With the Uncloak the Kochs rally approaching, it’s a great time to share many of the articles and images already percolating out there.
First, here are a few images for your edification:
The Greenpeace Airship is already over Palm Springs, getting the word out!

The Other 98% created a clever and enlightening timeline on the Kochs:

Agit-Pop designed this badge for those helping Quarrantine the Kochs!

Already, many publications have run articles about the upcoming rally, here are a selection for your perusal:
The LA Times:
Californians to protest against Koch brothers in Rancho Mirage
Environmentalists, labor union members and liberal activists across Southern California are mounting a protest Sunday in Rancho Mirage against billionaire “tea party” funders Charles and David Koch and their semiannual confab of conservative activists.
The brothers, who own oil refineries across the U.S., helped fund last November’s Proposition 23, the failed ballot initiative to delay California’s landmark global warming law, AB 32. They are major backers of groups that seek to refute scientific evidence of global climate change.
The Kochs’ regular gatherings attract several hundred Republican officials and wealthy business executives to raise money for conservative causes. In the past, the Koch-sponsored conferences have attracted such luminaries as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas along with GOP members of Congress.
The Guardian:
The billionaires are coming: Obama’s richest enemies to hold summit – Koch brothers to host rightwing politicians and business leaders at California resort to discuss how to influence politics.
But this year’s reception will differ in one important regard: it will have an opposition. For the first time, a coalition of progressive and liberal groups has formed to try to counter the power of the Koch brothers. The anti-Koch gathering will be staged down the road from the Rancho Mirage. It will hold its own – open, as opposed to secretive – panel discussion and a rally designed to highlight what its organisers see as the pernicious impact of the Kochs on the democratic process.
Protesters To Target Koch Brothers’ Secretive ‘Billionaires Caucus’
For four days at the end of this month, Charles and David Koch — America’s richest brothers, and notorious underwriters of the right-wing — will convene a group of influential Republican donors in Palm Springs to develop their plan of attack for the 2012 elections. When the Kochs and their friends arrive at Rancho Mirage, they’ll be greeted by protesters who believe the government has been hijacked by the self-interests of the rich.
The Koch brothers – Charles and David – have come under intense scrutiny recently for their role in helping start and fund some of the deepest-pocketed groups involved in organizing the tea party movement such as Americans for Prosperity, and for steering cash towards efforts to target President Barack Obama, his healthcare overhaul, and congressional Democrats in the run-up to the 2010 election.
Liberal critics have launched a campaign to highlight what they say is the systematic way in which the Kochs use their political giving to advance a conservative economic and regulatory agenda designed to further the interests of their oil, chemical and manufacturing empire.
Common Cause, the liberal watchdog group, is planning a protest called “Uncloaking the Kochs” and what it calls “the billionaires caucus” on Sunday a few miles down the road from the resort in Rancho Mirage, Calif., where this weekend’s conference will be held, and a handful of reporters have made plans to try to cover the Koch’s closed-door gathering.
National Review:
Cantor to Attend Koch Conference
This weekend, Rep. Eric Cantor (R., Va.), the House majority leader, will be attending the Koch conference in Palm Springs, Calif. Sources tell us that Cantor plans to detail his party’s “cut and grow” agenda in sessions with business leaders. It will be the Virginian’s third visit to the retreat, which is hosted semi-annually by brothers Charles and David Koch, who manage Koch Industries, a global manufacturing and investments group.
The Koch brothers, as NRO readers know, have received much attention in recent months due to their financial support of Americans for Prosperity, a leading organizer of the conservative grassroots. So it comes as no surprise that their meeting in the Coachella Valley this week is attracting a slew of left-wing activists to the region. Groups such as Common Cause will be huddling nearby. Van Jones and former labor secretary Robert Reich, among others, will be participating in the festivities.
LA Weekly:
Battle in Rancho Mirage: Progressive Activists Aim to ‘Uncloak’ Billionaire Koch Brothers
They were going to chat among themselves about the direction of the United States in relative peace, but that secret wasn’t kept for long and those plans are dashed. Now groups such as the Los Angeles-based Courage Campaign and California Student Sustainability Coalition, among many others, are going to confront Chuck and Dave and protest in the streets.
Charles and David Koch, the billionaire brothers who helped bring you the Tea Party and Proposition 23, are convening with other super wealthy Republicans for what was supposed to be a secretive meeting in Rancho Mirage near Palm Springs this weekend.
The Desert Sun (Palm Springs newspaper):
Secretive ‘billionaire caucus’ in Rancho Mirage drawing scrutiny – Protests planned; Supreme Court justices’ involvement with Koch questioned
The Koch brothers were notable supporters of last fall’s Proposition 23, the statewide ballot measure to suspend California’s landmark Global Warming Solutions Act. A company subsidiary, Flint Hills Resources, in September made a $1 million donation to the “Yes on 23” effort. Californians solidly voted down the measure in the November election.A private meeting of elite Republican donors in Rancho Mirage is sparking a nationwide discussion about the influence money has on politics and governing. The four-day gathering that starts Jan. 29 is organized by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who are known to back conservative causes.
It marks the eighth time they’ve held an event in the Coachella Valley, but the first time their efforts are being widely publicized. Though organizers have tried to keep their long weekend retreat under wraps, a leaked copy of the invitation says participants will focus on policies to combat “the most critical threats to our free society.”
News of the gathering is also prompting other groups to wage a campaign they say will shed light on the Koch brothers’ venture:
An “Uncloaking the Kochs” panel discussion will be held Jan. 30 followed by a “billionaire caucus” protest at The River. Organizers of the rally — involving Common Cause, Courage Campaign, California Nurses Association and Greenpeace — hope to draw as many as 1,000 people.
And here are the official links for Uncloaking the Kochs:
Website: http://www.commoncause.org/KochRally&msource=EEW1101KOGOW
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=139732349420678
Twitter: @kochbusters
I will be live blogging from the event, sharing photos and videos and I should be able to set up live streaming video of the panel discussion in a post, courtesy of Common Cause.
Should be quite a day coming up! If you can’t be there, The Planet will be a great place to be a part of it!

