
Comments Posted By UncleB

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Ted Cruzin’ For a Political Bruisin’

So much for their much vaunted “Fiscal Conservatism”, eh? **rolls eyes*

I never give much (any?) merit into RepubliCon comments when it comes to fiscal matters. They have no problem criticizing Dems about fiscal matters; but, look the other way when it comes to THEIR spending or their proposed fiscal policies, or their ways of “governing”!

How much money did they cost the US for their government shutdown(s)?

How much money did they cost the US for their 50+ attempts to repeal ACA?

How much money did Dubya’s Iraq debacle cost the US?

Where is the 2 TRILLION that went “missing” from the Pentagon shortly before the Iraq War?

Where are the BILLIONS sent to Iraq on pallets that went “missing” during the Dubya years?

And nary a peep from Repubs on these items… yet they have the audacity to preach about fiscal responsibility? [I grow weary of their rhetoric and hypocritical BS]

» Posted By UncleB On March 25, 2015 @ 4:34 pm

What are the chances that the Repubs will bring up Cruz not being born in America, or his lack of legislative experience, or lack of business experience?

You know, the kinds of things they had NO PROBLEM what-so-ever critiquing Pres. Obama about; even though Pres. Obama was born in Hawaii (ie. America), Sen. Obama had about the same legislative experience as Cruz, Sen. Obama DID pass several pieces of legislature with his name attributed to it (Cruz? None… to my recollection).

The Right critiqued Pres. Obama about his religion; propagandizing doubt that he might be a Muslim. Jeez, is Cruz perhaps a Dominionist? Is this something the Right should be concerned about? *sarc*

My opinion? The Repubs response to such will be “deafening silence”..!!!


I’m conflicted as to whether the Left should bring up these subjects like the Right continually, erroneously and obnoxiously did against Pres. Obama — JUST to point out their ignorance for doing such!!!

At the very least we should call Ted Cruz by his true/legal name — RAFAEL CRUZ.! Repubs should have no problem with that “exotic” name… like they had no problem using Pres. Obama’s middle name — Hussein — when it suited them! Right, guys! *sarc*

» Posted By UncleB On March 25, 2015 @ 2:26 pm

The Grand Old Party of Sedition

Well stated!

Again/yet/still… showing what petty, petulent ign0rant a-holes the modern days RepubliCons in Congress are!
: (

Reading comments on other sites, two items often come up describing how these RepubliCons are guilty of violating…

[1] The Logan Act

[2] The 1936 Supreme Court case, United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp

The typical responses from the drones of the RepubliCons…?
[a] Well, um Ted Kennedy did it in the 80’s with the Soviets.

To which I could reply.. Really? How is that a true comparison?
— One person versus 47 is the same?
— Two wrongs make a right?
— Did Ted Kennedy CONTINUALLY pull such stunts as the modern day RepubliCons have been doing?

[b] Well, um, they are in their rights.. as per the Constitution?

To which I could reply.. Yes… but, not quite!

In my opinion, the Senate’s role is to “advise and consent” AFTER a negotiated deal has been drafted. These 47 RepubliCon Senators are clearly attempting to sabotage ONGOING negotiations in order to thwart
any potential resolutions between all parties involved — BEFORE any true progress has been made!

As you stated “Dictating foreign policy to the executive branch is not part of the constitutionally assigned role of the Congress”.


Even IF there is/are no legal infractions, these Repubs are STILL guilty of:
— undermining the office of the President by insinuating that any/all words/actions of the current administration are irrelevant and/or not to be trusted!

Stay classy, Repubs!

» Posted By UncleB On March 10, 2015 @ 1:47 pm

The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers Are The Most Misinformed

FOX “News” viewers… misinformed? Sadly, a continuing trend…

— Conservatives Tuned Out Everything Except Fox News Between 1998-2006

— Daily Show/Colbert Viewers Most Knowledgeable, Fox News Viewers Rank LOWEST [Apr. 2007]

— Who Knows News? What You Read or View Matters, but Not Your Politics [Oct. 2008]

— Fox News viewers overwhelmingly misinformed about health care reform proposals. [Aug. 2009]

— Fox News Viewers Are The Most Misinformed: Study

— Poll Also Finds Voters Were Misinformed on Key Issues

“Those who watched Fox News almost daily were significantly more likely than those who never watched it to believe that most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses (12 points more likely), most economists have estimated the health care law will worsen the deficit (31 points), the economy is getting worse (26 points), most scientists do not agree that climate change is occurring (30 points), the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts (14 points), their own income taxes have gone up (14 points), the auto bailout only occurred under Obama (13 points), when TARP came up for a vote most Republicans opposed it (12 points) and that it is not clear that Obama was born in the United States (31 points). The effect was also not simply a function of partisan bias, as people who voted Democratic and watched Fox News were also more likely to have such misinformation than those who did not watch it–though by a lesser margin than those who voted Republican.

