Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments The 5 Changes to Elections We Need to be a Genuine Democracy Great article, Ad…If only these reforms could be implemented. In Canada, our system of adjusting boundaries concerns 338 electoral districts, each district represents one seat in the House of Commons. Every ten years if necessary ( according to the census) each province has a commission made up of 3 members, ” a judge, chosen by the chief justice of the province” and 2 other members who are are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Commons.” “Elections Canada provides the commissions with technical, administrative and financial support to help them carry out their responsibilities. Each commission publishes its proposal, holds hearings where members of the public and parliamentarians can provide their input, then issues a report to the House of Commons. If members of the House of Commons file objections to the report, the commission may opt to make adjustments. All final decisions about the new electoral boundaries are made by the commissions and published in the Canada Gazette as a representation order.” “The redistribution process can take about two years to complete. The new boundaries and names are used at the first general election called at least seven months after the representation order is proclaimed.” http://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=res&dir=ces&document=part1&lang=e It seems like a good system that provides lots of input from numerous bipartisan parties that will allow a fair representation for Canadian voters. Just thought you might find it interesting. Good luck with the reforms. » Posted By goleafsgo On January 8, 2016 @ 10:45 am The Greatest Supporter of Terrorism in America is the NRA I watched President Obama’s town hall on guns on CNN last night…Thursday, Jan 7 at 8pm…the very same time that MSNBC was playing the Trump fiasco in Vermont. Hmmmm. One has to give him or his people a lot of credit to be able to upstage the President’s very important town hall. I wonder if a poll was done to see who watched what. However, what I wanted to say is that the President gave an excellent showing, answering questions and clarifying issues on his executive actions. And yet…and. yet. the conservatives still attacked everything he said, ignoring his explanations about how these actions would not do away with the 2nd amendment, or interfere with one’s ability to purchase a gun for protection. That they were a modest start to hopefully lowering gun violence and saving lives. Watching the Republicans on the panel afterwards was unbelievable. E.C Cup or whatever her name is, a former detective, and some other guy denigrated and attacked the President and his efforts to curb gun violence as being a personal It doesn’t matter what the President says, that is clear. They say he is lying. I find it sad that these people have so much hate for him that they are deaf and blind to the truth. And, that they have so much power. » Posted By goleafsgo On January 8, 2016 @ 11:41 am It seems that police department would like to destroy these weapons…said one police chief I saw on tv the other day when they were discussing crime in Chicago, but, the money they earn from sales, fills the need to buy more resources for crime fighting. Are police departments that poorly funded? This particular chief kept the weapons in storage, but he said most departments don’t have space enough to do so. » Posted By goleafsgo On January 8, 2016 @ 11:16 am How Genuine Are Hillary Clinton’s Attacks on Wall Street? Thanks for your reply, AdLib. I know when I come to the Planet I will find articulate, knowledgeable articles, and mature debates often tinged with humour. I would hope a Dem President would build on President Obama’s accomplishments. They reflect his far reaching vision and could never be completed in just 8 years. You are right about the SCOTUS. I shiver to think of a Republican President having the ability to replace retiring judges. I wish you good luck in the upcoming election. We, in the rest of the world, are counting on you to make the right decision. » Posted By goleafsgo On July 31, 2015 @ 8:02 am Very interesting article, AdLib. If I could vote (I am Canadian) I would find it difficult choosing between Hillary and Bernie. I can understand why the Republicans are focusing on Hillary as not being “trustworthy.” I think it is a Frank Luntz tactic that is working…at least it seems to be. It gives me pause when I think of her efforts against Obama during the 2008 campaign. And then there’s Bill. What can I say other than I would not want him directing the President. I am impressed, so far, with Bernie…his honesty, his courage, and the way he is running his campaign. The fight for the 50 states is impressive. 