Pick your favorite tunes that are about being welcome and welcoming others. Post songs about love, friendship, feeling
good, family and togetherness. Have fun and don't forget to smile while you're at it.
"By mandating that all travelers fully expose themselves, we will be providing an atmosphere of humility and vulnerability that will naturally translate into a more civil and entertaining experience, especially for our management staff."
We would suggest to the Republican Party that they have their own rich history of leaders that have the kind of views and reputation they are trying to characterize by using the image of Adolf Hitler.
Nelson Mandela was a truly remarkable man. Remarkable was his inner strength, remarkable was his humility, remarkable were his struggles and remarkable were his...
What movies come to mind when you think "Tea Party"? Psycho, Saboteur, Freaks, Dumb and Dumber? But imagine how famous movie quotes could be or feel different if today's Republicans had starred in classic films instead of their actual stars.
Well Planeteers, I hope all of you enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends. As you may be enjoying a little left over...
On the first Thanksgiving, immigrants who were very vulnerable were welcomed by this land's citizens and treated with compassion and generosity. In other words, Republicans are completely bewildered why we celebrate Thanksgiving.
Nearly all Republicans in Congress have signed onto an agreement to gridlock the passage of Time in order to keep the public focused on the one negative issue they're clutching onto more desperately than any Bible or gun.
It's not easy to tell a ten year old he can't keep crashing the family car into neighbors' homes but sometimes you have to be firm.
Some might consider these folks "Subway Club Christians" since they apparently believe that if they get their conversions card stamped ten times, they get a free Resurrection.