— Study: Fox News Viewers “Most Misinformed” Of All News Consumers (Updated) [Dec. 2010]

— Fox News Viewers Know Less Than People Who Don’t Watch Any News: Study [Nov. 2011]

— Study Finds Fox News Viewers Least Informed Of All Viewers [05/2012]

: (

» Posted By UncleB On October 24, 2014 @ 10:24 am

FOX “News” viewers… misinformed?

As D. Rumsfeld might say, that’s a “KNOWN known”!!!

While I can provide documentation of their perpetual misinformed state prior to 2008 (and probably will in a subsequent posting), viewers turned to FOX and increased their ratings dramatically AFTER 2008. I wonder why (hmm).

As per this article (of 2009):

“Fox News’ viewership is up 45% over the last year, and it’s easy to see why: The ascendancy of a charismatic black Democrat has driven frightened, paranoid, enraged, nativist zealots into the ideological embrace of an outlet that habitually reconfirms everything they already believe…Tuning into Hannity becomes a life-affirming political act.”

This sounds very SIMILAR to people who flocked to religious services after 911…!

“There was a surge in church attendance after the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington on 2001-SEP-11. Some religious leaders predicted that the phenomenon would be short lived..” (it was; it lasted 2 months).

“Bringing about one of the greatest spiritual revivals in the history of America…People are turning to God. The churches are full.”
— Pat Robertson

“…When people face such a tragic and horrible event, they need comfort, they need community, they need to relate to their God and their traditions, and try to find a way to get through the pain. Once I think people got past some of the initial shock and difficulties, they started to get back to how it was before.”
— Rabbi Ronald S. Roth of West End Synagogue in Nashville, TN, said:

It appears that the GOP losses years ago hit them harder than expected. They are only seeking solace in the people that accept them and their views — NO MATTER WHAT…!

» Posted By UncleB On October 24, 2014 @ 10:09 am

CNN, MSNBC and Fox News to Sue Ebola For Underperformance

“The beatings will continue until morale improves”
— author unknown

“The fear-mongering will continue until ratings improve”
— modern day Media (?)

: (

» Posted By UncleB On October 24, 2014 @ 10:33 am

EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Palin Writes Op-Ed in Pravda

Some Palin One Liners:

— I know all about Iran. I ran for Mayor and then I ran for Governor!
— I can’t comment on the Kyoto Accord as I’ve only ever seen the Honda.
— I wouldn’t want to go over to Kabul. I’m perfectly happy with my DirectTV.
— I think that the drop in the price of stock is a good thing, as now people will be able to make their soups cheaper.

— I’ve got a four month old, I’m about to be a grandmother, and I have to change McCain’s diapers too?
— I’ve been a fan of John McCain for years, even since before Kelly replaced Kathie Lee on his show.
— When the reporter asked me about Iraq, I thought he was eye-ing my rack.
— I know how to deal with Hamas. With a side of eggs.

— I know all about Russia. I tried to get my brother in law to play their Roulette.
— EU? That’s what I say whenever Trig pukes up.
— I warned Obama not to mess with me or I’ll get my brother in law to Taser him.
— I have a great Alaskan recipe for Bear Stearns.

— I don’t think that Americans should elect Barack Hussein Obama, a man who is related to Saddam!
— When I’m Vice President I won’t discuss government top-secrets on Yahoo Mail. Hotmail is much more secure.
— Of course I know about the Gaza Strip. I had to wrap one on Todd’s injured arm.
— I’m highly qualified as a diplomat: I have a high school diplomat.

— I’m against free trade. I think other countries should pay for our products.
— I support government bailouts. After all, as Governor I bailed out of that damn bridge.
— I oppose the Lisbon Treaty. I believe women should marry men.
— I am well equipped for international diplomacy as I speak in many tongues.

— I thought it was terrible that the Bank of America Lynched Merrill!
— Palestinians? Is that what my supporters are calling themselves?
— The CNN reporter asked me about Ahmadinejad, so I said Gesundheit.
— I’m so happy that John asked me to accompany him to Vienna, Ohio. That makes three international capitals that I’ve visited!