3500 simultaneous local organized meetings occurred on the July 29. Amazing. Hillary only had 1/5th the number of parties in June. He call this his political revolution. Can he win? I do not know. However, there is one guy that I really could support if he were to run… Pardon my naivete’ but, after all of this happens..the electing of a Democratic President, I have only one question. How does the President get anything done if Republicans maintain the Congress? Maybe two… Can America survive another 8 years of a do nothing Congress? » Posted By goleafsgo On July 30, 2015 @ 8:40 am MSNBC to Spin Off Sister Channel MSTRUMP Hi,AdLib » Posted By goleafsgo On July 10, 2015 @ 5:55 am Crazed Self-Promotion Trumps Politics in The GOP Primary Too funny, Kesmarn! What a ticket. » Posted By goleafsgo On June 20, 2015 @ 4:14 am Kesmarn, You are so right. He has no clarity on any topic…other than to mock or denigrate. He is so much like Sarah Palin in that respect. » Posted By goleafsgo On June 19, 2015 @ 6:44 am The Worst Defeat for the GOP Could Come if SCOTUS Hands Them a Win Against Obamacare This disastrous possibility, of destroying the ACA, and leaving millions of people, many of whom could currently be in treatment for cancer, or their children who are now in lifesaving therapy that otherwise they cannot afford, would represent an inhumane,outrageous, and I suggest, a criminal action. It would be criminal in the fact that such an action would create a death sentence for so many people. Is that not criminal? The inhumanity of it all is astounding! » Posted By goleafsgo On June 11, 2015 @ 7:17 am GOP to Re-Brand Child Molestation as ‘Mistaken Feelings’ Hi, AdLib! » Posted By goleafsgo On June 27, 2015 @ 9:06 am The Grand Old Party of Sedition Hi, confuseddemocrat…I think the Dems are in a spot with making too much fuss about this because it would only further damage the image of America being divided. The internal division would not be a good message to send to our enemies or our friends. I think the Dominionists are behind this action by Tom Cotton and those of his ilk. It would appear Cotton has aspirations for the Presidency, if not now, then down the road. I am concerned about the rise of these folk within the Republican Party and the support they are getting from outsiders. » Posted By goleafsgo On March 11, 2015 @ 8:54 am Hate Crime or Not? You Tell Me Nirek, I believe there are a number of Congress members, mostly Republicans and particularly those extremists in the House, who do hate the President. They openly express this hate through their demands of the Speaker; stop this President from implementing his agenda at whatever cost. They have no fear of being censored or losing their position as they come from safe districts and were sent to Congress to do exactly what they are doing…limit the Federal governments ability to function thus providing failure for the President which then puts more emphasis on the importance of State rule. I believe however, that these folk in Congress are just the puppets of an elite group of people whose objective is to transform America, indeed the world. They are called “dominionists” and are well known by those at the Planet. If we only look at these extremist behaviours in Congress, we are only looking at the above ground sprouts of the problem. How can these sprouts of hate, exhibited by Congress, and the influence it spreads, be eliminated if one is not aware of the root cause…the nourishment of this kind of hate? How can one stop the spread if the source thrives through its fibrous roots that pop up above ground with new sprouts that continue to spread? For hate to be eliminated, one must cut off the nourishing root. Unfortunately, the root is hidden…most people do not see it and are fooled by the tiny sprout that seems insignificant. Being tolerant and educating folk is important. SueCa is doing a great job digging up this huge root. She has verified for me my suspicions about the reach of this root…even into the soil of my country, Canada, and into the political arena of the Conservative Party who are now in power. Well, Nirek. That is my take on this subject. Hate and racism is thriving, I am sad to say. But one can take heart when people like Eric Holder and the President work to stop such injustices. I admire the AG and President Obama and applaud their efforts and successes. But then, there is the SCOTUS whose power transcends both of them. » Posted By goleafsgo On March 5, 2015 @ 6:49 am Why Some Fundamentalist Christians Are Aligned With ISIS Sue, Thank you for your reply and the link. Yes, Many Canadians see Harper as a danger to our country. We have a Federal election this October 19th and hopefully his party will be gone. Currently his overall approval rating is between 34% and 37%. There is stronger support in the Prairie provinces and in particular, Alberta, his home province. We Canadians are also bad at showing up at the polls. Harper was able to form a majority government in 2011 because of voter apathy. Conservatives received 39.4% of valid votes cast. But only 61.1% voted therefore the cons received only 24.1% approval. We have to do better in this next election if we are to rid ourselves of the Conservative government. I found your link fascinating, and terrible. So, that would be fascinatingly terrible! The breadth and depth of this organization is frightening. No wonder the President concerns himself with leaks. No wonder he cannot work with the New Republican Party who completely rejects him…no fault can be laid at his feet, though. I did not see Stephen Harper’s name in the article. If you have any further information about his involvement with this group, I would love to know of it. I will do some research on my own to see if I can find more info. Thanks again, Sue. Your are a great American! » Posted By goleafsgo On March 2, 2015 @ 10:20 am AdLib, excellent