Just in time for the end of the 2012 election PlanetPOV presents the new Periodic Table of Dangerous Elements. There are plenty of new infamous characters added but there are still many golden oldies on the table. Two Willard...
So, here we are coming to the end of a pretty unbelievable year. A reality show host is on the verge of becoming a major party's nominee for President, racist police forces from the 1950's keep coming through wormholes...
Karl Rove: "Hold on, I think it's far too early to say that the Titanic sunk. I have been refreshing my news browser and there is still 3% of the Titanic that is not below water so I find it quite curious and premature to declare that the Titanic has sunk."
Just in time for the 2012 election PlanetPOV presents the new Periodic Table of Dangerous Elements. There are plenty of new infamous characters added but there are still some golden oldies on the table. Some more notorious international figures...
It's understandable that no candidate would choose to openly campaign on cannibalism, except perhaps Ron Paul, so this terrifying agenda has been well hidden by Romney's campaign until Ted Nugent's accidental slip about it at the NRA convention.
We are now told that Mitt Romney is an Etch-a-Sketch. Wonder what other toys and games he and the rest of the GOP Candidates are?
He gave everything he had to win the election...except tax returns, principled stands, the truth, compassion and the same answer to the same questions.
Willard Mitt Romney is an American Businessman and politician. He was born in Detroit Michigan but was formally raised in Bloomfield Hills. He went to Public schools up to middle school when he transferred to a Boys Preparatory School,...
Romney has often demonstrated that he has more in common with firewood than fired workers, all that remains to confirm suspicions is for a woodpecker to perch on his block shaped head and begin pecking away.
Romney says corporations should be able to marry, gun manufacturing corporations should be allowed to have shotgun weddings, the energy industry deserves to have a nuclear family if they so choose and competing corporations should have the moral right to get into bed with each other.