— I believe illegal aliens should be deported and their flying saucers impounded.
— I’m glad the Italian government has shut down their local Al Qaeda group: Alitalia.
— I don’t think the U.S. should get involved in Kashmir. I prefer Mohair.

: )

» Posted By UncleB On September 12, 2013 @ 2:52 pm

Nice one, Adlib!

[Somehow] reminds me of THIS one I posted years ago (when S. Palin was more prevalent as the Right Wing “Golden Girl”):

Palin saying Grace at the dinner table (?):

“Dear Lord Baby Jesus, or, as our brothers in the South call you: Jesus, we thank you so much for this bountiful harvest of Domino’s, KFC, moose burgers, and the always delicious Taco Bell. I just want to take time to thank you for my family, my beautiful, beautiful, children Truck, Trigger and Bear Trap, or B.T., as we call him, and of course ME; who many consider a stone-cold fox, who if you could rate me on a scale of 1 to 100, I would easily be an A+.!

I also want to thank you for my new best friends at FOX News and especially Glenn Beck, who’s got my back no matter what…I also want to thank the suckers, um, I mean Teabaggers, um, I mean TEA Party Protesters, for their generous support; both morally and financially (but mostly financially). [*wink wink*]

Also, too, Dear Lord Baby Jesus…We hope that you can use your Baby Jesus powers to set America on a “Right” path once again; and to have mercy on the misguided efforts of that terrorist-loving, Communist, Socialist, Muslin Obama. Thank you Dear Tiny Infant Jesus…”

— [ Kudos to “Ricky Bobby” ]

: )

» Posted By UncleB On September 12, 2013 @ 2:48 pm

What Republicans Are Thankful For

Palin saying Grace at the Thanksgiving dinner table (?):

“Dear Lord Baby Jesus, or, as our brothers in the South call you: Jesús, we thank you so much for this bountiful harvest of Domino’s, KFC, moose burgers, and the always delicious Taco Bell. I just want to take time to thank you for my family, my beautiful, beautiful, children Truck, Trigger and Bear Trap, or B.T., as we call him, and of course ME; who many consider a stone-cold fox, who if you could rate me on a scale of 1 to 100, I would easily be an A+.!

I also want to thank you for my new best friends at FOX News and especially Glenn Beck, who’s got my back no matter what…I also want to thank the suckers, um, I mean Teab@ggers, um, I mean TEA Party Protesters, for their generous support; both morally and financially (but mostly financially). [*wink wink*]

Also, too, Dear Lord Baby Jesus…We hope that you can use your Baby Jesus powers to set America on a “Right” path once again; and to have mercy on the misguided efforts of that terrorist-loving, Socialist Obama. Thank you Dear Tiny Infant Jesus…”

— [ Kudos to “Ricky Bobby” ]

: )

» Posted By UncleB On November 27, 2011 @ 10:08 am

“Brains, you know, are suspect in the Republican Party.”
— Walter Lippmann (American Journalist)

“If the person you are trying to diagnose politically is some sort of intellectual, the chances are two to one he is a Democrat.”
— Vance Packard

: )

» Posted By UncleB On November 27, 2011 @ 10:05 am

Occupy Wall Street Could Be a Seminal Moment … Or It Couldn’t

“We made this. Now swallow it.”

We may have helped create “the Beast”; but now it’s time to put a leash on it (to some degree)..!

» Posted By UncleB On October 7, 2011 @ 3:08 pm

“Seminal moment?

Why, this is, um, obscene! How dare you refer to semen!”
— signed, S. Palin

: )

» Posted By UncleB On October 7, 2011 @ 2:19 pm

Political Animals – The Mascot Each GOP Candidate Should Have

Well done!

Though, I must admit, I was [pleasantly] surprised with the Bachmann mascot selection.

I thought for sure it would have been the “wild-eyed cuckoo bird”; or some variation thereof..!

: )

» Posted By UncleB On October 3, 2011 @ 8:05 pm

Proud To Be Liberal By Brian Elroy McKinley

Cons try to portray themselves as Sir William Wallace (“Braveheart”) fighting the “good fight’ in the name of Freedom. [exclaiming “Freeeedddooommm..!” at any opportunity]

In reality, they don’t truly care the least about Freedom/Liberty/Justice. They’re just mere words; used for political expediency and discarded at the merest whim when they see fit to do so..!

