Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments An Open Letter to my Sons – November 5th, 2008 That is a wonderful letter, very moving to remember how that night felt and the very difficult circumstances we were in. I was so electrified when I watched Obama give the keynote speech at the 2004 DNC, not knowing who he was but having heard that he was an up and coming star. I was scared for him and a little disappointed after he announced. He’s too young; we should all get behind Hillary, I thought. I wanted her to be the first female president, yet by the time Indiana held its primary in May, I was fully behind Obama. I stayed up on election night, hoping to hear results before I went to bed. Don’t remember what network I had on, but from another room, I heard the words, “…there will once again be small children in the White House.” I ran to the TV, cheering and crying. Today I feel very calm, confident he will be re-elected. Thank you for posting your letter. I agree that you should send it to our wonder president. » Posted By Suzanne525 On November 6, 2012 @ 1:14 pm Ha! Yes. When will we be able to delete comments? That is sure to cause mega problems! » Posted By Suzanne525 On April 29, 2010 @ 7:47 am Hi Cher.. I lived in Los Angeles for many years, and was there when prop 187 was on the ballot. I agree with you that for many people, the issue had nothing to do with the immigrants’ ethnic origins. I, too, was opposed to our tax dollars going to fund education for illegal immigrants. One of my Latina friends was outraged at all the women who would arrive in the States just in time to deliver their babies. On the other side, though, many Latinos seemed to feel that it was totally a racial issue. Since such a large part of the immigrant population was from south of the border, I can understand that some would feel that way. Back here in Indiana though, immigration issues really do have more of a racial component. Some of the comments I’ve heard about it are unmistakably racist. As Arizona is largely conservative, I’d imagine that element exists there also. At least to some degree. But, I think you are absolutely accurate about jobs issues. If a bunch of blue-eyed, blond Swedes came to this area and got all the jobs, people here would hate them too! Only, I don’t know what they would call ‘them’! » Posted By Suzanne525 On April 29, 2010 @ 11:31 am I’ve tried to limit calling people out as racists since Obama started his campaign, as the danger of overuse of the race card poses problems. As in crying wolf. I have a history which allows me a bit more perspective than many people. In the early 70s, I, as a young blond (many thought attractive, but who am I to brag?) married a young black man. At first, we lived in Louisville. There, I heard amazing things, from whites who barely knew me to the car dealer where I purchased a vehicle. We moved to Massachussets, where I learned the state was not as liberal as I’d been led to believe. Living in NYC, though, was pretty easy compared to the other areas. Yesterday, I was having a discussion with a co-worker about Obama (I’m the only one in my office/plant that is liberal). One of our subcontractors spoke up and said “Oh, I see. You are an Obama lover.” Initial reaction was to defend my positions. Later, I got angry, when I realized what the man said sounded exactly like I had been called in the early 70s. Only take ‘Obama’ out and put a derogatory racial word in. I’d bet the man doesn’t think of himself as racist. Later, the whole thing just made me sad. Sad – that people in 2010 are still so rooted in bigotry. There is little doubt that Arizona’s new law is rooted in the same deep bigotry. My stepson is in school in Phoenix, and is just sick of it. I doubt that all people opposed to illegal immigration are racist, but that element absolutely exists. » Posted By Suzanne525 On April 29, 2010 @ 8:27 am “Rin Tin Tin’s back! Dog leads trooper to fire” I saw this on TV this weekend. Really looks like the dog knows exactly what he is doing. Whether his assistance was necessary or not is unimportant, in my opinion. I LOVE dogs. Right after I saw the video, I wanted to run out and get a German Shepard, even though I feared them as a child. One bit me when I was 6 and I carried the fear for years. On my way home last night, I noticed the car in front of me had multiple bumper stickers, refering to “trainer of aid dogs” and “flat coat retrievers” (one of my personal favorites). I considered following her to her next stop, just to see if she had any of the cuties in her vehicle, but decided that was too stalkerish. This is a terrific story. Thanks for sharing it, Boomer! » Posted By Suzanne525 On April 27, 2010 @ 8:32 am Thanks for the link. I’d never thought to look for those. I vaguely recall the one about the guy taking the ticket with the high number, then waiting, waiting….. » Posted By Suzanne525 On April 1, 2010 @ 11:03 am Thanks! I’ve been a bit busy, but pop in from time to time to read. » Posted By Suzanne525 On April 1, 2010 @ 11:01 am You had me! I was actually getting pissed off that the Repubs might be wising up in time to pull some voters back into their camp before