First, props to SueInCa for her brilliant article, The Next Credit Bust – 2012? which inspired me to post this as a kind of companion article.
For those...
Music can take you away from your troubles and worries but sometimes it can take you away to an actual place. Today's theme is music that's about or from...
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
Who would have thought that the best advice for America in a motion picture would have come from...
When we last left The Man of Steele, he was cornered by Moral Outrage outside a lesbian bondage club in West Hollywood!
Using his Super Ignorance, The Man of Steele...
Happy Easter to all!
While you were sleeping all snug in your beds last night, The Easter Planet was hiding political Easter eggs in this article.
Following are anagrams of the...
The GOP appeals to the child in people (just look at the cartoonish characters representing it in the media and Congress).
The child they appeal to is the one that...