In their own words:
“Our civil liberties are worthless if we are dead!”
— Rush Limbaugh

“None of your civil liberties matter much after you’re dead.”
— Senator John Cornyn

: (

» Posted By UncleB On February 18, 2011 @ 4:13 pm

Dang! Fine article..! [Well done!]

Just to add my two-cents worth (in regards to how Cons purport to be the true “defenders” of freedom) as seen on a website a few years ago…

“If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who fought against the American Revolution?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always trying to take that freedom away from us, especially women and minorities? Why did they fight against the effort to end slavery, or to give women and minorities the vote, or to protect them from discrimination? Why are they still supporting efforts to disenfranchise minorities?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who bitterly opposed the New Deal at a time when Americans were ravaged by the Great Depression and the only freedom they were desperately seeking was from unemployment, starvation, humiliation and death? We should give thanks for their efforts ever since then, though, as they’ve been kind enough to keep trying to liberate seniors from the hell of receiving their Social Security benefits, bravely volunteering Wall Street to carry that burden instead.

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always trying to control other people’s sexuality? Why are conservatives always telling us whom we can sleep with and what we can do in bed, even including whether we can use birth control?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always blocking the environmental regulations which are the only hope to keep our bodies free from carcinogens and other harmful effects?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who refuse to allow us to die with dignity when we have a terminal disease, instead thrusting the state into the most personal and private decision a human being can make?”


» Posted By UncleB On February 18, 2011 @ 4:10 pm

An Avatar by Any Other Name

Simply put… I try to avoid “brain farts” when posting; and hope NOT to correspond with others constantly guilty “of same”. So, I believe in a “brain fart-free zone” when posting/commenting. My pic was the closest I could find, at the time, to depict such..!

: )

[Hope I didn’t just break my rule explaining this..!}

: )

» Posted By UncleB On February 18, 2011 @ 4:41 pm

God’s Blog – 1-14-2010

Nice Blog GOD. I’ve really enjoyed your various billboards over the years, as well..!

1. “Let’s Meet At My House Sunday Before the Game” – God
2. “C’mon Over And Bring The Kids” – God
3. “What Part of “Thou Shalt Not…” Didn’t You Understand?” – God

4. “We Need To Talk” – God
5. “Keep Using My Name in Vain And I’ll Make Rush Hour Longer” – God
6. “Will The Road You’re On Get You To My Place?” – God

7. “Follow Me.” – God
8. “Big Bang Theory, You’ve Got To Be Kidding.” – God
9. “Have You Read My #1 Best Seller? There Will Be A Test.” – God

10. “Loved The Wedding, Invite Me To The Marriage” – God
11. “That “Love Thy Neighbor” Thing, I Meant It.” – God
12. “I Love You…I Love You…I Love You…” – God

13. “My Way Is The Highway.” – God
14. “You Think It’s Hot Here?” – God
15. “Tell The Kids I Love Them.” – God

16. “Need a Marriage Counselor? I’m Available.” – God
17. “Need Directions?” – God

“You think it’s hot here? –God





» Posted By UncleB On January 15, 2010 @ 9:50 pm

The World According to GOP

I agree with javaz, nellie. Excellent summary and very well written.

I was just wondering how did Michelle “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann NOT receive any mention at all in your entire piece. IMO, she would / should be the poster child for GOP Lunacy.

She’s someone who:
— advocates for the elimination of the minimum wage altogether.
— thinks the sex curriculum will be essentially by taught by the local gay community if a same-sex marriage ban amendment does not pass.
— thinks teenagers should pay employers for the privilege of working instead of receiving minimum wage.

— wants people “Armed And Dangerous” on the issue of Cap And Trade
— thinks Alaska

» Posted By UncleB On January 10, 2010 @ 11:45 am

“Populist Republican” is an Oxymoron

Steele… continuing to give lame excuses for the Repub inadequacies..!

For example, he didn’t even have a valid excuse (um, I mean, reason) for their INACTION on Health Care.

“…we tripped ourselves up”. [Huh?]

“What gets lost in the health care debate is the fact that Republican leadership had multiple years themselves to pass health care reform and did not even try. When President Bush had a Republican controlled Congress both NEVER even seriously attempted to pass ANY kind of health care reform.”

Michael Steele On Why GOP Didn’t Pursue Health Care Reform In The Past: ‘We Tripped Ourselves Up”

Oopsie…it must have slipped our minds..!

