Before you brush this topic off as irrelevant, you might want to consider how often it comes back into political discussions along with the lie that it was a war resolution rather than a peace resolution.
As a veteran of one war, I can see similarities in how we are conducting this war.  We're really doing nothing different that what we did in Vietnam.  We have developed and use the same formula in every major...
ISIS is having its way with Iraq and Syria. When they gain control of those countries, will they turn their attention on Turkey, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia? Why would they stop with Syria and Iraq?
Trump's rhetoric is the stuff of Nazi nationalism, demonizing all those who follow a specific religion, just substituting Muslims for Jews. In doing this, he is attempting to sew a swastika onto the American flag.
The gearing up for world war and the destruction of Islam served two purposes; of course it was a distraction, but it was a big step towards war. "Start here," means that Trump & Co are building a case for war with his base.

The China Man Cometh

So I'm out on my driveway washing my car last weekend, when my neighbor walks by. He is an old Chinese guy in his late 90s. I see him often, making his way to the corner and back, a...
"These ISIS guys, they won't be armed, right? I mean, we're seasoned Ferguson cops, we're used to dealing harshly with groups of unarmed enemies, we're great at that."
Many veterans are injured either physically or emotionally or by some illness brought on by (in my case) Agent Orange. We all carry memories that we wish we never had to.
Comparisons between Iraq and Vietnam, between Baghdad and Saigon, are ubiquitous...and largely on the mark.
With a wiser and less duplicitous administration, the U.S. could have left Afghanistan in 2002.