article! » Posted By goleafsgo On March 1, 2015 @ 8:50 am Sue…Thank you for this. I truly believe that Dominionism is to be feared. That its concepts are being actively pursued by many in the churches, and that they are in Congress…particularly in the House where about 50 of them are controlling Boehner. Their language is clear. They were sent to Washington to cause chaos and to not just “limit government” but to destroy it as we know it. Since learning about them through your excellent,informative research, I have been trying to make others aware when posting online. But, it seems I am very alone when trying to expose these fundamentalists and their diabolical plan. No one else seems to speak of them except here at the planet. How can we counter this if no one will speak of it? They know how to play the game. They claim to be helping the poor throughout the world, all the while indoctrinating them towards their own end. This election season seems to be using the same strategy…claiming concern for the middle/working class and reducing poverty through what we used to “call “the Protestant work ethic.” A return to the Dickensian world of work or die. Both Houses in Congress are Republican…or as I like to call them, New Republicans. They are very good at lying, innuendo, and deception. The fate of America, if a New Republican takes the presidency, will be in the hands of those whose ideology is authoritarian and theological. I would presume as well, that more states will turn red, and the democratic process will be destroyed for generations to come. Sorry for the rant, but I really appreciate your expertise and hard work in this very important area, Sue. Keep up the great work. I know I will continue to try and inform where ever I can, even though I am a Canadian. » Posted By goleafsgo On March 1, 2015 @ 8:14 am AdLib, You put it well. The outrage is about all of these murders…innocents being killed, be they white or black. I do not, unfortunately, see a change of racist attitudes coming any time soon. You are right to state that the “power and influence [has] to be taken away from such people. But first, it has to be recognized that these people are racists. If they are in positions of power and influence, and I believe they are, at all levels of government, the military, the police, and even in some religious organizations, how do we oust them if they convince people they are not racists. Racism is a horrible thing and noone wants to be considered as such, and those who vociferously deny they are racist claim they are victims and thus gain support when they attack their accusers i.e. Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Guliano are the most obvious. So many questions. Not many acceptable solutions. » Posted By goleafsgo On December 28, 2014 @ 7:34 am An Open Letter to President Obama: Let Republicans Play with Their Own Boehner Thanks Kalima..for the kind words and for the information.:) Take care and hope to see you soon. » Posted By goleafsgo On November 17, 2014 @ 7:19 am Exfanofariana, I raised my kids to be independent, and sensitive to others. Sensitive people are often sought out for hugs and a shoulder to cry on. It does put a load on one’s shoulders, but what better world to live in than one where people care for one another. As a Canadian, I feel greatly for those of you in America who are being inundated with negativity and hate towards a President who truly cares for the “People.” I am glad to see him stand firm against those who are not so caring…those so-called Christian do-gooders. Oh, my…getting too serious for a Sunday morning. Think I will put on some classical music and do some painting. » Posted By goleafsgo On November 16, 2014 @ 7:22 am Thanks for your reply, Kalima. I enjoy reading your comments and have reached the easy conclusion that you are a kind and caring person, so very nice to meet you. I am looking forward to President Obama taking on all comers over this next two years…Dems included! And hope 2016 will see the “ME” crowd hit hard. Have a wonderful day! Not sure if I am replying in the right place. » Posted By goleafsgo On November 16, 2014 @ 6:36 am Wow! Love it. I have three daughters and have always encouraged them to be independent and stand up for what is right. But, third world country dictators have not shown up at our house…although one who dissed the President did, and he was told…Didn’t come back. 😉 » Posted By goleafsgo On November 15, 2014 @ 9:08 am Kalima, it is hard to understand. Perhaps those who are suffering so much really believe it is their own fault. They have been told so often that they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and that if they do not have a job, it is their own fault. The guilt of their circumstances is laid on pretty thick in the election mode media and by local politicians, and from the pulpit. When teapublicans tell them the Dems are taking away jobs; that a minimum wage policy will cost jobs and make retailers raise prices. That a vote for a Dem is a vote to increase unemployment through immigration legislation as those aliens flood the border and take what is rightfully theirs. Being uninformed is exactly what makes Teapublicans successful at the polls. These people who are suffering from low wages, no jobs, and fear of a onslaught of immigrants makes people vote against their