Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Putting Lipstick on a Pig Named Trump Very nicely written, Ad Lib. (With your permission, I plan to cut and paste that list of former clients left, right and center.) » Posted By Assumed Name On June 20, 2016 @ 2:33 pm If Superdelegates Weren’t a Fraud, Could they Help the Dems Win the White House? Cool Beans (although I hope Sanders musters up more grace than he has thus far :). All the best, » Posted By Assumed Name On June 8, 2016 @ 5:49 am Greetings AdLib, Thanks for the comprehensive reply. I understand your reasoning above. Alas, Sanders, without the press’ interpretation, did “come off” as a bit whinny: his issue wasn’t only with superdelegate, but also with the fact that independents were not allowed to vote in every primary. The reason he came off as whinny has to do more with his history with the Democratic party than with his arguments against superdelegates per se: 1. Sanders has not been an active member of the Democratic party…whereas Clinton has been for her entire political career; 2. Of a piece with #1, Clinton has helped raise money for other Democrat candidates; 3. Clinton has been involved politics at both a national and international level; 4. In 2008, Obama’s lead was much more narrow than Clinton’s at this point of the primary process; 5. Clinton never complained that the process was unfair to her and that’s why Obama was in the lead; and 6. There is a perception, whether or not justified, that Sanders and his “Bernie Bros” are not a little sexist — perhaps they’ve been as forceful against specific Democratic male politicians as they have female, but if so, I cannot recall it. However, if I recall correctly, the current Democrat party rules regarding delegates and superdelegates were historically recently modified to give party elites less power in choosing the top of the ticket. I would research this but, alas, I’m a little overwhelmed with work and family at the moment. That is, their are or at least have been members of the party that have moved to correct the correction mentioned above. (I would note that, at least as I understand it, Carter was a bit of a hawk…that is, just as Bill Clinton went postal right on the poor, Carter was not a quintessential lefty by any stretch of the imagination.) Last, I should make explicit that although I am opposed to Clinton’s willingness to engage in hot hostilities, I very much trust her understanding of international politics more than Sanders’…that said, I’ll admit she had me at “equal pay for equal work.” As an African American woman, I know only too well that economics is both raced and gendered…and thus far, Sanders seems not “get it.” Speaking of class and nothing more misses the reality for many of us on the ground. I gotta commute! (…and as a result the above is not particularly well crafted — oh well.) All the best, » Posted By Assumed Name On June 8, 2016 @ 5:48 am Okay, I have to say it: I’m **totally** psyched to be able to vote for a viable female democratic presidential candidate!! (Sorry, but there it is. 🙂 Here’s hoping Sanders has the grace to “do a Clinton” a la 2008. » Posted By Assumed Name On June 7, 2016 @ 8:01 pm Greetings AdLib, I don’t fit “the profile” of either a Trump supporter or Sanders supporter, so I’ll play Devil’s Advocate in asking a (sincere) question: The whole issue of superdelegates notwithstanding, hasn’t Clinton more or less “won” the popular vote among primary voting Democrats per se? On the one hand, certainly I understand the appeal of Sanders for many, but on the other hand, it seems as if not merely the “Democratic party elites” favor Clinton, national polls regarding Clinton vs. Trump notwithstanding. Also, it’s not as if Sanders is new to politics: given the length of his political career why wait until this historical moment to complain about superdelegates? There’s a strong argument to be made that given what is at stake (namely a Trump presidency) it is now time to unite the Democratic party behind the presumptive nominee…and that is simply not Sanders. November is only four months away. Best, » Posted By Assumed Name On June 4, 2016 @ 1:19 pm BREAKING: Republicans Sued By Bizarro Superman For Plagiarism Ad Lib: An enthusiastic, “Yes!!” to all above. » Posted By Assumed Name On April 16, 2014 @ 11:30 am There was a nice discussion about this on The Diane Rhem (sp?) show. A real problem is the cultural distaste for speaking frankly about salaries–and even worse if you complain (gripe) about your salary (after all, of a piece with the Protestant work ethic is that the poor must be so as a result of inferior effort). What people often fail to consider is that employer reporting of salaries mapped onto both demographics and credentials doesn’t entail disclosing any one individual’s earnings (unless that individual is the CEO or some such). From the point of view of fundamental fairness, this really should be a no brainer. » Posted By Assumed Name On April 16, 2014 @ 2:53 am Under New Texas Law, Pregnant Women To Be Highly Regulated …it could happen! :b (And, yep, you had me poised to fact check. 