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"The majority of the 1,000-plus book challenges analyzed by The Post were filed by just 11 people. Each of these people brought 10 or more challenges against books in their school district; one man filed 92 challenges. Together, these serial filers constituted 6 percent of all book challengers — but were responsible for 60 percent of all filings."
It’s obvious what rankles Ms. Salinis; she is an illiterate troglodyte who couldn’t handle seeing a young Black female reciting a poem of hope for this country. Nothing in Amanda’s poem remotely suggests what she claims justifies having this book banned. She is an opportunist taking advantage of the dumbass laws DeSantis pushed through his State Legislature to make Florida an autocratic state.
Have you ever been to a party, just sipping a drink, munching on snacks, chatting with whoever you came with, and checking out some fine-looking people when suddenly, religious zealots took over, separated LGBTQ couples and forced women and...
Karma is indeed a bitch, and both Will Smith and Chris Rock are learning from it. One will have to do penance; the other will benefit. I leave it up to you to figure out who is who.
My number one pet peeve about drumming, is that everyone thinks they can do it. Every drum circle of hippies I've been to, I want to confiscate their drums. You have fancy djembes, darboukas, and all sorts of frame drums and tambourines and shakers - but you can't count to four, let alone subdivide it.
1961’s West Side Story is hailed as one of the greatest movies of all time – certainly in the musical genre – so Steven Spielberg had some huge shoes to fill when he set out to re-adapt the iconic Broadway show. Here is where his version stands out.
There's so much going on around us now and being the beginning of the year, so many different feelings of optimism and concern in the year ahead. So this weekend's music thread is about feelings, happy or sad, righteous anger or compassionate love, share your favorite songs about feelings.
SNL isn't the edgiest, and I hear you when you talk about it's 'punk' roots. And Canada's SCTV came before or was a contemporary. Kids in the Hall was later. Exit 57 in the mid-90s [Colbert, Sedaris, Dinello].
As a stand-in for TrueLump, the seditionists around him and in Congress, this Christmas' song parody is about the man who will soon be in a Nightmare After Christmas along with many of his fellow criminals, Rugy DroolyOnMe...or something like that. Run Rudolph run! They're comin' for ya!
If you aren't busy trying to pass kidney stones or slamming a car door on your fingers, you may want to watch these panels and the speeches CPAC this weekend...even if they're more painful.


The Game The Right Is Playing With Religion

The founders knew and understood the true implication and impact of the separation of Church and State for the country compared to the religious tyranny that enveloped Europe at the time and before this country started developing into a nation essentially free of mandated spiritual influence, which some call Christianity.

David Ignatius, What the Hell Is Wrong with You?

I do not believe President Biden should step aside. I think the Washington Post should stop placating Trump and his base and call Trump out as the fabulist for what he has done and what he will do to this country if he wins the Presidency.