In a way, much of America seems to be just stunned, standing in the middle of a house where an orange-faced arsonist is pouring gasoline everywhere and threatening to drop the (Nazi) torch he's carrying if he gets mad enough.
"I realize the tragic significance of the atomic bomb... It is an awful responsibility which has come to us... We thank God that it has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that He may guide us to use it in His ways and for His purposes".
President Harry Truman, August 9, 1945
Many veterans are injured either physically or emotionally or by some illness brought on by (in my case) Agent Orange. We all carry memories that we wish we never had to.
Republicans have been lobbying Trump to change his campaign persona into a "more presidential" one, to go by a script and stop saying incendiary things. In other words, they want Trump to pull a bigger con on the American public than he has been, deceiving voters into thinking he's not the sociopath he really is.
Consider Trump's campaign of terror on immigrants and people of color, from the Muslim Ban to Trump's demagoguing of Latinos as dangerous threats to white Americans to tearing babies away from their parents and locking them in torturous conditions. Isn't he trying to illegally terrorize people in pursuit of political aims? That is the exact definition of terrorism.
What could be more Republican than appearing on the biggest Russian-controlled propaganda network to denigrate America's democracy, its free press and provide cover and support for Russian attempts to sabotage and manipulate America's election process? A lot...if you're not Donald Trump.
Skeptics in the press corps questioned Trump on both the fictional basis of the weapon and the decades that building such a massive ship would take to which Trump replied, "That's just more fake news. The Death Star is real, we have it, it's up there, and Mexico paid for it."
Walking around a store with an unloaded air gun that's for sale at that store when you're black allows police to legally murder you. Walking around a store with real and loaded weapons when you're white is exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.
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Both Clinton and Biden have since, apologized for their votes for H.J. Res. 114 because they did not think at the time that President Bush would use it as an excuse to invade Iraq. The irony is that now the vote is being used against President Obama's vice president in the same manner he used it against his 2008 primary opponent.