“I have full cause of weeping; but this heart shall break into a hundred thousand flaws Or ere I’ll weep.” — King Lear
For the Elders of Buffalo.
Because those Elders of Buffalo die at the hands of an eighteen-year-old racist.
Because this murderer didn’t think those Black Elders had the right to live.
Because this eighteen-year-old racist believed the American dream only applies to white individuals like him and his family.
Because our country values gun ownership over human life.
Because we live in a country that boasts of opportunity for those who apply themselves, yet when someone who isn’t white uses that admonishment and is successful, they are now seen as a threat.
For the Black Elders of Buffalo were not allowed to enjoy their twilight years because a white eighteen-year-old had no respect for those different from him.
Because another eighteen-year-old decided ten-year-old’s didn’t need to see their 11th birthday.
For the Uvalde parents. They will never again hear the laughter of their children. For the grandparents, uncles, and aunts who will never again receive those precious hugs and kisses from their beloved grandchild, nephew, or niece.
For the colleges and universities that are deprived of the possibility of teaching these children who might have become great leaders, innovators, Congressmen, Senators, doctors, lawyers, judges, clergy, good parents, or just all-around American citizens.
Because it seems this is all we seem capable of doing. But is it? Is this all we can do, or is it all we want to do?
The victims and their families have my full sympathy, but I am more pissed than anything else. All this mass murder is entirely the fault of the Republicans, both in Congress and at the state and local levels. They wrote the laws that allow any idiot to walk into a store and buy as many guns as they can pay for and the GOP PROFIT off of all this murder in $Billions$ in political payoffs from the NRA. The only change in the situation is that it continues to get worse.
The GOP continue to do nothing, to not even propose to any solution for the gun problem, or to even acknowledge that it is a problem. Why would they? It would mean no more NRA $Billions$ for the GOP to hide in their offshore accounts.
For the past 40+ years I have voted a straight Democrat ticket in every election. There is nothing more I can do. Even if I did have any cash to give, throwing money at the problem won’t change a thing. The things we can do have been seen by too many as far too radical. But here they are; This will piss off the red states mightily, but (in no particular order)…
💦End the states ability to write their own election/voting laws, ceding that control to the Feds, to make it uniform.
💦Redesign all voting districts across the country (un-gerrymander) to give all voters a fair shot.
💦End Citizens United, This would end the current practice of allowing unlimited funding of elections and hides the source of that funding. This is how the GOP became an owned subsidiary of the NRA, the KGB and several oligarchs.
💦Remove states’ ability to write gun laws, and replace them with gun laws written at the federal level. That would give us one single set of gun laws spread equally across all 50 states, much easier to manage than how it is done today, letting all states write their own gun laws individually.
💦Redefine our understanding of the Second Amendment. It is not a green light for anyone to own a gun of any kind, or that civilians can own a gun at all.
💦End open-carry gun laws.
💦End the NRA. It is a terrorist organization.
💦Criminalize gun shows. They all sell guns ignoring existing gun laws.
💦Arrest Trump immediately, along with all of his traitorous supporters. We have much more than enough reason to. Hell, Reality Winner was tossed in prison for five years fior simply publishing a government document, and she is still stuck in the system; her supporters have been crying for years for her release & for Biden to give her a full pardon. If Trump and the GOP were poor black people they would already be spending life in prison, those that we didn’t shoot dead as we were arresting them.
💦The Feds should seize and shut down Fox News. It is a terrorist organization, the supply chain that Osama Bin Laden used to publish his taped diatribes. The only difference between the two is the level of technology.
💦Jam the signal of AM hate radio stations, in the name of stopping terrorism.
Eliminate the Electoral College because in close elections they almost always swing their vote to the Republican. The EC outlived its usefulness over 50 years ago, now it is mostly just a GOP tool to cheat their way into office.
I could go on.
But the only way any of this can happen for all for ALL the non-voters to register, vote and vote a straight Democrat ticket.
Do it for the children. 👯♂️👨👩👦👨👩👧👨👩👧👦👨👩👦👦👯♂️