It was a dark and stormy night as two gay novelists were driving through Kentucky on their way to New York, to get married...
For many people whose childhood hobbies didn't include playing the drums with their head, it's been hard to understand why so many people in the GOP are supporting such candidates as Donald Trump and Ben Carson.
"David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear, wish I could do that! 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?' That giant metal immigrant, you know she's from France, needs to be deported along with 11 million Mexicans!"
Bush defended his use of the n-word by saying, "Here’s the deal, what I said was, they're commonly referred to that, that’s what I said, I didn’t use it as my own language."
When asked about any regrets on exterminating the entire population of the U.S. in the name of protecting the country, President Trump became upset. "Why would you ask me something so stupid? I don't have any regrets! I promised to stop illegal immigration at any cost and I did!"
One might suggest that this crop of Republican candidates for President are boldly going where no candidates have gone before. They believe that the...
I was to be a Dad at a circus food stall with hyper kids wanting everything in sight. Behind me is my parked car and on taking a quick glance around, see to my unbelieving eyes, an Elephant smashing the back of it.
"I believe in the sanctity of life and in order to protect it, I think we need to be willing to require the deaths of anyone, especially women, who threaten it," Rubio stated.
Taking on a Trump persona, Huckabee has been observed trying to fire all of the medical staff attending to him, filing for bankruptcy four times and calling for Latino orderlies by saying, "Tell the rapists I need a new bedpan."
MSTRUMP will begin their programming by repeating their interview with Trump every other hour. In between, hosts will show clips of the interview and along with guest pundits, will make funny faces, shake their heads and look right into the camera to ask viewers, "Can you believe this?"