It doesn't take a forensic historian to look backward in time and discover how the pandemic could have been prevented. We had the mechanism in place, but it was dismantled
TRUMP: "You know me, everyone knows me as the calm, peaceful, soothing president, right? 'Mr. Peace' they call me, sometimes 'Mr. Peace of' something, I can't remember what."
So, if you grab every book on the subject of Epidemiology that you can get your grubby hands on, and erase everything relating to pandemics; then viruses don't exist anymore, right? That seems to have been Trump's only strategy, figuratively speaking - the only thing he could come up with, during the first stage of the Coronavirus Global Pandemic.
The trouble is, people use all the same things to dismiss AD/HD. Like, big pharma, or soda pop and sugar, or that everyone has some of the symptoms here and there.
The national spike in late-June to ?, shows that the spread is NOT JUST geographic, but the epidemic is also penetrating more deeply into populations previously affected. So, it's probably going to be the long, hard road.
This week, Trump mused about using insulin without a professional medical diagnosis, as a general preventive. Once again it has to be said, "the man will kill and kill, out of stupidity, until he is stopped!"
Dr. Lee makes sense of Trump's pathology. She defines him medically, and so well that we begin to feel that there may be a solution, an antidote, to Trump and Trumpism. They are diseases. They have causes. And terrible consequences. Like the virus, if we don't stop them, and put an end to them, they may put an end to us.
According to Oz, one "appetizing opportunity" is to reopen our schools. Oz says there would "only" be a 2-3% mortality rate among schoolchildren. Approximately 1.5 million kids. Way to "get our mojo back" on the deaths of over a million children! What a compassionate "doctor".
China knew. China told the Administration. We the People knew nothing until our lungs refused to breathe! Until our beds were covered in blood. Until every breath was a reprieve, that you knew could be your last. That this plague is a slow execution. That it is hell.
If we reach the heat levels predicted for late this summer, we will release into the oceans and the atmosphere, and into the food supply, pathogens to which we may have no natural immunity. The authors say that explicitly.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."