The big delusion among pundits and Democrats are that facts and policies matter to swing voters. The problem with these predictions are that for the first time in electoral history Romney has enough money to sell the big lie.
There is a strategy in primarily impressing a positive perception about the Dems and Obama. It can also infer an accurately negative perception about the Repubs that can be more powerful than explicitly stating to the public "We're on your side and they're your enemies."
This is penultimate debate before the South Carolina primary which looks like the final opportunity for any of the others to stop Romney so logically, they should come out guns-a-blazin' against him...but expecting logic from Republicans is like expecting honesty...from Republicans. Join us for tonight's live blog of the debate!
Welcome to this ongoing thread for discussing the slow motion kamikaze nose dive into the GOP known as the Mitt Romney Presidential campaign.
We are now told that Mitt Romney is an Etch-a-Sketch. Wonder what other toys and games he and the rest of the GOP Candidates are?
The choice of Paul Ryan is a clear and unambiguous statement that the Romney campaign knows they are losing in a big way and needed to make a Hail Mormon pass to have even a miniscule chance of winning.
You're invited to a gallery opening for PlanetPOV's parody artwork. Inside are a selection of graphics created by and for folks here at PlanetPOV, poking fun at Mitt Romney and others on the Right Wing. Enjoy!
Today we'll host a live chat beginning at 4:00 pm PST while this post serves as an open thread for Election Day discussion. Should be quite a day and night...especially for Obama supporters!
When someone is shooting a lot of arrows at you, don't try to catch each arrow, take his bow away. In the next debate, Obama should attack Romney as untrustworthy and use each question or response to drive that point home. It won't matter what lies Romney tells if he's not believed.
Many Americans mistakenly connect being wealthy with being smart but George W. Bush and now Mitt Romney have proven that conventional thinking to be as dead as the dodo...which coincidentally has become the new mascot of the GOP.


Democracy Or Autocracy: Which Do You Want?

If Trump manages to win, Trump’s retribution will not be limited to what he does here in the United States. He will partner with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un, and the world order as we currently know it will for sure become the despotic nightmares we read about back in High School in 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Hunger Games, and Handmaid’s Tale.