November! I should have known better. » Posted By Suzanne525 On April 1, 2010 @ 10:56 am Thank you, Cher!! An excellent article. Lots of memories came flooding back, as I have not participated in a Seder since my husband passed away 8 years ago. I shouldn’t be getting teary at work! I clearly remember my first Seder, held on a Good Friday. I was in my late 20s, living in NYC. Having been raised Catholic, eating meat on Fridays in Lent was not done without consideration. Turkey was served for dinner, and I felt I must be gracious and eat it, as I was a guest in the home of my boyfriend’s brother. I was so worried a lighting bolt would be striking me momentarily! » Posted By Suzanne525 On April 1, 2010 @ 11:29 am Final Vote – Select a Name for Activist Group I did that also, just now. Should we have a runoff between the top two, if they turn out to be very close? » Posted By Suzanne525 On February 23, 2010 @ 12:42 pm Help Us Reach Our Fundraising Goal Or Mr. FluffyWuvers Gets It I was going to post that pic, but decided to check if someone beat me to it! I love it! OK, I’m donating NOW to save the cute baby! » Posted By Suzanne525 On January 26, 2010 @ 6:07 am Totally agree about the letter writing, and that we need to include proposed solutions. I was terribly depressed last night about the SC decision and the implications. In general, Republican reaction seems to favor the decision. We need to find succinct arguments to include in the letters (especially ones to newspapers) that will help the general conservative population understand that this will work against them. While I have felt strongly about issues before, I’m not proud to say that I have rarely taken action. No longer. I have to do what I can to help stop the corporate takeover of our country. » Posted By Suzanne525 On January 22, 2010 @ 6:26 am The All-American Basketball Alliance Just as I figured! My explanation all along for why so many people can’t tolerate Obama has been the slow “takeover” of sports by non-whites. Basketball, football and track domination by blacks was tolerated because there was still tennis, golf, hockey, etc. Now we have Tiger dominating golf & the Williams sisters dominating tennis. Blacks were kept from voting for a hideously long time, but after voting rights were won, we started to see blacks being elected. I’m sure that was hard to accept by some people, but still, it wasn’t like we had a black President! Oh wait, now we do!! So, it is only a matter of time before more idiots propose an “all white football league” and progress to an “all white Congress” because they “don’t like the elements” that blacks brought to those institutions!! This is almost too stupid to be taken seriously, yet I know people who are serious about it. Love the team names! Birmingham Birthers, anyone? » Posted By Suzanne525 On January 22, 2010 @ 7:53 am OK, that really made me smile! : ) » Posted By Suzanne525 On January 22, 2010 @ 7:27 am Thank you for sharing that. Luckily, I keep tissues on my desk. Isn’t it a shame that our society rewards the flashiest, the most brazen even though they may sometimes be contributing nothing of value? While I don’t believe in heaven and hell the way I was taught in Catholic school, occasionally, I hope there is an afterlife that will appropriately punish people (like Madoff, Bush, Cheney, etc.) Guess we’ll find out someday! » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 16, 2009 @ 12:22 pm It’s Time To Rethink Re-Instituting the Universal Draft Great story, KK! I needed a good laugh this morning, and you provided it. But there is much truth in your assessment of who should be fighting. I’m pissed off at enough things in life (hedge fund managers, insurance companies, Lieberman, etc.) that it might make me feel much better to go kick some deserving ass. » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 14, 2009 @ 9:37 am Those damned potatoes don’t need to be peeled. All the nutrition is in the peel!! » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 14, 2009 @ 9:34 am A happy turn of events for this greyhound Someone else referred to you as “ecat”, which I like!! Anyway, you are truly a wonderful person to help out like that. I can only imagine how hard it would be to give up the dog to the permanent family, after having helped it adjust to life as a pet. My sister has a feral cat population behind her store in the Dallas area, and traps them to get them spayed/neutered and released back into thier colony. The kittens are removed from the colony fairly young and tamed,(she LOVES that part) then attempts to get them adopted. She is less successful with the adopting out part, so she has a lot of cats! I have quite a few cats and dogs myself, all adopted/rescued. Two of the dogs are getting quite old, and I’m steeling myself for the inevitable. Glad to see all the animal lovers here! » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 7, 2009 @ 8:22 am I’ve seen a couple of agility shows on TV and they don’t look too bad. I think some dogs really enjoy it, especially the border collies. However, I can’t understand why people think it is OK to abuse animals, for any reason what so ever. I can only hope