
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

It’s PlanetPOV’s 3rd Anniversary! – Support Our Winter Donation and Membership Drive

Our three year anniversary is a tribute to all the people who have contributed here in one way or another. During our Winter Donation and Membership Drive, we invite our members and readers to donate or subscribe to keep The Planet spinning.

Vox Populi – 11-30-2012

AdLib : Night Bito! Rest up and feel better! bito : Good night all, rest well "and give my peanuts to brother Jake." AdLib : It ain't the truth, indeed! SallyT :...

Driving Up the Fiscal Bluff

We know we're speeding towards the edge of the cliff and when we reach it, the two inch drop could kill us! If it gave us a heart attack. Which is what the wealthy and the media out there are trying to give us.

Weekend Music Thread – Family and Holidays

This weekend's theme is about family and holidays, songs about the season, family that's here and remembered and memorable times with those we care about.

Vox Populi – 11-23-2012

AdLib : That's where you'll find me! SallyT : Good night, AdLib! See you in the Funny Papers! AdLib : Night Bito! Night Sally! SallyT : Good night, Bito! SallyT : No need,...

A Thanksgiving Tradition – 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! Our PlanetPOV tradition on this day is to use our magical elves to tell us what many of the well known figures in politics are grateful for...and by magic elves, we mean making claims of national security breaches to the FBI who then use the Patriot Act to seize private emails.

BREAKING: Republicans Vow to Block Thanksgiving

Senator John McCain has taken the lead in vowing to block Thanksgiving, claiming that he will focus on blocking the dark meat from being served. McCain also attacked rice, making a variety of claims about what it should have known and when.

Weekend Music Thread – Life is Sweet

This weekend's theme is about how sweet life can be. Songs about things that are sweet, by bands with sweet names or just the sweetest songs out there.

John McCain Demands Investigation of His Own Sanity

In a surprise move today, Senator John McCain has demanded at a press conference that a special Senate committee be formed to investigate his own sanity...or as Senator McCain put it, "What do I know and when did I know it? And why? And where are my keys?"

The GOP Attempt to Resurface…As The Tea Party Pulls Them Down

The Republican Party wants to resurface as a reasonable alternative to the Democrats but they are underwater and have an anchor tied around their ankles, named The Tea Party.