
Comments Posted By DCTVixen

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The Huffington Hypocrisy Strikes Again!

Hi guys!

I got completely burnt out on politics, and had to go into recovery. lol.

I see that the HP has been up to their old tricks. No surprise there. Sometimes people who claim to be liberal, also feel as if they have to come across as “balanced” and so they go to the absolute extremes.

I can understand liberals wanting to keep Obama on track, and therefore they criticize him. It’s just that a lot of the criticism is very premature. When President Obama was running for president, I just KNEW that people were smart enough to realize that it would take more than 3, 6, 9, 12, hell ever 24 months for things to be fixed in this country. I’m not a college educated individual, so I figure that if I knew that, others out there knew it too. Boy was I wrong!

I also am annoyed with their anon sources. Especially when they are spreading damaging information. One thing I’ve learned about people is that, if they read it on the internets, it must be true! In which case… no one takes into account that the story they are reading could actually be (gasps) false! It’s like when Rushie Poo was siting a thesis paper that Obama never wrote. Even though it was noted as SATIRE on the very site it was swiped.

People never cease to amaze me. Really.

Anyway… I don’t post on the HP neeeearly as much as I used to. What’s the point? Any story that is about Arianna or some other blogger on the HP is heavily moderated – what are they scared of? Not to mention that you have to play psychic as you are typing your posts, and figure out which words are going to be censored so that you can misspell them. lol. It’s just not worth the effort and it has severely cut into my enjoyment of the site.

So, in short – I feel your pain. 🙂

» Posted By DCTVixen On October 26, 2009 @ 9:09 am

It’s Getting Ugly Out There Folks

Rush Limbo is now tying a white kid getting beaten by a black kid to the Obama presidency. I can’t imagine what it’s like in these towns where the majority is white, and the black kids have to go to school and face these kids who are being brainwashed by their parents bashed off of what they hear on RushBO and Glenda Beck.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 16, 2009 @ 9:07 am

I’m for that if they pay to relocate those of us who don’t want to stay here. lmao.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 16, 2009 @ 9:05 am

I’m just seriously dumbfounded and stupefied! I think that that was redundant. See? It rubs off!!

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 15, 2009 @ 4:24 pm




These people are the most painfully ignorant people I’ve ever had the displeasure of listening to.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 15, 2009 @ 2:37 pm

That is simply as disgusting and disturbing as it gets. I’m sick to my stomach right now. These are the people that gravitate to the Glenn Becks and Rush Limbaughs out there.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 15, 2009 @ 2:22 pm

Journalistic Integrity: IS the truth really out there?

Thanks for the videos.

You are right. The integrity is gone from journalism. Instead of reporting the news, commentators invent the news. The moment we started to look to news for its “entertainment” value, we lost our way.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 15, 2009 @ 12:26 pm

Read My Lips: No Pubic Option!

Exactly. I try to tell these people that all the time, but they don’t hear it. United We Stand, Divided We Fall… The story of America.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 13, 2009 @ 1:34 pm

Exactly. This would be like MSNBC or CNN being like, “we are going to have a anti-whatever rally, come join us!” That’s not their job. Their job is to report the news not create it. At least, that’s the job of most true/real journalists… Which are curiously absent from FNN.

Well, at least while they are making asses out of themselves, the adults are attempting to make the country better.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 13, 2009 @ 10:21 am

It actually DID become a poopfest. They stood around taking pictures of horse droppings at one point.

Now, they put a pic of Obama in the poop, but I think that that was just so they could claim that they were making a statement. We all know what’s really real! :-p

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 13, 2009 @ 10:17 am

The whole “I want a president just like me!” thing never made sense to me. I want a president who is a whole hell of a lot smarter than me. Do they think being president is some easy job that anyone can do?

Oh wait… they voted for Sarah Palin. I guess that’s a “yes.”

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 13, 2009 @ 10:16 am

Part of me thanks them for being so entertaining, but the other part of me wish that they would disappear all together, because they do cause some damage. We can’t have any kind of REAL healthcare debate because the other side is so loony. We are sitting here combating blatant lies instead of actually going over the parts of the bill that may need to be tweaked. The republicans are not doing their job in encouraging a real debate. But of course, that’s because they don’t want one. It’ll hurt them in the end.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 13, 2009 @ 10:06 am

Republicans: Why do you deserve my vote?

Thanks so much Kalima.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 13, 2009 @ 11:24 pm

Thank you so much for the link. I will definitely check it out.

Sometimes when I watch the news, and even read blogs on “liberal sites” such as the Huffington Post, I feel like I am living in some sort of alternate universe. I have come to the realization that the media’s entire purpose is to induce anxiety and fear. That’s what I feel when I hear about a man bringing a gun to a church near where the president is speaking. That’s how I feel each time they cover the town hall meetings and give the “wack jobs” airtime. It’s what I feel each time they paint the picture that the conservatives have “won” something anytime someone steps down from a position, whom is close to the president. I feel that the media has left us lost in the shuffle. They don’t try to inform, they try to entertain and it’s just hurting us as a whole. We see the poll numbers slipping here there and everywhere. It’s just frustrating.

