FINALLY, an Attorney General & a President that actually EMBRACE our Constitution & have not only RESPECT for it's precepts, but FAITH in them as well.
Thank you everyone who joined us for Debate Night Live, we hope you enjoyed it. The conversation now continues here on this post. Please vote for which side you think won the debate then join in on the discussion here...


No, I don't have a lisp and I wasn't cursing. Just a reminder that today is "Thank Huffington It's Thursday!". To help me with this reminder, I've brought my nephew, MadLib to join me in this post. Say hi to...
Reports have it that the president has rejected all four of the plans presented to him and demands a plan with a clear exit strategy. Sy Hersh on Maddow: Following is and excerp from the AP wire story. "WASHINGTON – President Barack...
Hey, kids. Just a minute to dash off a few thoughts before going to a screening of Area 9. Last week's Friday was good, especially considering the technical glitches that made it look as if there was going to be no...
     This Veterans Day is a bittersweet one for the town where I live and work.  Today the VFW had their annual ceremony, and the local Elks Lodge had a free lunch for any veteran that cared to attend.  But...
I think the Fed is being scapegoated to some extent, but like the CIA failures, the financial system collapse did happen on their watch and I support Congress in creating new financial oversight agencies to prevent future financial collapses...
Tonight I introduce a new feature: A recurring seminar on various topics.   The concept is deliberately academic.   I (and others assuming y'all embrace the concept) will be conducting a conversation on various topics: politics, policy, economics. For this first effort,...
There's this site I know, you may have heard of it. It starts with an H as in "Hell". They have a story up right now as their top screaming headline, quoting CBS that President Obama has decided to...
Hey fellow members, here is the latest bitingly satirical piece by AntiChrist (I'm going to have to add a gallery to The Planet to hang all these masterpieces!), created in response to The House's vote against women's right to...


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."