After a frustrating day of watching Republican ‘termites’ boring incessantly into the heart-wood of America, I amuse myself by chasing our country’s national symbol and asking if I can take their photograph. It wasn’t too long ago that these amazing...
Some may see it as fitting that on July 4th, a day of patriotism, Donald Trump was attacked by Bob The Bald Eagle.
Satan explained, "Trump has the fearless demagoguery of a KKK Grand Dragon, the comic stylings of an Andrew Dice Clay and the dictatorially pursed-lips of a Benito Mussolini, I'm really impressed! For me, he's like an all-you-can-eat Homestyle Buffet of Evil...or is that an oxymoron?"
In his latest blog, God considers which is worse, Hell, Purgatory or Idaho (and if there's a difference).
TRUMP: "All I can say is that families should count their lucky stars that their loved ones died in the military while I was president."
In keeping with our Thanksgiving tradition at PlanetPOV, we've reached out to many influential politicians of the day to share what they are thankful on this day.
Republicans argued that the information in the Spanish Inquisition Torture Report was faulty, claiming that there was no torture but just "enhanced inquisitional procedures".
TRUMP: "Dear wall, I'm praying that you turn all the media into something...I don't know, salt, lepers, hey what about, snakes! With tattoos that say, 'I love Fake News!' but with the heart sign for 'love', you know?"
The truth is that I am not political, at least in the sense that I don't support any parties or candidates (though I did fight a zoning law once to be able to create the Earth in a non-residential area).
    June 09, 2011, Newt Gingrich's entire Senior Campaign Team resigned. Reports point to differences of opinion on Gingrich's viability as a Presidential candidate. I was able to get a hold of a rough transcript of the last meeting Newt...