Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments I hate to admit in this case one reason I like Hagel is because he’s the anti-McCain. Hagel is thoughtful, measured and cautious where McCain is impulsive, boisterous and reckless just to name a few ways the men are worlds apart. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On February 19, 2013 @ 10:54 am McCain is the embodiment of how the GOP has transformed from a political party to a national pariah. He went from a man with at least some principles who would take on his party from time to time to a totally unscrupulous political hack. His only principle like the GOP is to be anti-Obama no mater what the reasonable side of an issue is. They unquestionably have removed reason from their decision making process and always put party and political cynicism before country. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On February 19, 2013 @ 10:49 am GOP STFU at the SOTU. These SOTU ‘rebuttals’ even bother me when a Republican is POTUS but with a Dem president they are outright absurd. Rubio is going to give the response this year and all his proposals match Romney’s proposals from 2012. The great Cuban hope Rubio is the default front runner in the GOP but really just offers the same bullshite the GOP always does. Repeal Obamacare, Tax Reform (cut taxes for the rich where the only caveat now it the GOP likes to stick the poor), Drill Baby Drill energy policy, bellicose bloated pentagon spending and The only new thing with Rubio is Republicans at their cynical best want to outreach to the Hispanic community which is just translation to they want stop losing national elections. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On February 12, 2013 @ 9:32 am WATCH AND CHAT LIVE TONIGHT @ 6:00PM PST: President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union Address Checkmate K! It really was a great Obama speech with so many good ideas, passion and optimism. Take that gloom and doom GOP. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On February 12, 2013 @ 8:46 pm Other troglyodites, all GOP men that voted against the legislation. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On February 12, 2013 @ 2:35 pm In a stroke of genius the GOP is having Marco Rubio who voted against the VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) will be delivering the response to President Obama’s SOTU address. So the signal the GOP is sending is they need Latino’s but not Latina’s in their continued war on women. Fortunately despite the GOP knuckle draggers the VAWA did pass the Senate. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On February 12, 2013 @ 2:29 pm REVIEW: Predictable and Repetitive, Has American Politics Jumped the Shark? Bravo Adlib another inspired piece. Indeed what we think of government and politics is completely broken because on parties’ whole belief centers around government being broken. So when in power Republicans are incompetent running the country and out of power they do everything they can to prevent good government. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On January 18, 2013 @ 10:24 am Weekend Music Thread – Put A Smile On Your Face This always puts a smile on my face. Seattle Men’s Chorus – “Every Sperm is Sacred”
» Posted By KQµårk 死神 On December 1, 2012 @ 8:57 pm I guess I have a dark sense of humor, save for all the Flight of the Concorde type song parodies. The Mountain Goats – No Children
» Posted By KQµårk 死神 On December 1, 2012 @ 8:54 pm Spot on analysis with you unequaled wit per usual AdLib. Remember we got to this ‘fiscal cliff’ because the worst House in history put politics before country. The GOPTEA House had the best offer made to them by a Democratic president since Clinton gave Gingrich the draconian welfare reform they wanted. But because all the Republicans cared about was making Obama a one term president they didn’t take the deal. Thankfully it was a failed strategy and I think the current GOP will fail in this fight too. I don’t know what the final deal will be or even if there will be a deal but all the GOP will do is make it as ugly a process as possible. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 29, 2012 @ 2:20 pm Hi K. Believe it or not we are gonna get similar weather to you the next few days. Close to freezing and rainy. We may even get a spot of snow. We could use the rain but I hate the cold along with it especially with my cranky old bones. I lost over 30lbs because of this whole MDS thing. I’m now below my high school football weight so I’m particularly sensitive to cold now. Have no clue with the trivia but great question for President’s Day. