"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."

Miscalculating Iran

his last November, four decades after the ouster of the Peacock Throne, the largest anti-government protests since the fervor of 1979 spread around Iran were ignited. I, who pride myself as a lay expert was caught flat-footed.
Trump has hijacked the ultimate moneymaking machine that has ever existed, and he would have as well the ultimate extortion machine.
We may be teetering on the brink of war because of inattention. Trump's vision is narrowing in focus. The narcissistic Obsessor obsesses on himself.
The gearing up for world war and the destruction of Islam served two purposes; of course it was a distraction, but it was a big step towards war. "Start here," means that Trump & Co are building a case for war with his base.
Trump wants a war. Before taking the photos and claims we're being fed at face value, we might think about a couple of things, historical and factual, that make this whole incident appear to be very dubious.
Trump explained, "Okay, some people say that Mr. Bin Laden may have been a hateful madman who was followed as a cult leader and didn't care about the lives of anyone else..but somehow, I feel a real connection with him."
Consider Trump's campaign of terror on immigrants and people of color, from the Muslim Ban to Trump's demagoguing of Latinos as dangerous threats to white Americans to tearing babies away from their parents and locking them in torturous conditions. Isn't he trying to illegally terrorize people in pursuit of political aims? That is the exact definition of terrorism.
Americans need to be both vigilant and wary of the current situation as this president is not beyond lying to have his ultimate goal of starting a war against an enemy he has no understanding of other than that of hawkish men who have no issue in sending US troops to their slaughter along with the slaughter of tens of thousands of others.

Here We Go, AGAIN!

Both Clinton and Biden have since, apologized for their votes for H.J. Res. 114 because they did not think at the time that President Bush would use it as an excuse to invade Iraq. The irony is that now the vote is being used against President Obama's vice president in the same manner he used it against his 2008 primary opponent.


Vox Populi – 02-28-2025

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