Trump's solution is so like what happened during the Black Plague: Trump hasn't a solution, nor a clue; no more than his 14th. Century counterparts did, so he has a 'genius' solution: let all the infected die! Everyone left will be winners. "YOU WANT TO BE A WINNER, DON'T YOU?


Weep for the Uvalde parents. They will never again hear the laughter of their children. For the grandparents, uncles, and aunts who will never again receive those precious hugs and kisses from their beloved grandchild, nephew, or niece.
Have you ever seen Vladimir Putin make a dramatic entrance? If not, rewatch last night’s Triumph of the Trump extravaganza. The White House was the backdrop to Trump's own brand of Nuremberg Rally and the program Triumph of the Will Deux.
I had the pleasure to catch Grace Potter, Jackson Browne, Marcus King and Lucius sing Grace's song, "Each Other" on The Colbert Show last night and it struck a chord. So this weekend, it leads our music thread with the theme of humanity, people and solidarity.
To call attention to Trump's cowardice (one among many) of always blaming his failures on others, this weekend's thread is for songs with titles or lyrics about you, me, he, she, us and them. But mostly "him".
Both Clinton and Biden have since, apologized for their votes for H.J. Res. 114 because they did not think at the time that President Bush would use it as an excuse to invade Iraq. The irony is that now the vote is being used against President Obama's vice president in the same manner he used it against his 2008 primary opponent.
This has been a shocking, tragic and emotional week. So this weekend's music thread is about justice, activism, peace, compassion and unity.
Aspirational thinking is dangerous, even deadly. Magical thinking is murder. And waffling and wavering back and forth about fundamental issues is to start a mile race, three-quarters of a mile behind.
In the President's speech during the White House coronavirus response meeting yesterday, and especially in the prepared statement, I saw something that I had never seen before in a human being. And I came to realize that every monster I've ever known was just a story in a book, no matter how real-seeming or frightening.
We have a real fight on our hands again to keep our independence, freedom and democracy alive in this country so this July 4th weekend's music thread is for songs about America, good and bad, freedom, and conscience.


The MyPillow Guy To Be The MyBankruptcy Guy

“The perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.”—Federalist 1.