Thanks to the crack team at PlanetPOV temporarily laying off the crack and doing some investigative work for a change, we are able to bring to you this exclusive advance draft of the speech Mitt Romney will give tonight.
Romney will likely win NH by a healthy margin but if he can be denied in SC and FL, the meme would quickly turn from Romney as inevitable to Romney as collapsing.
Look at the ongoing polling numbers in the swing states, most of which have consistently favored Obama and ask yourself, do these numbers really reflect a race that, as we keep being told, could go either way?
Perry's out! Newt's up! Romney's down! Newt's ex-wife attacks! Romney's taxes attack him! And the South Carolina primary is in two days! Join us for a live blog of tonight's debate, it should be entertaining!
So Mitt has chosen to play his cards very close to the vest. Secrecy is one watchword. Another is that he does not admit error. And the third is that he will reconstruct any value, any position, if it gets him closer to his goal.
ROMNEY: "I like Mexicans food, it's just the right taste. My wife and I often have a case of dillas, typically with cheese."
For Mitt Romney whose “principles” are interchangeable Lego blocks, his response to the GOP base that wants him to say things that would be lies is, “No problem, I can do that!”
Will hating college, gays and women's rights beat hating unions, economic fairness and honesty? Join us for a live blog of tonight's GOP primaries in MI and AZ to find out!
Thinking the unthinkable. As horrible as it is to think of this, the wise are doing just that.
It is illegal to ask party affiliation in Washington, so as long as you are willing to sign a sheet that states that you consider yourself a Republican and that you won't vote in another caucus, all voters are welcome. With Obama safely installed as the incumbent, I figured I may not get another opportunity like this for another 8 years.


Democracy Or Autocracy: Which Do You Want?

If Trump manages to win, Trump’s retribution will not be limited to what he does here in the United States. He will partner with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un, and the world order as we currently know it will for sure become the despotic nightmares we read about back in High School in 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Hunger Games, and Handmaid’s Tale.