White Southerners are the most passive-aggressive people in the world and you don't even know when they are still fucking with you. I want to shout at people of color to facepalm themselves for not seeing the codes sometimes.
This country, north and south, was founded on slavery and removal. It is ingrained in the behaviors of Southerners. And it is tolerated and excused by nearly everyone. It's still in our blood. It is a disease, worse than any virus.
The words cut in stone found at the column are propaganda elevating the cause that put them in uniform and kept the memory of their "service" to The Lost Cause noble in their minds and in the minds of their descendants.
"Have you seen what the Antifa radicals have been doing to these helpless symbols of white supremacy? I mean, 'our heritage'? It's disgusting. They've thrown paint on them, pulled them down, even moved one into the corner of my office," Trump complained until being told he was pointing at Mike Pence.
So when the reporter asked Pence the question, “is it harder for black Americans to make in this country?” his rambling answer tells us what we already know. He is far too afraid to admit the truth, Yes, it is harder for African-Americans to make it in this country.
This paranoid rabble-rouser and dimwit have already done more to divide Americans than any hate-filled, filthy, denier on FOX's hotbed of virulent racism and mindless denial of decency and civility. Now he advocates more hate, with more bizarre and unreal fantasies to support it.
When a university professor, a filthy bigot, insanely rants hate speech insulting women and minorities, actually babbling idiotic nonsense, how does that affect a seventeen-year-old girl, a freshman in college, who is a child by law?
No attempts by any of the other officers to have Chauvin remove his knee from the neck of Floyd,
Last night we saw a glimpse of a police state where Americans were all seen as the enemy. Where the press was seen as an enemy of the state, the very thing Trump has been pushing and that is also the sign of authoritarian domination. When all people and the press are treated as threats to be crushed in the name of "security", when the police and military dehumanize the public and press, democracy hangs by a thread.
White Supremacist Ideology – let’s call it what it is -- is a creation of people who chose that designation for themselves, then created a legal, scientific, and social framework to normalize it. It is an Ideology that must be destroyed by those who continue to see themselves as so defined rejecting the very definition and embracing a true humanity.