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On February 19, 2013 @ 10:09 am Nuclear proliferation including nukes falling into the hands of terrorists are about the only national security threat that really scares me after Obama decimated many terror groops. You more than anyone K know NK can’t be trusted with such weapons and I think are an even bigger threat than a nuclear Pakistan and perhaps Iran. It seems like the hard liners in NK are going nowhere soon. Of course the biggest long term threat to national security by far is failure to act on climate change. I think we are even past the tipping point on action and millions are already doomed in future just from the global destabilization that will be created. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On February 12, 2013 @ 9:48 am Hi K ygm. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On February 11, 2013 @ 10:07 am John McCain Demands Investigation of His Own Sanity I’m not surprised about what’s going on with Romney because McCain never ended his campaign against Obama. The good part is at least Romney holds no office and is now a pariah. The real funny part is McCain is a pariah too except with a few in the beltway media. This whole thing that he still has any real gravitas on national security is a MSM creation. I just looked at the latest numbers today and I saw now Obama finished with a margin of victory of over 3% and will end up winning by over 4 million votes. So that RAND continuing poll I was talking about toward the end of the election will end up being one of the closest. Also Gallup and Rasmussen cannot hide now with their skewed polls because both of them are no outside the margin of error. I know I’m a little obsessed with Gallup and Rasmussen coming clean but I think it will be important come future elections. Allot of Dems were discouraged from voting in 2010 for a number of reasons but one was how bad the polls looked and even back then Rasmussen in particular was biased toward Republicans when PPP was spot on. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 16, 2012 @ 6:47 pm You hit the crux of the issue again AdLib. McCain has gone insane since he lost an election to a skinny black guy. Like the rest of the GOP he’s just a delusional political hack now. Here’s a guy that wanted with with Iraq based on lies even before the Bushies wanted it. Yet no one was ever held responsible for those lies. You notice how the right wing always pick proxy fights with high ranking African American officials because they can’t get after Obama. From Jarrett to Holder and now Susan Rice. Why isn’t McCain and Republicans attacking Hillary or even Petraeus? We all know why. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 16, 2012 @ 5:56 pm Weekend Music Thread – Celebrate! One of my all time favorites. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 10, 2012 @ 7:48 pm Love it K! » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 10, 2012 @ 7:44 pm What the GOP Would Have Said if They Helmed the Titanic Todd Akin: I question whether the sinking of the HMS Titanic was cause by a ‘legitimate’ collision with an iceberg aka ‘sea sperm’ at all. As we know ships are considered to be female in nature. So the HMS Titanic sunk because she was asking for it. Because if it was a ‘legitimate’ collision with a ‘sea sperm’ where HMS Titanic was not at fault ships have natural ways of avoiding getting sunk. This is the way marine engineers explained it to me. In the end whatever happened to the HMS Titanic we should stop investigating anyway because after all it was God’s plan that she sunk. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 10, 2012 @ 10:25 am 😆 love the Titanic metaphors and you are spot on with how the right wing would spin the disaster. The accounts I’ve heard from the last minutes in the Romney bunker sound priceless. Especially the reactions from Romney’s and Ryan’s wives, Eva and Magda, respectively. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 9, 2012 @ 7:01 pm The GOP Attempt to Resurface…As The Tea Party Pulls Them Down Unskewing polls is as ignorant and pointless as trying to unscrew virgins. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 15, 2012 @ 12:02 pm Also the only election where the GOP won the popular vote since 1988 was in 2004 during a general election. The GOP basically won that year because it scared enough women and minorities, especially Latino Americans into voting against their economic interests. If the GOP does not change significantly they just won’t win another general election for a long long time. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 14, 2012 @ 8:46 pm Republicans are always so stupid with their theories. Obama may not have won anywhere near the majority of the white vote but a MAJORITY of Obama’s voters were white. Obama could not have won without getting a significant portion of the white vote. The only difference between most white voters that vote Republican and most that vote Democrat is the ones that vote Democrat vote in their self interests and not for silly things like tax cuts that will never ever reach them. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 14, 2012 @ 8:36 pm Absolutely fining employers NOW for hiring undocumented immigrants would pay for all the border security needed but they have lobbyists. