
Comments Posted By Wiseronenow

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Huffington Post Finalizes Its Divorce From Its Bloggers

Today, Arianna Huffington has her usual “Sunday Roundup” column and I thought I’d take license and revise it.

This was a week that saw the exodus of former HP blogger’s with more than successful results. In the world of the blog-o-sphere, HP fell 2-0 to PlanetPov and/or Daily Kos, knocking the defending champions out even before the upcoming knockout rounds. In an even worse reappearance, current HP honcho’s tried to defend their assertions that freedom of expression and thought has “been so wrong about so much” on their site. But owner in chief, Adrianna Huffington, scored an unsurprising knock down herself when she believed, “History has proven that our bloggers just haven’t gotten it right as well”, but nonetheless they said adios. As they say: ‘Goooooooal!’ Meanwhile, several HP bloggers canceled their trademark user names on HP. Though HP team hasn’t changed its mind yet to their current blogging format with Facebook, so I’m partial to renaming them the Huffingtongators, the Corporatista, the Repressors, or the Misleaders. Tough to choose when they all seem so apt.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On June 22, 2014 @ 5:37 am

Wanted to just say another hello to MurphTheSurf! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Glad I’m here!

» Posted By Wiseronenow On June 9, 2014 @ 4:04 pm

Huffpo Refugee, here. Been on HP for some time, but ’nuff was ’nuff for me when they required only FB postings. Wondering, if their market share takes such a hit that at some point they will want to sound (and nothing more) still Progressive and announce they have decided to give us a “choice” to post on FB or continue on HP instead. That wouldn’t surprise me in the least. However, that would mean they would have to hire again mod’s to do that policing ‘thang. However, there was a silver lining of sorts. Whenever, I’d comment on one of Adrianna’s and obviously ‘ghost writing’ weekly columns and I said anything negative about what was written pertaining to her, it would never see the light of day. So, this past week, I made sure to post PlantPov URL in the comment section. Yes, I had to use my FB to do so, but just didn’t check off the FB box so it would not also post there. It was a small amount of self-satisfaction if nothing else.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On June 9, 2014 @ 3:09 pm

Another HP Refugee here. But, there is a silver lining to this latest by HP for Progressives. Case in point. I’ve been able on HP via Facebook to post this article’s URL to spread the word so to speak. There is no filter now, i.e. mod’s. And, if one doesn’t want it posted to their Facebook account, don’t click the box asking same on your post. And, of course, whatever other stipulations you’ve placed on your Facebook account whether you want it is for general consumption or not.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On June 3, 2014 @ 3:50 pm

Short Posts

After David Brat won, I opined/posted wondering how deep he was in Koch Bros’ pockets. And, true to form, he is, and very deep. I’m really disgusted with how the MSM is pushing the “Palin” script again with this guy too. Just a newbie with little cash, a real “every man”. B.S. An every man who has been “pallin around” with billionaires and to the tune of accepting a 1/2 mil too. Worth the read.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On June 12, 2014 @ 4:32 pm

Well, as I see it, there is very little difference in Cantor vs Brat. Now, the GOP just want you to believe there is and that feeds into their strategy. Cantor, will go on to a lobbying job and working on the outside with the likes of the Koch Bros. and still advancing the GOP agenda that way. Brat, if he wins in November, will be the inside guy. Don’t be fooled. Same-o-sam-o. So, all this fake dismay about Cantor not winning is just that and I’m sure Boehner and McConnell are truly not that upset. Recall, Jim DeMint. He left office and went the way of the Heritage Foundation, which is a blueprint for the Republican ideas.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On June 11, 2014 @ 4:01 pm

Is there not huge irony in Tea Party choosing an academic with Brat? They have always dismissed Obama’s same credentials.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On June 11, 2014 @ 3:51 pm

Question: What changes would you like to see on this site?

HP refugee, here. Maybe, I’m just a creature of habit, but I rather preferred the layout of HP. They seemed to have taped into a ‘newspaper format’ which makes it easier to more quickly scan and/or read. However, I realize the content is much more important and why PlanetPov has them beat hands down. There is only so many times where one can be bored about another Kim Kardasian siting. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoy PlantPov and looking forward to fostering more progressive relationships here.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On June 9, 2014 @ 3:38 pm

Pessimism in the Age of Mass Manipulation and Plutocracy…

As trite as this may sound, but I have it posted in my bathroom, which causes me to see/read it first thing in the morning: “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a LIFE”. How one individually defines that is purely up to them of course. However, I understand your angst, truly do, for I’ve been there many times and still allowing myself to go ‘there’ and not by choice either. So, as I see it, comes down to choices by not allowing ourselves to be overly influenced by others. Took me a long time to come to understanding that but more so accept it for ME. So, I instead awake each day always thinking of what I can contribute for the sake of being of help instead of being helped in the long run, whether that’s financially or psychologically. This way I reap what everyone has been struggling for – peace of mind.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 26, 2011 @ 12:11 pm

