
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2311 POSTS

The New Face of the Senate Health Care Bill

Very few people know that the sausage business was started by an ex-senator who learned everything he needed to from his career in The Senate. Including rolling in contributions...


PlanetPOV continues evolving and growing and going, there are a number of new features that have recently been added to the site but to begin and as a symbol...

Vox Populi – 12- 04 -09

AdLib : Click here to go to the after-chat post: «link» x BigDogMom : Ok, where to next? x escribacat : Way more fun than watching. x BigDogMom :...

The Chat Continues…

Thanks for joining us for Planet Talk, let's continue our conversations below!

Tomorrow: Friday Night at The Planet

Once again, everyone is invited to join us here at The Planet tomorrow night for music, merriment and margaritas. Well, virtual margaritas but we're using the finest virtual tequila...

Your Economy Has Been Disconnected

Today the Dow hit a post-crash high, 10510.65. THE RECESSION IS OVER! So get up out of that tent, out from under that overpass and toss that "Will Work For Food"...

30,000 Reasons to Leave Afghanistan

The numbers appear to be leaked by The White House, 30,000 more troops for Afghanistan. Some of the buzz from the MSM is that Pres. Obama will present this as...

A Thanksgiving Tradition

It is a tradition with our family that at Thanksgiving Dinner, we go around the table and each of us says what we're thankful for. It occurred to me...


President Obama is going to announce his plans for Afghanistan after Thanksgiving. It may be ironic that by then we will be done giving thanks. Word right now is that the...