anyone else hear that #mubarak is secret guest tyrant at #koch bros event tomorrow? @greenpeacemag
This is being tweeted around as a reminder of what this gathering is all about on Sunday, so if you have the the time and a buck ninety-nine take a look at “AstroTurf Wars.
The trailer for the film.
Some links:
(Astro)Turf Wars: New Documentary Explores Corporate Influence Over Tea Parties
Koch Inc. has been damaged and files suit to protect their good name.
The Koch Brothers and Darrell Issa
by: Lucas O’Connor
Fri Jan 28, 2011 at 22:02:39 PM PST
#koch #kochbusters #issa
bito, I am still curious to find out what Arianna was doing hanging out with this Issa fella….
Before that, she was with Newt in Italy. I always judge a person by their actions, not their words. And her actions do not appear consistent with a genuine Progressive.
True!!!! Makes me really wonder why our POTUS desired to have the same nincompoops the GW had….
KB – My personal theory is that he relied a lot on Rahm to initially guide him and Rahm is an old school, Clinton DLCer.
Also, I think one can’t ignore that as our first black president, he may have had a concern that he would be seen as too radical if he brought in unfamiliar people.
As it is, we can see how freaked out the racially-impaired white folk (aka Tea Partiers) are even with the familiar faces in Obama’s Admin, wailing about how radical he is.
Meanwhile, Progressives scratch their heads about the use of “radical” and the Obama Admin in the same sentence.
AdLib…. Have you ever went to infowars.com??? Totally paranoid place to visit… I am pretty sure that is where the TeaPartiers started, if you take time to read their Goals… It is like Alex Jones wrote their list of goals and grievances…. That’s just my opinion…
I do still wonder about some of BO’s appointments…
KB, I think they both like the color green and can smell it from miles away. 😉
I have no prejudice toward green myself… I have started my own business after 23 years in the graphics industry… Funny how I never learned to type….
Just got this in a tweet
kathayccc Kathay Feng
http://youtu.be/JbVC4FKb8T0 Check out this amazing Greenpeace rainbow blimp callg out #Kochs #uncloakkochs #kochbusters #commoncause
Thanks for posting this bito! Kathay and all the other Common Cause folks are just the best! As is Ruby Reid from Courage Campaign who has been incredible in helping coordinate all the myriad aspects of this action.
Truly, if I listed all the amazing people involved in this, it would be everyone and take a mile long comment.
I had the pleasure to meet one of the Greenpeace folks at a meeting, she was great too!
Whatever people on the right or the left say about Progressive organizations, my personal experience has been so positive, seeing so many creative, dedicated, diligent and make-it-happen people has really energized and inspired me.
We CAN do it, whatever “it” is, I’m more confident about that than ever.
Thank you for adding the bells & whistles so the rest of us are able to be right there with you!
Hey Boomer, my pleasure!
Looks like I’ve got the streaming video figured out properly, I’ve scheduled a new post to go up tomorrow morning with the video.
This way, you’ll be right there!
This is the launch of a national campaign so it will likely be coming in one way or another to many states, surely your pivotal state!
In that case, you’ll be the one on the ground and we’ll be supporting you and the action on the live feed.
However, once we get enough donations to purchase our PlanetPOV private jet, we’ll all be able to make each event!
to Tweet this post: http://bit.ly/gogt5v
Bito…you rock!
What bothers me most, (okay, there are a couple of things) besides the gazillion, millions of dollars these two use to rail road this country to their cheezy benefit are:
1. Buying the Repubs (Cantor is, is, I’m at a loss for words, and
2. Which should probably be first, Justices of the SOTUS have the unmitigated gall to be present and accounted for?
Uh, huh, and we’re supposed to believe they know what the hell they are doing, other than cow towing to being bought and paid for?
I’m right with you down the line, Boomer. Time for the 99% to tell the top 1%, “We’re the majority, we decide!”