Arianna’s Republican Hattrick (or Toyboy)

Well, first of all, some may have lost sight of the fact, that Arianna has ALWAYS been in it for the $$$’s. The hook for many it seems that she was not concerned with all that. Secondly, she has never been a fan of the Clinton’s and especially Hillary contrary to whatever was written on her site and usually never if anything positive. Thirdly, notice how she has never been to the yearly event of journalists at the WH? Even Keith Olbermann attended and I assume by invite too. If she was, I’m sure she would have self-promoted that too to the hilt. That spoke volumes and there are reasons for her not being invited. Having said all that, she is still a force to be watched within the media sphere and even moreso now. Meaning: she has a huge platform to air her greivances on basically anything. Yet, at some point she too will realize that just spewing negativity with no real concrete solutions to offer will cause her to become just another talking head and as irrelevant. But, she is not looking to just corner whatever the media market is here in the states, journalistic-wise, but she is looking at her new endeavour much more globally. I’m assuming that is her charge from AOL. To expand “their” world-wide view. Her site, HP, is just a very small part of it contrary to what we just read or more so what she seems to always be self-promoting. But, it does sustain those clicks on her site, doesn’t it? View her with as much of a measure of temperence as any of the other media tools.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 19, 2011 @ 5:38 am

Invite For collaboration

I think there would have been as much of an exodus from HP with or without her buyout from AOL. It was a long time comin. The tenor of the comments along with the over modification was starting to wear on lots of folks. One could also see it with the level of reporting. Then Arianna began her quest to denounce Obama every chance she got whether in print or on talk shows. Recall, back during the Clinton years, she was one of the first to actually have a website to encourage impeaching him. Why do you think there is rarely if ever a positive story on Hillary? But, regardless, HP will be a force in the media and how it is reported. One must just have a more discerning take on whatever she spews.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 18, 2011 @ 4:06 am

Worth sharing….”The Disease called ‘Perfection’ “

Too late. Sorry, but we’ve passed that attainable of ‘less is more’ what with the social networking that exists now. If one isn’t in tune to the latest styles and images from Hollywood or Madison Avenue, they soon will be by just having a Facebook or any other venue like that to communicate. Just look at the uprisings in the Middle East. How have they come to learn about all that type of specific glitz and glamour? Much from the social networking, I’m sure. And, their world is moving at warp speed when it comes to being exposed to a world that they never, quite possibly, knew existed or at least been able to communicate about. Is it more than that for them? I’m sure it is and more to do with their attaining democracy, whatever that means to them. However, one can’t discount that a large part of they wanting more free expression is their ability to interact with the world at large with all it’s vices and devices too.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 16, 2011 @ 4:50 pm

Stupid is as Stupid Polls

Ah, yes, euphemisms, “enhanced interrogation techniques” = torture. We know this. And, there have been more and more to align our thinking with certain political groups. Profits become earnings, people offer feedback instead of criticisim, teachers become educators, company presidents have become chief executive officers, family docs became primary care physicians­, magazine photographers become photojournalists, and the unemployed have become involuntary force-reduction. By the way, noitce when looking for a job one doesn’t look at want ads anymore, but employment opportunites. Makes you feel a lot better, doesn’t it? Not. And, lastly, homemade sounds too full of shit, so home-style is more accepting. Manipulating the language in that way is probably more the case of why some folks find it easier to identify with certain political factions than not. The Bush regime were masters at this.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 15, 2011 @ 3:53 am

An HP Moderator Replies

You are right when stating: HP cleaning up the boards and controlling the conversation for the new buyers. Just because “we” understood, or thought we did what HP was all about, one can’t believe that AOL folks did. Discussion for the buyout I’m sure was going on over the last year. Which plays into the ‘tone’ shifting Right and right about then. But, I chuckled today when reading Arianna’s post and she actually complimented Obama, even briefly. Guess she felt she has to throw the progressives a bone to keep those that continue to hang on. Rather transparent considering she lambasted Obama and his administration AGAIN on This Week today. I’ll leave her to her vices or devises, whatever they may be.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 13, 2011 @ 6:10 pm

Everything from “Over There” belongs “Here!”

I found that to be true too with regards to any of my posts going into the modland whether they were even positive too. Whatever. Oh, yes, I posted the other day about Arianna’s interview with Bill Maher this past Friday and she stating her site was NEVER strictly political, never was. Unbelievable. So, but no surprise, today she is on This Week, a totally “political” show. Wonder if she will be talking about fashion, entertainment, life issues, etc. (you know AOL lite) as she claims her site is truly all about now with George Will? She is truly beyond the pale.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 13, 2011 @ 7:31 am

Finally, a new bumper sticker for both political parties:


Republican­s put it on the rear bumper. Democrats put it on the front.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 12, 2011 @ 10:08 pm