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 13, 2012 @ 9:50 pm It’s probably a pill we’ll have to swallow to get comprehensive immigration reform passed but progressives can get offsets they want too like a faster VISA process and path to citizenship for professionals especially more foreign doctors who will be need to make Obamacare successful. Another big offset for expanding the guest worker program is to not force current undocumented workers to ‘tag up’ which has been a huge sticking point for progressives and rightfully so. There are so many details like what will the fines be to who gets in front of the line that it will take allot of negotiation to pass. Probably the biggest sticking point on the conservative side is what will ‘securing the borders’ entail and what will it cost. The best way to pay for any new border security is to use the fines as an offset but they probably would fall short unless they were overly punitive. How about a new tax for companies that employ guest workers? » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 13, 2012 @ 9:24 pm Even when Libertarians believe in the right thing it comes with bad intentions. Paul is probably thinking he can explode the guest worker program with comprehensive immigration legislation that will give big business hordes of cheap labor. It would create a whole new underclass. Remember Ayn Randians always want to help the rich by hurting the poor. It’s what they get off on. Randians don’t want a free market America they want a country like China where workers are punished and only a relatively few succeed. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 13, 2012 @ 8:41 pm Love the cheating husband analogy K. At this point the GOP bravado is failing to deliver. They really won the advantage in 1 out of 4 of the last elections since the 2006 midterms. Everyone forgets all they promised their base in 2010 and they delivered nothing. Much smaller budget cuts, no cuts in entitlements, no really ending Obamacare, no winning back the Senate or the presidency. For all the so called energy the GOP base has they have very little to show for it. Sadly the big losers with GOPTEA baggers is female reproductive rights and now the workers pay more in state taxes but again this hurts them in future elections. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 13, 2012 @ 7:32 pm Excellent article AdLib. You hit the nail on the head especially that the new strategy of just sounding more moderate won’t work. The real problem is the GOP had one big strength in the 2000’s, message discipline. That’s one thing Romney with his flip flops started to decimate and it will continue in the GOP civil war. We already see factions of the GOP sending mixed signals. The plutocrats with a big effort that will be pushed by the chamber of commerce will push for comprehensive immigration reform. Basically immigration gives business exactly what it wants, cheap labor. As long as a huge guest worker program is part of the immigration legislation where workers can get less than minimum wage the establishment GOP will jump on it. Of course this will only alienate the anti-immigration hawks in the tea party even more. The other thing the GOP does not understand is immigration reform is only one part of the issues Latinos are concerned about. Latinos want better social services, schools and a viable safety net just like all liberals. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 13, 2012 @ 3:23 pm America and Democracy Are Not For Sale Boys Spot on an as eloquent as usual CL. Like Patsy posted the White House is the one you cannot buy. But of course the GOP will learn all the wrong lessons AGAIN. George Will just thinks the GOP needs to employ tokenism and nominate someone like Rubio. Base Republicans think they just need to nominate a REAL conservative. They have not learned that even though teabaggers are like 2-10 the last two election even at the Senate level that America is not buying radical conservatism (sure and oxymoron but we are talking about the batshitecrazy GOP). Last but not least like you said the GOP will still think they can win with another plutocrat. They just need a better salesman to be the plutocrat. Damn the torpedoes (real issues) full steam ahead. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 7, 2012 @ 9:50 pm Indeed Patsy. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 7, 2012 @ 9:41 pm I saw some poor lady on twitter, tweet that her husband isn’t talking to her because she supports the president and he blames her for Romney’s loss. Sure I want more people, especially in my demo middle aged white males to come towards my point of view, but if you are gonna be that hateful and that much in denial I don’t mind seeing them stay where they are. » Posted By KQµårk 死神 On November 7, 2012 @ 5:41 pmComments Posted By KQµårk 死神
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