The imperfections of a democracy tend to be known to all who participate in it and more often than not, disregard those little imperfections because they are constantly hit with a barrage of rhetoric to confuse and conquer.
"Her Majesty trusted in me to serve a thick, over-sized side of beef in a flaky fragile shell and in the end, I wasn't able to serve Mr. Trump," Flanagan said.
Trump presented a longer list of "bad guys" which oddly included "Jesus". When asked about this, Trump noted, "All these people think Jesus is a good guy, well he's not, trust me. He creates zombies by bringing dead guys back to life, how evil is that?"
What if Trump was able to reshape America without Congress or the courts being able to check his power, what would this country look like? Let's call it Trumptopia, a regime resembling Russia but with a Trumpian twist.
TRUMP: "Dear wall, I'm praying that you turn all the media into something...I don't know, salt, lepers, hey what about, snakes! With tattoos that say, 'I love Fake News!' but with the heart sign for 'love', you know?"
Donald Trump is a terrorist in the literal sense. When Trump tries to negotiate, he doesn't do so like a sharp businessman, he just uses extortion like any thug or terrorist might. There is no art to the dealing Trump does, just the threat of brute force.
Trump declared that it is important for the world to see the US perform its responsibility to appear as a moral leader and that he hopes they appreciated this performance...also mentioning that it's available same day on Blue Ray, DVD and pay per view.
Trump declared that he had complete confidence in Nunes' integrity and that the they were about to go for a walkie so Nunes could "take care of his business".
Would Flynn have contacted the Russian ambassador without Trump or anyone on his team knowing about it? And after making those calls, would Flynn have just gone to sleep in his Stalin print pajamas? Or might he have instead contacted Trump to say, "Mission accomplished!"
God explained that he doesn't have a Twitter account but wouldn't have replied to Trump anyway, saying he just found it amusing to see someone who thought he was the center of the universe.


Watch and Chat Live: The Presidential Debate – Harris V. Trump 6:00 pm PDT/9:00...

Tonight is the first (and only?) debate between Kamala Harris and an orange stain on this country's history. It begins at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm EDT and we are hosting a live chat via our Vox Populi app starting then as well as streaming the live video of the debate below so you can watch and live chat on the same screen. Ain't modern technology wonderful?