best interests, because they do not know it is against their best interests. Does that make any sense? » Posted By goleafsgo On November 15, 2014 @ 8:52 am Wouldn’t we just love to have Obama as Prime Minister!! Clearly reason is being defied by some Americans. Teapublicans, formerly GOP, are so good at confusion and the art of persuasion re the issues; it exploits that part of an evangelical culture where preachers can work up thousands at a time to a fever pitch, thus getting them to do whatever they want them to do…donate money, vote against their own best interests. This kind of power reminds me of the old movie “Elmer Gantry” played by Burt Lancaster. » Posted By goleafsgo On November 15, 2014 @ 8:14 am The GOP Wave Pool: Money, Lies, Ignorance and Democratic Apathy I wish I were as articulate as you, Murph. Thanks for a great comment that touches on everything I believe to be true. Well done! (as usual) » Posted By goleafsgo On November 7, 2014 @ 8:05 am A GOP Majority in the Senate: A GOP Nightmare In the Making funksands, Sorry for being so morose, but at 76 years of age, 6 more years of hate and bad government is hard to swallow. Thanks for your reply, funksands. Much appreciated. Now I will sit and watch and hope and pray for a miracle. ; ) A disappointed Canadian » Posted By goleafsgo On November 4, 2014 @ 4:49 am Hi, Murph, Another excellent, intuitive article. So much can go against the Teapublicans if they win the Senate. However, just a tiny note of cynicism… Does the electorate really move away from the Teapublicans in 2016? I do not trust them one iota. However, I am not so much concerned about Congress as I am about State races and their consequences. Because, as I see it, it is there that the power lies to legislate damaging change for millions of Americans. Just look at what they have done in Red States since 2010. Please talk me down. An observant Canadian » Posted By goleafsgo On November 2, 2014 @ 7:18 am Nirek,I must say I am really confused about the fear of transmission of the Ebola virus. Does this fact not show everyone just how difficult it is to get ebola? » Posted By goleafsgo On November 2, 2014 @ 7:50 am The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers Are The Most Misinformed Nirek, I think their first aim is to be profitable. To be profitable one has to have a draw. In order to create a successful draw it is necessary to understand human behaviour. “The penchant for selective exposure is rooted in our psychology and our brains. Closed-mindedness and authoritarianism—running stronger in some of us than in others—likely are as well.” The media understands this precept and uses it for a variety of purposes, including political persuasion. They all use it, however, Fox does it best. Perhaps it has the advantage of drawing on a large group of people who are televangelists. People who are in their own right authoritarians, but are easily led by the bombastic rhetoric of those who Another aspect of this “selective exposure,” I think should be considered. It is the brain’s “amygdala.” Studies have shown that there is a propensity for political preference depending upon the size of the “amygdala”…the brain’s fear centre. It seems that those with a larger than normal “amygdala” have definite conservative leanings. Those people with a smaller sized amygdala had a larger “Orbitalfrontal corex,” which is the centre responsible for decision making and emotion regulation…indicated a liberal preference. Makes sense to me! What is scary is the fact that anyone can be manipulated by the media, liberal or conservative. And history has revealed there is good reason to be frightened. » Posted By goleafsgo On November 2, 2014 @ 9:07 am CNN, MSNBC and Fox News to Sue Ebola For Underperformance AdLib…”it couldn’t hurt” is right. I think that most Americans pay little attention to politics ( judging from the turnouts for elections) as they are so busy with just surviving each day, but I would be surprised if they did not know about Ebola and feel panic about what is being done to protect them. Many people will remember the Surgeon General’s warning about cigarettes and give credence to his medical knowledge. I think they would see the new Surgeon General as a credible medical authority who represents their best interest. » Posted By goleafsgo On November 2, 2014 @ 6:45 am Open Carry is a Whites Only Law Great comment, AdLib, 2. I wonder about the mindset of these police officers, their training, their culture as authority figures, and if they undergo mental evaluations. 3. As well, I wonder what the ratio of blacks killing police officers vs whites killing police officers. I cannot find anything that would imply blacks killing police officers is so common place that the police have to react instantaneously when confronting blacks. » Posted By goleafsgo On September 26, 2014 @ 1:06 pm Dear Trolls: Yes, I do think Barack Obama is a Very Good President and Here is Why It is so good to read honest,positive posts about the President. Thanks Murph, for your reminder of just how lucky we, Americans and Canadians, are to have Obama as President in these very complicated, horrific and trying times. Well done all! » Posted By goleafsgo On September 25, 2014 @ 8:13 amComments Posted By goleafsgo
vendetta…a conspiracy to destroy the 2nd amendment and take away all guns!
