California is in the early stages of legalizing marijuana use.  New Jersey is probably going to legalize medical marijuana.  Thirteen states will then have decriminalized marijuana use in some way.  It is time to seriously consider legalizing at least...
Preface I recently wrote an article about the upcoming trial of Scott Roeder. There have been numerous responses to the article, and many have been both thoughtful and passionate. I began to write this as a responses to some of...
I received an email this morning from CREDO's Becky Bond that announced that the trial regarding the constitutionality of Prop 8 will be published via webcast on YouTube.   Judge Walker of the 9th Ciruit of the  US District Court ruled that interest...
NEW JERSEY – The state Senate denied marriage equality to all its citizens. The marriage equality bill failed to pass in a 20-14 decision despite Democrats holding the majority. Senators James Beach (D-Camden), Paul Sarlo (D-Bergen) and Steve Sweeney...

No Satisfaction

The Conference Board Research Group has released the results of their survey regarding job satisfaction and the results show that 45% of Americans are content with their jobs. The lowest rate of job satisfaction since the study began over...
Are Americans in need of parental figures to guide them through the complexities of life?
NEW HAMPSHIRE - At 12:00 a.m. EST many couples shared the joy of greeting 2010 with kisses and clinks of champagne glasses, but some in New Hampshire were celebrating with the same customs for additional reasons. The Granite State...
Lately there has been alot of talk in the air of progressives that are not satisfied with the way things are going in this country.  At the beginning of this year, there was such a euphoria that we had...

A New Year

Well, it’s that time of year when most of us reflect on the past twelve months, and make resolutions for the next year. If you’re typical, most of the resolutions made will be broken in the first week of the...
This morning my partner's mom came to our room to ask me about something. She told me that my would-be brother-in-law just got an email that says the White House refused to let any ornaments on the tree that...


Democracy Or Autocracy: Which Do You Want?

If Trump manages to win, Trump’s retribution will not be limited to what he does here in the United States. He will partner with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un, and the world order as we currently know it will for sure become the despotic nightmares we read about back in High School in 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Hunger Games, and Handmaid’s Tale.