Facing Ignorance

Been ‘there’ many times with my bro, Mensa member, graduated from high school at 12, graduated from college at 16, went on to become successful but I swear what comes out of his mouth about our President, the Dem’s, minorities, liberals, etc. makes me cringe and I wonder who the hell is that guy emailing me? Not the bro I thought I knew. Yet, he claims he is not racist and will take huge umbrage if I even suggest he is. Too sad. However, he has such good qualities as a father and husband. His daughter is just a joy and doesn’t share any of his beliefs. Interesting to say the least.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 11, 2011 @ 4:54 pm

50 Ways To Leave Your Blogger

Good morning all. Well, couldn’t sleep and thought I’d check in on varioius sites to see how the world has changed since I last ventured there. Well, but no surprise something that really got my juices flowing: Arianna Huffington on Bill Maher’s show yesterday. She is now claiming that her site is NOT political and never was!! Seriously? Then the question bears asking: WHY!!! has she ONLY been on “political­” talk shows? I never heard her venture onto those shows and talk about fashion, entertainm­ent and the like which she is now claiming is the actual makeup of her site. But, no surprise that Bill wanted to continue with his sucking up to actually ANYONE that he would give her a forum to counter any negative comments about her AOL buyout. But, then Bill goes right on to ask HER a POLITICAL QUESTION and about Obama. Unbelievab­le. And, OF COURSE, she said nothing positive about Obama. She should have said: “no, no Bill ask me a question about what Suri Cruise’s spring fashion line might be”. The woman is a total hypocrite.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 12, 2011 @ 1:59 am

You are right, it was condescending to all the readership there. “You silly bloggers, you don’t truly understand how the real world works, and by the way, I’ll do anything to keep this gig. Even if it means I have to bow at the feet of Queen Arianna. I’ll just let ‘cha’s believe I’m one of ‘y all.”

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 11, 2011 @ 4:33 pm

Disgusting and yet it got past the mod’s there. Of course, note the time when it was posted: 4:59AM. Early morn hours usually allow posts to filter through. So… for thought IF anyone wants to spread the further word on this site. :o)

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 10, 2011 @ 3:14 pm

Wanted to point out an article today by Jason Linkins on HP. For some reason he felt a strong need to justify why he writes for HP. Interesting that he felt he had to do that now. Maybe, it’s because he doesn’t want any of the taint of the HP merger with AOL to fall upon his (ahem) journalist integrity. Nonethelsss, while reading the article the sucking up was more than obvious, yet he tried to frame it otherwise.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 10, 2011 @ 3:04 pm

Well, my questioning of “what” Jason Linkins might say about the merger was answered today. His news for the day and what to write about at HP? “Bristol Palin for President”?? Kid you not. Tongue in cheek, possibly, but does that not say it all? And, we thought the trolls were anonymous posters over there. Hmph.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 9, 2011 @ 3:53 pm

Again, glad I’m ‘here’ instead of ‘there’. But, I do have just one request: PLEEEEEEEZE!!! Let it be forever banned the word HATER!!!! to express displeasure with a post/poster. I would just cringe and more whenever the vapidness of that word was used over and over at HP.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 8, 2011 @ 7:05 pm

So true! Anything negative said about her would never see the light of day.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 8, 2011 @ 5:50 pm

Oh, I totally agree. And, rest assured many of the so-called “mods” as easily would post provacative comments just to get the thread riled up.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 8, 2011 @ 5:43 pm

Yeah, but keeping an account open @ HP is not such a bad thing. I’m sure she wants to clean up any riffraft to be sure that the commentary is all positive. Soooooo…..let’s keep her guessing and the mods real busy. Heh.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 8, 2011 @ 9:26 am

AH reminds me more and more of the Glenn Close character in Fatal Attraction.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 8, 2011 @ 9:21 am

And, what did I predict no more than this early morn? That HP will be sure and post an article on Palin, but in this case it’s about Bristol and her thoughts(???) about running for office some day. HP, so pathetically transparent. Like I said, HP will HAVE to be sure and post an article or two on the Palin’s before the week end in order to give a deflection from the AOL buyout for the defectors from leaving.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 8, 2011 @ 9:19 am

Corporington Post

What has been interesting is to track the number of comments on the lead story. Case in point: There has only been apx. 1,200 comments since the first post six hours ago. That averages to apx. 200 per hour. To me that is really lower. Granted, some of the comments began in the wee hours of the morning, but still the lead story always seems to get the most hits. It will be interesting to see if it continues. Now, of course I do realize HP can inflate those numbers. Guess, it’s time for HP to put a front page article (huge font in red of course) of a Palin siting again. Notice how the article on Bristol and her acknowledgement about running for office some day was off the front page before the end of the day? Usually, HP leaves any article on the Palin’s hanging there for days. Can’t let their minions see that there isn’t much traffic being generated, especially anything on the Palin’s. Guess, Arianna has to give Sarah a call and ask if she wants to “contribute”, once again.

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 9, 2011 @ 3:35 am

Each time I look at that picture of her with her hands/arms up reminds me of Evita Peron. Just sayin…

» Posted By Wiseronenow On February 8, 2011 @ 2:02 pm

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