God help us all if Trump wins the Presidency. And I say that as a Canadian.
that is Vice President Joe Biden. He is a true statesman…a GOOD man.
I also am fed up with the Trump crap on MSNBC and..CNN which I turn to the odd time to see breaking news items. CNN’s Anderson Cooper has interviewed him as well. I could never watch an entire interview with this fool, but what I did see, for the brief moment I did watch, was Anderson drooling disgustingly!
Enough already! How long do you think we are going to have this narcissistic idiot’s hair clogging the air waves?
Not only the Republican Party will self-destruct, but those on the Court who vote a death sentence for innocents, young and old alike, will pay a price.
John Roberts will not want this criminality as part of his legacy so thus will not allow its passage.
Is this one of your satirical posts?
Is this for real? I am flummoxed and in disbelief that this is really what the Republicans are doing! Wow! just …Wow! What a bunch of sick puppies.
Good grief. What a mess these Tea people have created, now and for the future.
But, there needs to be much more exposing of those roots to the sun where they will eventually shrivel and die.
Thanks Sue.
It has been noted that many who turn to ISIL do so because of poverty or lack of educational opportunity. But, it struck me, when the media was covering the Hebdo murders, that mention was made of how Muslims do not assimilate into British and French society. They keep within themselves, just as some migrants like the Italians, Irish and Jews formed their own little enclaves when they came to America; they kept to themselves because of resentment and anger from Americans who saw them as a threat to jobs,wages etc.
I would think this is an area that Muslims and non-Muslims need to work on together if we are to ever eliminate culture wars, religious jihad that our young are being drawn to.
The Dems only have Hillary Clinton as their great hope; Just one focus for the New Republicans to work their black magic. That, I feel is not a good thing. It is clear, that even now, all attacks are on Hillary and the President. More Dems need to be in the mix, if only to show the depth of the Party, with many who are capable of running for President.
This is a global crisis and these folk need to be exposed.
But, the most powerful source of influence is the media. How will this entity, along with the internet, be a service for good? This is where racist attitudes grow and fester and spread without censor. How do we control that without interfering with the right of free speech?
Sorry for the cynicism.
As I used to say to my little students…”Have a funny day! 😉
It would help us with that “thingy;” that Ted Cruz was born in Canada. ;[
Dems may likely have to wait until 2020, but can America wait?
Six years before the fickle electorate feel the consequences of Republican dominance…not even mentioning the problems overseas.
It raises my ire and tonight it will sicken me.
they are sooo good at media messaging. They will work it, and work it, and work it. One has to admire them for that despite how one feels about their ideology. As the old saying goes “Fool me once”…fool me again! ; )
Mr. Duncan’s fiance’ looked after him when he was contagious, for several days, and she, as well as the three boys living in that apartment did not come down with it…It is interesting to note that she said she cleaned everything with bleach! And yet, the nurses who were looking after him got sick, even tho they had protection. It seems he was highly contagious when in hospital. When at home and during visit to the hospital he was not as contagious. So there appears to be a time frame when, even tho one is exhibiting symptoms, one will not infect others.
Why do people not use common sense? Ah…right…politics.
are the “Elmer Gantry” types. [ Burt Lancaster movie from the 60’s]
There are several things that I wonder about when I read of these senseless killings.
1. The fact that gun control is out of control. States, usually Red states allow “open carry,” do not have background checks, and elected representatives do not have the political will to correct these foolish laws…not even to save the lives of children. Why is that?
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I am proud to remind trolls of his accomplishments, but it is very difficult to stomach the bigotry, the hate, and the lies that seem to fill the threads in online newspapers like HuffPo and the WaPo to name two. I really appreciate the conversation and how people like ChoiceLady, AdLib and others were able to use the facts and not name call or lie to make their points.
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