In all of this, I do hold on to the reality that the republicans have no real chance in the end. Not the way that things are going. Things WILL turn around.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 11, 2009 @ 9:46 pm


Just look at C Street. Their belief that the reason they have the power is because God WANTED them to have that power, says it all. It’s OK to treat people like crap, because if God didn’t want you to, you wouldn’t be able to. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of them actually believe that.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 13, 2009 @ 1:48 pm

9/11: honor thyself, America

I can not even begin to imagine what you went through that day. Being RIGHT there among all of the pain, suffering, fear. I applaud you, seriously.

I agree with your post. There is nothing wrong with taking care of fellow Americans. The GOP has painted it in a way that if anyone dare suggests the government helps to manage people lives in someway, it means that we want a nanny state. That we are lazy and looking for handouts. The way I feel is this… I pay taxes on things EVERYDAY that does not directly benefit me. When the good Governor Sanford flew to SA to see his Argentine Mistress, that was not for the betterment of his constituents. And stuff like that happens ALL the time.

Anyway, I am preaching to the choir here. lol. I just get riled up. 😀

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 11, 2009 @ 9:41 pm

So I guess this means Van Jones gets his job back now, right?

I have this sneaking suspicion that there won’t be too many more resignations. The Van Jones thing was over the top and crazy, but I can understand him wanting to step down because of the distraction that it caused.

The administration will learn to ignore the noise coming from FN and eventually they will lose their effect. What the WH has to realize is that these people are not going to cover health care reform in an honest and rational fashion, so let them go on and on about so called commies and marxists and nazi’s. Whatever. Meanwhile the adults need to see what they can do to fix the problems in our country.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 10:06 pm

I know how you feel, completely. Part of me wishes that the so called “liberal media” would spend time attempting to bring down the republican party the way that FN does. I wish that the democrats would call for their heads the same way that republicans does. But, then I look at how much the republican tactic is actually helping their party. Honestly, in the long run, I think that they are going to suffer. Maybe I am wrong, but I certainly hope that I am right.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 10:03 pm

You can gouge me with overdraft fees, but please don’t give me health insurance!

You are absolutely right. The so called “blue dogs” should seriously join their true party. It also creates this illusion that the democrats have more power than they do.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 11, 2009 @ 10:03 am

I agree. I am also giving him time to actually accomplish these big things. I get so tired of people saying that they regretted they voted for him or stating that he has already failed. How do you judge an entire 4 year presidency off of 8 months I’ll never know. Why people assume that if he fails w/healthcare that his political career is over when other presidents before him also failed at healthcare reform. It’s the expectation of being perfect that I dreaded during the campaign. I hope that he overcomes it for the betterment of our country.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 11:46 pm

Which has to be the most baffling thing in the world to me. But, then again it’s not baffling when you think what their motivation is. The baffling part is how they still manage to get support.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 11:38 pm

Thank you. It’s already been quite therapeutic. I have my other blog on wordpress, but I don’t get many people to actually read what I say. So while it helps to get it out, it’s nice to hear feed back from people who get where I am coming from.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 10:41 pm

That’s nice to know. I’m going to do that next time.

Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to reading everyone’s blog. I started blogging because I don’t have anyone in my real world to discuss politics on a regular basis. I spend way too much time talking to the TV and the computer screen when I am reading about all this craziness. lol. I HAVE TO GET IT OUT!

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 9:50 pm

Thanks for the welcome! 🙂

I really hope that the financial consumer protection agency does its job. The greedy seem to always manage to figure out a way to work around rules and regulations. They need to be held accountable. The way things have been going the last few decades, and currently, is not sustainable. People need to work and get paid living wages for the economy to be strong. If you raise the cost of everything, but don’t raise pay accordingly, how in the world can anyone afford the rise in costs?

At this point, I just hope for the best.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 9:41 pm

Thank you for the welcome. 🙂

Also, thank you for your response (sorry about the typos in the post, wish I could edit it, but I can’t figure out how. lol)

I’ve always been the type of person who tries to understand irrationality. It’s not as if I am blind enough to think that any plan that comes from congress is going to be absolutely perfect, but since they are spending so much time fighting things that aren’t true, we can’t even discuss the REAL issue. We are too busy countering them on things as petty as how many times Obama said “I” in a speech. Countering death panels. No real discussion is going to take place because the republicans have no interest in changing the current health care system. It’s just all so frustrating.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 9:08 pm

It’s time: I need YOU, WE need US

You know, I like to think of the democrats “spinelessness” more as being level headed.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve called many a democrat a wuss in my time, but that’s in the heat of the moment when I am upset and annoyed with the way things are going.

I think that president, and the democrats, want to keep their eye on the ball. While the republicans are busy throwing mud, watching to see what sticks, the democrats are trying to accomplish something. 1-3 years from now, that will mean more.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 10:33 pm

President Obama Hit the Reset Button on Healthcare Reform Like only He Could

I agree completely. Sometimes a little time has to pass for the words to actually sink in…

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 10:19 pm

That was an incredible recap. We definitely need more speeches like that, and less of the negative that is being shoved down our throats from the other side of the aisle.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 10:18 pm

Latest Shuttle Mission to Hubble Yields New Moments of Zen

Those images are so beautiful that I feel like crying. lol.

The thought of a world without humans sort of freaks me out too. Although I know I won’t be here when it happens, it still is a melancholy feeling.

» Posted By DCTVixen On September 10, 2009 @ 10:44 pm

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