Arrianics!   Today is Thursday!   (I know because my wife kicked me out of bed to drag the trash to the kerb) Tomorrow is HuffNo Friday.    It is our hope here that you will refrain from visiting Huff tomorrow.   Unless perhaps...
Apologies to my new POV friends if this is a little thin to be a post.   I don't have the time to research this further right away but wow, I am hopping mad having just learned that Senator...
The "Matthew Shepard & James Byrde, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act was signed today by President Obama. This is a great Bill, a long time coming. Localities can succumb too easily to the prejudices of their populations, & making these FEDERAL...
My name is Adlib and I'm an Ariannic. I was addicted to The Huffington Post for two years. I have been in recovery for 9 months and I feel like I have my life back. Sometimes, I feel the...
The use of anonymous sources in the media, has blurred the line for bloggers and journalists alike. Don't have a source, but you believe something is true (or not), print it anyway, subscribed to that ubiquitous anon source, no responsibility...
Ok, still trying to figure this site out, but I am glad to see many familiar "faces" here.  Looks like there is a growing dissatisfaction with Huff Post and I hope this site is not as restrictive and the...


Joe Lieberman is quoted by TPM to promise to side with Republicans on a filibuster to kill the public option. Who's surprised? Raise your hands. Anyone? This is the same crazed human incarnation of Droopy the Dog who attacked Obama...
Spend some time at The Huffington Post and before too long you will see a reference to Fox News that won't appear on any of their promos. "Faux News", "Fixed News", "Fake News", on and on (and those are the...
Regarding Hairyanna's turn against Obama, and by Dog she was four-square in his corner right up to Nov 10 (HRC could not catch a break at Huff, you will recall), I am reminded of some comments I made about...
Do trolls help us to sharpen our wits and clarify our thoughts? Or are they an annoying interruption?