» Posted By UncleB On January 5, 2010 @ 2:28 pm

Freedom Is Overrated…

IMO, John McLaughlin stating…

» Posted By UncleB On January 5, 2010 @ 2:22 pm

“they see freedom and a real safety net as mutually exclusive”

Yep. They try to portray themselves as Sir William Wallace (“Braveheart”) fighting the “good fight’ in the
name of Freedom. [exclaiming “Freeeedddooommm..!” at any opportunity]

In reality, they don’t truly care the least about Freedom/Liberty/Justice (AND safety). They’re just mere
words; used for political expediency and discarded at the merest whim when they see fit to do so..!

In their own words:

“Our civil liberties are worthless if we are dead!”
— Rush Limbaugh

“None of your civil liberties matter much after you’re dead.”
— Senator John Cornyn

“There ought to be limits to freedom.”
— Dubya; Dec. 2000

» Posted By UncleB On January 5, 2010 @ 2:07 pm

In regards to Conservatives and Freedom, “some tidbits” from an article I read at .


If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who fought against the American Revolution?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always trying to take that freedom away from us, especially women and minorities? Why did they fight against the effort to end slavery, or to give women and minorities the vote, or to protect them from discrimination? Why are they still supporting efforts to disenfranchise minorities?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who bitterly opposed the New Deal at a time when Americans were ravaged by the Great Depression and the only freedom they were desperately seeking was from unemployment, starvation, humiliation and death? We should give thanks for their efforts ever since then, though, as they’ve been kind enough to keep trying to liberate seniors from the hell of receiving their Social Security benefits, bravely volunteering Wall Street to carry that burden instead.

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always propping up foreign dictators, like Saddam, Musharraf, Mubarak, Marcos, Pinochet, the Shah, Batista, the House of Saud and apartheid South Africa? Why did they, in some of these cases, secretly topple democratically elected governments to install repressive regimes, which they then assisted in the torturing of their own citizens? Exactly which definition of ‘freedom’ does that fall under?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always trying to control other people’s sexuality? Why are conservatives always telling us whom we can sleep with and what we can do in bed, even including whether we can use birth control?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always trying to make sure that the state takes control of women’s bodies, denying them reproductive choice and freedom?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always trying to tell us who we can marry? How come they believe that the state – which they always seem to hate, except when it is at war – should be able to make that most personal decision for us?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always blocking the environmental regulations which are the only hope to keep our bodies free from carcinogens and other harmful effects?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who refuse to allow us to die with dignity when we have a terminal disease, instead thrusting the state into the most personal and private decision a human being can make?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are denying many of us the freedom to live by forbidding the stem-cell research that would likely produce cures to all manner of diseases now killing of millions of us every year?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always trying to have the government jam their religion down our throats, in direct opposition to the intentions of the Founders? The United States Constitution makes precisely the same number of references to the Christian god as it does to the Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Zoroastrian. That would be none. What kind of freedom is it for everyone’s tax dollars to support one group’s religion, or for our government to impose a single religion on all of us?

If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always telling me I should leave the country if I don’t approve the latest war for lies they’ve cooked up? How exactly does ‘shut-up or leave’ qualify as freedom of speech?

» Posted By UncleB On January 5, 2010 @ 1:43 pm

Guns, Knives, Hammers and Bricks*

“what about rat poison in a cup of tea?”

: )

Reminds me of this quote:

“We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens’ creme brulee. That’s just a joke, for you in the media.”
— Ann Coulter

» Posted By UncleB On January 3, 2010 @ 12:48 am

Famous Movie Quotes

Jeez. There are so many; difficult to choose…

“All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buds, and I’m fine. ”
— Jeff Spicoli in “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”

“How to deal with death is at least as important as how to deal with life.”
— Kirk in ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan’

“Lord loves a workin’ man; don’t trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it.”
— “The Jerk”

“With great power comes great responsibility.”
— Spiderman

“Made it, Ma! Top of the world!”
— “White Heat”

“Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!”
— Original “Planet of The Apes”

“My old man is a television repairman, he’s got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it.”
— Jeff Spicoli in “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”

“You can’t handle the truth.”
— The Colonel in “A Few Good Men”

“What we have here is a failure to communicate!”
— “Cool Hand Luke”

“All I have in this world are my balls and my word, and I don’t break them for anybody.” — Scarface

“Yippy-ki-yay mother-f*cka.”
— Die Hard

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
— The Dean in “Animal House”

“There are two types of people in the world – those with a gun, and those who dig. Now dig!”
— The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

“Ludicrous speed, now..!”
— Spaceballs

“Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.”
— Clemenza to Rocco in “The Godfather”

“It’s good to be the King”
— “History of The World – Part I”

“You ain’t leading but two things right now: Jack and Sh*t. And Jack just left town.”
— “Army Of Darkness ”

“Do you want my mouth?”
— Kristen Bell’s character in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”

» Posted By UncleB On January 2, 2010 @ 5:23 pm

The Infantilization of America

The Moosiah from Wasilla?

