The spin of yesterday's election that is all over the MSM today is, "It's the year of the woman". Some would beg to differ. On the surface it is true, several winners of primaries yesterday were women. But the case...
It's Election Day today, you can smell the aroma of desperation and tea bags in the air. It will be interesting, this will be the first big reflection of the influence the Republican Extremists, aka, Tea Partiers, have. With the...
In 2008, a majority of voters seemed to have recognized that the GOP's policy of allegiance to the wealthy and destruction of our constitution, principles and economy was really not something that they wanted to continue. The voters wanted change...
As, some of you know, my passion for politics extends 'across the pond' as they say. I didn't think of writing anything until results started streaming in, and that for a subject I feel deserves more notice from us...
The Grateful Dead must be rolling in their joints. As described in the NYT: On Wednesday, the California secretary of state certified a November vote on a ballot measure that would legalize, tax and regulate marijuana, a plan...
Come November, the Republican Party may need to change their mascot from the elephant to the lemming. In the aftermath of Scott Brown's upset election in January, the GOP redoubled their bets on the failure of Health Care Reform. As...
I am a Virginian.  My mother was a Virginian, and so was her father. His family came to the colonies out of necessity and choice. During the English Civil War in the 1640s, my ever-so-many-great grandfather backed the losing...
This morning the office of Senator Evan Bayh, D-IN, announced that he will not run for re-election this November. There's more than one way to react to this news. Since Bayh is a Democrat, the gut reaction might be...
A New York Times reporter asked a man the following question, What is a fascist?  How many fascists have we?  How dangerous are they?  The man answered, The really dangerous American the man who wants to do in the...
Watching the Teabaggers ponce, preen and pontificate for the better part of last year, and ending with their recent convention, I'm always struck by the fact that they and their ilk have channeled Thomas Jefferson as their Founding Father...