be spread too thin and collapse.
AdLib4 minutes ago
Sorry to hear that TW! Take care of yourself and feel better!
AdLib3 minutes ago
Ad…the lack of a hard, authoritative Russian response backs up your profile.
3 minutes ago
I see TW has left us. Not feeling well. I too must go…..early to bed, sort of, so I can be fresh for the battle tomorrow.
2 minutes ago
Right Murph. Putin’s army is halved and weak, he only stays on the offensive in certain areas and with missiles and drones. Faced with a strategic attack such as Ukraine launched, Putin is weak and helpless to defend his own country. You know he’s shaken when he or his puppets threaten nuclear weapons.
AdLiba minute ago
Good points.
a minute ago
Solid reasoning.
a minute ago
Sounds good! Get some rest and keep up the good fight! Don’t ever count Kunce out, remember the Black Swan!
AdLiba few seconds ago
Kunce as a Black Swan…..I shall bring that image to our morning meeting with team.
a few seconds ago
AdLiba few seconds ago
Good night.
in a few seconds
AdLibin a few seconds
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