In ancient times, when the Earth was young and teabagging was part of a cultured afternoon, merchants would provide those who frequented their establishments...
No, I don't have a lisp and I wasn't cursing.
Just a reminder that today is "Thank Huffington It's Thursday!". To help me with this...
The New Religion: Church of the Woo Woos
One of the most disturbing aspects of the von Brunn shooting incidence at the Holocaust Museum is...
Hey fellow members, here is the latest bitingly satirical piece by AntiChrist (I'm going to have to add a gallery to The Planet to...
Today, we went out to eat at our favourite Mexican restaurant and watch a few innings of the Yankees winning the World Series....
Today's another Election Day in America and when I woke up, I realized I didn't know what to think about it . So I...
Personally, I was delighted to see the White House fighting back against the network that bills itself as a "News" network, and is most...
Being that it is Halloween, I thought it might be fun if we all shared scary tales about things that go bump in the...
It's HuffNo Friday and time to let down at The Planet after a long week. There's KQ's thread for laughs and music an Afghanistan...
The Huffington Post has sparked a national blatherfest with a series of posts by self-help guru Marcus Buckingham, which Arianna, in her trademark breathless fashion, blurbs as “the sad, shocking truth about how women are feeling.”