Miscalculating Iran

his last November, four decades after the ouster of the Peacock Throne, the largest anti-government protests since the fervor of 1979 spread around Iran were ignited. I, who pride myself as a lay expert was caught flat-footed.
We may be teetering on the brink of war because of inattention. Trump's vision is narrowing in focus. The narcissistic Obsessor obsesses on himself.
The gearing up for world war and the destruction of Islam served two purposes; of course it was a distraction, but it was a big step towards war. "Start here," means that Trump & Co are building a case for war with his base.
Americans need to be both vigilant and wary of the current situation as this president is not beyond lying to have his ultimate goal of starting a war against an enemy he has no understanding of other than that of hawkish men who have no issue in sending US troops to their slaughter along with the slaughter of tens of thousands of others.
In a way, much of America seems to be just stunned, standing in the middle of a house where an orange-faced arsonist is pouring gasoline everywhere and threatening to drop the (Nazi) torch he's carrying if he gets mad enough.
Hillary's debate skills may not be enough to defeat Trump in the debate, she may need one or more strategies, depending on how Trump conducts himself, to win the debate not only on substance but when it comes to perception.
The Democratic candidates for President debate tonight at 6:00pm PST. The debate is hosted by CBS. As usual, PlanetPOV will be hosting a live chat, the best way to enjoy a debate.
"David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear, wish I could do that! 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?' That giant metal immigrant, you know she's from France, needs to be deported along with 11 million Mexicans!"
The GOP's vague alternatives to the Iran deal are dishonest and impossible but of course, they don't care. Like the nihilists they are, all they really care about is defeating every effort of their true enemy, Obama and Democrats. Not preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons.


The republicans hurry to war but refuse to care for the veterans their war created. With that in mind, I believe that more veterans than ever are going to vote for a Democrat who is against senseless WAR! Bernie Sanders has been against all our wars since he has been a Rep. or Senator. Nearly all the GOP candidates are in favor of said wars. They even want to start another with Iran.


The Game The Right Is Playing With Religion

The founders knew and understood the true implication and impact of the separation of Church and State for the country compared to the religious tyranny that enveloped Europe at the time and before this country started developing into a nation essentially free of mandated spiritual influence, which some call Christianity.

David Ignatius, What the Hell Is Wrong with You?

I do not believe President Biden should step aside. I think the Washington Post should stop placating Trump and his base and call Trump out as the fabulist for what he has done and what he will do to this country if he wins the Presidency.