Since he was in his early 20's Paul Ryan has looked to the Gospel of Selfishness espoused by its principal prophetess Ayn Rand for inspiration and direction.
Today's GOP is the equivalent of a 1960's Madison Avenue ad agency aggressively promoting the benefits of cigarette smoking, fully knowing that if they're successful, millions will suffer and die but only caring about making the wealthy people they work for, wealthier.
It doesn't matter whether Bin Laden is killed, the economy is recovering or diet donuts have been invented that reduce your cholesterol and make you lose weight, the GOP is bent (in many ways) on spinning every bit of good news into something terrible.
Will hating college, gays and women's rights beat hating unions, economic fairness and honesty? Join us for a live blog of tonight's GOP primaries in MI and AZ to find out!
When given a choice between progressive American community values and the values of extreme individualism and greed, progressive values appear to have the upper hand.
Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, announced today at a gathering of high profile Republicans and Wall Street executives that the GOP is formally divorcing reality on grounds of irreconcilable differences.
Inspired by Spinal Tap, The Office, Borat and Curb Your Enthusiasm, Mitt Romney is actually a brilliant satirist using the spotlight of the Presidential election to play the realistic-seeming role of a clueless wealthy goofball who's always saying the wrong thing and humiliating himself.
The swift nomination of Mitt Romney could light the fuse that blows up the GOP into a civil war and leave Romney ill prepared to compete and debate with Barack Obama. Could be worse...
There are complications that go along with having an eight year old boy as your campaign adviser including setting up playdates for him with Rick Perry and Herman Cain and having to discipline the adult staff to "act their age" so they're on a par with him.
Mitt Romney may once again be the inevitable candidate...which is of course oxymoronic (emphasis on the "moronic"). Join us right here for a live blog of Super Tuesday results!


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."