there is a special place in hell (or wherever) for those kind of people. » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 7, 2009 @ 8:02 am What a great story! In particular, I noticed how you understand how difficult a 7 hour layover would be for a nine year old. Great parenting! I’ve never read any of Baum’s work, nor did I care much for the Wizard of Oz movie, but I just might rent it and play the Pink Floyd Album with it. » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 4, 2009 @ 1:14 pm Hi – Don’t feel bad. I still scroll a lot to see where things are, and where to click, etc. Nice feature: I clicked twice on “submit comment” and it told me I’d already said that! Love that feature, ’cause it is embarrassing to have everyone see you don’t know how to click! » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 4, 2009 @ 11:09 am Interesting that I haven’t even heard there was movie, and I live in rural Indiana, surrounded (literally) by Faux fans. BTW, I’d never heard of Beck when I lived in Los Angeles. When I moved back here, I saw a couple of commercials on TV for a window/doors and more company featuring Glenn Beck. I had no idea who he was or what his politics were, but I recall thinking “that guy sounds phony and creepy”. Sometimes I’m a good judge of character!! » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 4, 2009 @ 10:53 am Did my comment over there go to pending because I mentioned PlanetPOV? Is there a way to invite people to join us that makes it past the mods? » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 4, 2009 @ 7:37 am Hi All – I’ve been checking in and reading when I get a chance, but have been really busy (luckily!) so haven’t written anything. But wanted to say that I too had been wondering about Rich Misty and just yesterday noticed that he had commented on “America without a middle class”, so he’s around. I’ll go there and invite him to join us. » Posted By Suzanne525 On December 4, 2009 @ 7:31 am Do not go gentle into that good night (well, on second thought…) Thanks for sharing your very personal story. I saw the 60 minutes program also. A year ago, my very independent 90 year old mother passed away, after a year in the nursing home. We had talked about her living will and she signed one while she was still able to. She did not want to be hooked up to machines, and luckily she didn’t have to go through that. Her quality of life was extremely poor for the last 5 to 6 months. She couldn’t stand or even sit up and talking became difficult. She was ready to go. Yes, it was very difficult, but she had made it clear, several years ago, that when her time came, we should just let her go. She was ready. I understand when people want everything done because we don’t want to let go of them. But that is just selfishness on our part. I’m not yet 60… and (I think) in good health, so I don’t see any terminal illness around the corner. But, hey, there could be the proverbial bus around that corner, so we never know! But already, I’m thinking about what I need to do to prepare for my own demise. Mostly, I need to clean the house and get rid of all the junk I’ve collected. Other than that, I’m not too worried about the afterlife, whatever that is. Yes, we spend too much money trying to forestall the inevitable, rather than accepting that it absolutely will happen. I wrote something to that effect on that other site and it got deleted. Hmm. » Posted By Suzanne525 On November 24, 2009 @ 2:30 pm Hi, I’m Rob-S, and I’m a Moderatorholic LOL – fiction, huh? The comment about “foreign” languages sounds suspiciously like a certain time out box inhabitant who said bad things in French. Dang, I wish I’d paid more attention in high school French class! » Posted By Suzanne525 On November 23, 2009 @ 6:03 am COMPANY MEMO RE: CHRISTMAS PARTY Thanks, Bluestateman! I was not in the best mood this morning and now I’m smiling! » Posted By Suzanne525 On November 23, 2009 @ 5:57 am Destroying Religion: The Essential Task at Hand? In 2000, I went to the planetarium in NYC. After seeing the “known” universe, what stood out for me was the enormity (is that a word?) of the universe and that we couldn’t possibly be the only populated planet. “God” couldn’t have made just our little earth for special us. » Posted By Suzanne525 On November 23, 2009 @ 7:16 am “The Weekly Planet” Debuts Tonight! No internet access at home, due to dial-up only. Yep, I live in the middle of nowhere! But fiber optics have been laid right in front of my house, so soon I can have very high speed access! I’d love to join in the Friday evening discussions, but that will have to wait another month or so. Enjoy reading things here. And I LOVE the attached photos! Someday I have to learn to use Photoshop. Have a great weekend everyone! » Posted By Suzanne525 On November 20, 2009 @ 1:55 pm Commander-in-Chief vs Sarah Palin Hopefully, the GOP sees that she won’t be controlled by men, so they’ll keep her away from any real power. “Going rogue” is just what she would do, and they can’t have that. Hopefully. » Posted By Suzanne525 On November 20, 2009 @ 9:38 amComments Posted By Suzanne525
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