Democrats have wasted an historic moment.  A mandate that is given by the people once every couple of generations.  The people spoke and said bring change and restore our country.  Democrats of course talked a good game saying we...
At great risk to their personal safety and careers, GOP insiders smuggled out an early draft of the Republican Tea Party's Pledge to America and have provided it exclusively to PlanetPOV. As you'll see, this draft is quite startling in...
Last Thursday, The GOP released their "Pledge" to America and the only positive thing one can say about them after seeing what's in it is that Republicans finally have shown they believe in recycling. Their "pledge" was very general, promising...

Are We the Sheeple?

I guess campaign season's started in earnest now. Congress has returned from its summer hiatus. (If you think they have too long a holiday, come to the UK. Parliament's out July, August and September, the last month being the...
BREAKING NEWS!!! Just in! The Planet has just received this startling footage of a Tea Party rally where they have turned on their candidate for Senate in Delaware, Christine O’Donnell after revelations that she admitted to being a witch! On...
Midterm election articles
One of Arizona's most famous son's is Barry Goldwater, a five term Senator known as "Mr. Conservative". Republican Senator Goldwater launched a bid for President of the United States against Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, and Goldwater was portrayed as...
It is a given that the party out of power picks up seats in the off year election. Why is that? The logic would seem simple. American voters have the patience and vision of a nearsighted 3 year old. Every...
With all the hype and furor being generated about making marijuana legal, there are a few points that have not heard from anyone other than me. And I’m still waiting for a coherent, fact based argument against passage of...
Remember the movie "Memento", about the guy who couldn't remember recent things because his short term memory was damaged? Er...what was I saying? That brilliant film now seems to be an unintentional but fitting allegory for American voters and our...


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."