Happy Thanksgiving! Our PlanetPOV tradition on this day is to use our magical elves to tell us what many of the well known figures in politics are grateful for...and by magic elves, we mean making claims of national security breaches to the FBI who then use the Patriot Act to seize private emails.
Senator John McCain has taken the lead in vowing to block Thanksgiving, claiming that he will focus on blocking the dark meat from being served. McCain also attacked rice, making a variety of claims about what it should have known and when.
In a surprise move today, Senator John McCain has demanded at a press conference that a special Senate committee be formed to investigate his own sanity...or as Senator McCain put it, "What do I know and when did I know it? And why? And where are my keys?"
Karl Rove: "Hold on, I think it's far too early to say that the Titanic sunk. I have been refreshing my news browser and there is still 3% of the Titanic that is not below water so I find it quite curious and premature to declare that the Titanic has sunk."
Just in time for the end of the 2012 election PlanetPOV presents the new Periodic Table of Dangerous Elements. There are plenty of new...
After exhibiting signs of a psychiatric disorder, the Mainstream Media (MSM) has been clinically diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder which is SAD. The most difficult thing about this situation now is figuring out which mouth to put the Prozac into.
PlanetPOV has gotten its hands on an exclusive new clip from the just released video of Mitt Romney's private fundraising meeting!
You're invited to a gallery opening for PlanetPOV's parody artwork. Inside are a selection of graphics created by and for folks here at PlanetPOV, poking fun at Mitt Romney and others on the Right Wing. Enjoy!
This theory may have had its origin as an old wives' (or old grandfathers') tale but perhaps there is also a scientific basis for this...that you can't trust a man with thin lips. Let alone, a politician.
While the GOP was delighted about marrying a right wing conservative, Mitt Romney showed up as a wedding crasher and knocked over the punchbowl at what should have been one of the best times in the GOP's life.