I have decided to start from the beginning...how I got from where I started, to where I am today...a sort of longer intro, so that those not familiar with me and my story can understand the events that have...
Missouri would become the only state in the US without an abortion clinic. It would be the first time any state has lacked a functioning abortion clinic since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.
Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has just given a lesson to voters in this country to President Donald Trump, and just as important, to Trump`s critics. And it is one scary lesson.
The Democratic nominee for President in 2020 should consider a "New Frontier"-type campaign, not only because it is a proven path to success but because, as President Kennedy said about the fight for racial equality, "It is the right thing to do."
Tomorrow will be a defining day in American history. You need to be a part of that history and help to determine what path our country will take. If you haven't already...vote!
Trump's bill redefines "rape, molestation and sexual abuse" as "horseplay" and changes the unwilling restraint of women from "kidnapping" to "playing house". "Pedophilia" will be downgraded to "youthful indiscretion" but only for Republicans running for office.
There's advice given to runners when running a race, you don't slow down until after you've passed the finish line. Voters in America would be wise to take this advice to heart, take nothing for granted, including polls. Vote.
Can anything be done to stop Kavanaugh if he does get on the SCOTUS? Yes, there are three scenarios that could limit the damage that this radical, dishonest and possible sexual assaulter could do over decades on that court.
Trump successfully leveraged the racial resentment of President Obama and the social progress under him to build a rabid Coalition of The Spiteful that have come to revere Trump like he was Jesus. Actually, more than Jesus. They follow his commandments over the teachings of Jesus.
Instead of our usual Weekend Music Thread, the historic March For Our Lives has taken place today (and is continuing in some places) so in this post we present exclusive video and photos from today's march in Los Angeles.