🙂 » Posted By Assumed Name On April 16, 2014 @ 3:02 am Scenes From the Divided Highway These are lovely, Kilgore. (I’m passing along the URL to share with a poet writing friend.) » Posted By Assumed Name On January 19, 2014 @ 11:25 am Chris Christie’s Implausible Deniability Nice piece, AdLib. I’ve not read all the comments, so this may have already been mentioned, but apparently some of Christie’s fincial backers might pull back, and Republican governors are taking a “wait and see” approach to backing his presidential candidacy: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/16/us-usa-politics-christie-fundraising-idUSBREA0F1D220140116 –Assumed » Posted By Assumed Name On January 17, 2014 @ 2:49 pm Happy New Year! Make Your Predictions For 2014 and Resolutions For President Obama Happy New Year, Ad. » Posted By Assumed Name On January 1, 2014 @ 9:52 am Hear, Hear!! » Posted By Assumed Name On January 1, 2014 @ 9:03 am Hi, Ad Lib. I’ve nothing deep by way of predictions, but I do have one (well, two) general resolutions for our handsome, witty, and accomplished president: (1) Scoot over to the left. (You’re well beyond “center.”) (2) Stop compromising the teeth out of social welfare. (The Affordable Care Act can only take so many kicks to the shins.) Toodle! » Posted By Assumed Name On January 1, 2014 @ 8:37 am Republicans Reject Evolution in Favor of Devolution …oh: and Happy New Year, ConfusedD!! » Posted By Assumed Name On January 1, 2014 @ 9:53 am …I assumed any thinking person understood how close to literal that remark was! Still, they’re a numerical minority, and they know it. (Hence, the short-lived “bigger tent” rhetoric.) » Posted By Assumed Name On January 1, 2014 @ 9:50 am Interesting piece, Ad Lib. The Christian far right, however, is in the minority…they’re just obnoxiously loud and brazen: That said, they are gaining traction against women’s reproductive freedom…and I’m guessing that has to do with the minority/majority scare…but given the general archaic nature of far right theology, perhaps we’re witnessing the last bang before the whimper. » Posted By Assumed Name On January 1, 2014 @ 8:47 am The Weekend Music Thread–Happy Holidays A childhood favorite, Vince Guaraldi’s “Christman Time is Here”: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GPG3zSgm_Qo&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGPG3zSgm_Qo » Posted By Assumed Name On December 22, 2013 @ 1:05 pm Burning The Flag That Feeds You (…and apologies for the long reply. I’m attempting to disagree without being disagreeable. 🙂 ) » Posted By Assumed Name On December 20, 2013 @ 5:51 am Greetings, Vegas Babe. This was an interesting piece, and it brings up a multitude of issues, and the plot thickened as more details were drawn out in the discussion. You and I are sympatico, to be sure, insofar as I, too, am an American woman of sub-Saharan African descent, and I’m raising an adolescent son. However, it’s that last bit, raising a male of color here and now, that makes me very opposed to cavity searches on general principle. I understand that in some instances it is necessary, but it would be instructive to discover (& I have no idea!) what percentage of arresting police cavity searches yield contraband and of what sort (e.g., weapons, drugs, or what have you). As a woman, I also perceive cavity searches on a near par with sexual violation. On that note, although I agree with you that the outrage from abroad is hypocritical, it nonetheless, for me, has teeth: to my mind there was a violation of sorts even if legal. As for burning the American flag, I’m admittedly inconsistent: on the one hand, I sing The Star Spangled Banner and recite the Pledge of Allegiance with unabashed gusto–though hugely imperfect, many of the ideals in both the constitution and Declaration of Independence are worth striving to bring closer to reality; on the other hand, burning any flag (as far as I’m concerned) is