"The folks at Fox News have been fantastic, it's really a great fit for me," Satan stated. "I think we're on the same page which makes working with them seamless."
America's failed war on drugs supplies an almost endless stream of inmates to these corporations. The more people these companies incarcerate, the more money these companies make. There is something fundamentally wrong with all of this.
It was a dark and stormy night as two gay novelists were driving through Kentucky on their way to New York, to get married...
In America, the USA, we are beginning the primaries that will help decide which candidate will run for the coveted office of President of the nation. It appears we will continue to be more divided than ever. How can we unite under one banner? How can we bring the citizens of this country into agreement?
When asked about any regrets on exterminating the entire population of the U.S. in the name of protecting the country, President Trump became upset. "Why would you ask me something so stupid? I don't have any regrets! I promised to stop illegal immigration at any cost and I did!"
This past Friday, the United States outdid itself. Reactions varied as Justice Kennedy delivered the finishing touches to the end of civilization.
Scalia explained, “History now poses a threat to the white male conservative Christian’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. That being the case, this court has no other choice but to order history to cease and desist.
If 6 million Americans are thrown off of health insurance and the ACA is crippled, the ripple effect will come crashing down on everyone who has health insurance. And the hand that will be holding the lit match while our health insurance system goes up in flames...will be the Republican Party.
"The first thing we need to do is change the public's perception of this and take away the unfair stigma," GOP adviser Frank Luntz explained. "We want to come up with a more positive term for 'molestation', that word just exudes negativity. We're spitballing a few ideas now as replacements. There's 'Mistaken Feelings', 'Confused Hands' and 'Oops Baby Baby'."
The disconnect between those Americans essentially supporting greater Climate Change and more frequent and terrible natural disasters that some of them dying in, is astounding. It's like blocking a national effort to prevent the spread of Black Plague simply because Obama wants to do it (no doubt a re-definition of Black Plague to them).