: )

» Posted By UncleB On January 3, 2010 @ 12:59 am

We need to send this to FOX News. They are CONTINUAL offenders
when it comes to this matter. They are always “dumbing things down”
for their viewing audience. [FOX is pandering to their base or insulting them..?]

Jon Stewart recently commented on such in regards to G. Carlson, of “FOX and Friends”….

The Daily Show Explores the Self-Dumbing Down of Fox & Friends’ Gretchen Carlson

…and then we have Beck who routinely utilizes techniques used by preachers giving sermons to CHILDREN..!

7 Tips to Better Children

» Posted By UncleB On January 2, 2010 @ 4:14 pm

: )

Nice article. Agree with it all.

As equally depressing as the continual “dumbing down” of news (and society), is the “tabloid-ization” (?) of the media.

Any “good news” ALWAYS takes back seat to any “bad news”. What’s the saying “If it bleeds, it leads”? [see the reporting of the various Town Hall meetings of this past summer, for examples]

Modern day media always reminds me of Don Henley’s song “Dirty Laundry”:


I make my living off the evening news
Just give me something, something I can use
People love it when you lose, they love dirty laundry

Well, I could’ve been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I don’t have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear, give us dirty laundry

We got the bubbleheaded bleach-blonde, comes on at 5
She can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
It’s interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry

Dirty little secrets, dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers in everybody’s pie
Love to cut you down to size, we love dirty laundry

We can do the innuendo, we can dance and sing
When it’s said and done, we haven’t told you a thing
We all know that crap is king, give us dirty laundry

: )

» Posted By UncleB On January 2, 2010 @ 3:58 pm

Made It Ma, Top Of The World…


IMO, EDUCATION is the one major aspect in American society that is routinely overlooked ..!

The populace needs to be better educated in such areas as mathematics and science if we are to be competitive in the Global Market; NOW and in the future.

The populace needs to be better educated and utilize more / better logic and reasoning skills. [Something some (many?) in the religious community “may” be reluctant to. : ) ]

— NCLB was a joke. “Teaching to the test” instead of truly teaching..!?!
— We have students (and some teachers) who find it ACCEPTABLE to cheat on tests. [I’m like “Huh?”]


“Something” is seriously lacking in the Educational system and needs to be addressed..!

» Posted By UncleB On January 2, 2010 @ 3:34 pm

“First of all, I would never want to be in charge!”

I had a discussion this past week with my brother and various friends on this matter. Who in their right mind would willfully submit themselves to the continual pressures of being the President of the USA? Whether a politician’s initial motives to pursue such an endeavor are based solely on ego (power trip?) or a true concern for their fellow Americans, such people must have deep-seeded masochistic tendencies (unbeknownst to them?). Look at before and after pictures of GWB to see how much his Presidency has aged him. Look at before and after pictures of BHO to see how much his Presidency has ALREADY aged him (a lot of new gray hair).

Personally, I work in the IT/Technology field. I have held Senior Staff Member positions and Manager/Supervisor positions. I would take the Senior position over the Managerial position ANY DAY — ANY TIME.!! There is TOO MUCH undue pressure (and undue nonsense) when one holds a position of greater responsibility.

[If anything, I’d like to be someone like Tom Hagen, in the “Godfather” movies. He was the family consigliere. He offered advise to the family bigwigs.]

» Posted By UncleB On January 2, 2010 @ 3:11 pm

Musical ties through the generations and those “Ingleses locos”

Nice story. I’ve slowly weaned my 18 year old nephew onto some of the music / groups I liked when growing up [The Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Queen, KISS, Pink Floyd, Lynyrd Skynyrd, etc.]. Surprisingly, he’s very accepting of most of what I’ve “exposed” him to.

He’s a music enthusiast. He currently plays guitar (very well) in a small garage band in his town. He absolutely LOVES Pink Floyd. He can play almost ANY Pink Floyd song — on demand! I’d often playfully quiz him on “classic rock” songs/artists whenever I heard such songs play on the radio. His knowledge and appreciation of such songs has risen greatly over the years.

I guess I can die a happy man; I passed some music appreciation onto the next generation.!

: )

» Posted By UncleB On December 19, 2009 @ 10:23 am

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