a legitimate form of expressed protest. It’s often tacky, certainly, and sometimes it’s accompanied by not a little bit of “crazy,” but I don’t find it particularly offensive or deserving a strong response. (Although not what you meant to imply, of course, I am wary of people’s over-reactions–violence over expression seems an overkill (pun intended) and is too often the case when it comes to expression about nationality, religion or, in the case of flag burning, politics.) All the best, » Posted By Assumed Name On December 20, 2013 @ 5:40 am Welcome to The Planet – A Guide to Blogging at PlanetPOV Quick question: is there a widget or app for NW PRESS or Planet POV (or are we able to create them)? –Assumed Name » Posted By Assumed Name On December 28, 2013 @ 2:29 pm Well done–and v. helpful: thanks, Ad Lib. (I am “technologically challenged” right alongside Nirek. 🙂 ) » Posted By Assumed Name On December 20, 2013 @ 5:19 am Huffington Post Goes NSA on Its Members Heh! *smiles* » Posted By Assumed Name On January 1, 2014 @ 8:29 am Thanks for the welcome back, Nirek! The robotics program, The First Lego League, is very nice. This year’s theme was disaster relief. In addition to having their robots run through several simulated relief efforts, the teams do charity work and side projects. My son’s team, for example, made care packages for the homeless with food, hand warmers, etc. (We carry ours in the trunk…whenever we spot someone, my son is able to quickly grab a bag and offer it.) The team also made a roll up board game in English and Spanish that teaches children how to be safe during natural disasters–and based on their prototype they received a nice grant from a local college to produce and send it to California, Ecuador and (I think) Columbia. If you happen to know of happily bouncy adolescent geeks (one of my favorite groups of people!), here’s the web URL: http://www.firstlegoleague.org All the best, » Posted By Assumed Name On December 20, 2013 @ 5:04 am …no worries. 😀 » Posted By Assumed Name On December 20, 2013 @ 4:50 am Thanks, Kalima! » Posted By Assumed Name On December 19, 2013 @ 5:45 pm …you made me chuckle, KT, but in a good way. *smiles* (My little guy, the one into robotics, is 10–the young man with Down who was admitted into college looks to be about 17…the story is on HuffPo. The college is specifically for people who are challenged, which is so excellent.) Thanks reference Opus. I wish there were an equally consistently witty contemporary political comic, but I haven’t come across any. (Which isn’t saying much…I miss tons due to mommy myopia.) » Posted By Assumed Name On December 19, 2013 @ 5:43 pm I’ve not been on the internet to comment for ages– my son’s over zealous robotics coach overtook our lives until the team lost the state championship last weekend (I contained myself as I didn’t jump for joy or shout, “Whoo-Hoo!!)–but I finally skimmed through HuffPo this evening and signed in to comment how excellent it was that a young man with Down Syndrome was accepted into college when I was asked to do so via FB *and* verify my FB account with my telephone number. (I mean, how creepy is that??) Not only do you have to display your name, but your name will be associated with your entire comment history. Does Pentecostal Aunty Em or your Tea Party boss really need to know the extent of your left wing political leanings? Furthermore, how does this promote civility (the HuffPo comments are still dicey as ever as far as I could see) or sustain free expression? The only thing I see is information mining to no civil or free end. (Of course, at this late date I’m certainly repeating what others have already said, but my undies are in a twist and I needed to blow off steam.) Off to delete my HuffPo account…and perhaps read more frequently from legitimate news sources. *smile* Toodle! » Posted By Assumed Name On December 19, 2013 @ 5:21 pm …and no embarrassingly stupid language such as “side boob.” *gag* » Posted By Assumed Name On December 19, 2013 @ 5:03 pm Weekend Music Thread – Happiness For sillyness, my faves are lyrics by card maker Sandra Boynton: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp8hhBGNFZM&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DFp8hhBGNFZM » Posted By Assumed Name On October 23, 2013 @ 7:50 am Tea Party Republicans Fit The Mayo Clinic’s Description of Sociopaths Well-reoned. » Posted By Assumed Name On October 22, 2013 @ 11:45 amComments Posted By Assumed Name
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